Sister of The Shield (Chapter 3)

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Seth had got hurt in a match, Dean and Roman helped him to the back to see Emily. Roman had went to to take a shower and Dean went to catering. Emily liked helping people, but she was extremely shy around Seth.

"So Emily... we don't really talk much. So that left me to wonder... are you just really shy, or do you just not like me?"

Emily put her supplies on a table and gave him a small smile.

"Oh... I can just be really shy sometimes."

"Well... you and Dean seem to get along. I don't bite you know."

Seth gave her a smile and she laughed a little and grabbed a wash clothe and something to stitch his forehead up with.

"I guess I don't see you as much as I do Dean."

Seth gave her a smile as she started to wipe the blood from his head.

"We should fix that."

Emily smiled at him a wiped the blood from his head. They had seen each other around, but had never really talked before. Seth held out his hand to her.

"Seth Rollins."

Emily smiled and shook his hand.

"Emily Thomas."

"So, you're Roman's sister, and you don't have the same last name?"

"I was adopted."

"Oh... so Roman isn't really your brother."

"No, but we're still probably closer than a lot of other siblings. Oh... this will probably hurt, I need to give you a few stitches for your cut."

"It's fine... go ahead."

Seth closed his eyes as Emily started putting the stitches in his head. Emily had grown quiet again, she wanted to focus on what she was doing, but she was also a bit upset. She would sometimes get upset when she would mention that she was adopted. Her early childhood came back to her. One of the earliest memories Emily had was at the orphanage, she could remember her mom leaving her there while her brother still left with her. Emily was scared when she realized that her mom left, and she didn't know what was going on. As she grew up she always wondered how her real family was doing, but at the same time it upset her. Why would her mom keep her brother and get rid of her? One of the reasons why she was so close to Roman was because he was really the first person that stood up for her, he was the first person that made her feel wanted. Then she thought back to the boyfriends that she had, and felt a little upset about that because it always seemed like no one wanted to be with her. What was she doing wrong? Why didn't anyone want to be with her? One of the things Emily liked was to feel wanted, or needed. This is why she took a job with WWE to help out the doctors. There were always people in need and she liked to help people. Emily had finished stitching up Seth's forehead and seemed to daze out. Seth opened his eyes and noticed that she wasn't all there, like maybe there was something bothering her. Was it because of something he said, or was it a personal matter that he needed to stay out of? He was a bit concerned, he didn't have to ask her what the exact issue was, because she may not want to talk about it, but he would ask her if anything was wrong.

"Hey... Emily, not that it's really any of my business, but is there something bothering you? You don't seem as happy as you were a few minutes ago."

This brought Emily out of her daze and she looked back at Seth. He could tell something was bothering her?

"Oh... it's that obvious that something is bothering me?"

"Well... you kind of stopped talking, and you just seem kind of down."

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