Sister of The Shield (Chapter 6)

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Emily couldn't believe what she just saw, Seth had just destroyed The Shield. She watched in horror as her boyfriend hit her brother and best friend in the back with a steel chair. No one saw this coming, he had warned her that something would happen that she wouldn't like, but she didn't expect this. He didn't even tell Roman or Dean what was supposed to happen. She watched as WWE officials helped Dean and Roman to the back. A few minutes later Dean and Roman are both in the same room as her. They had their vests off and she could already see the quickly forming bruises on both of them. Dean seemed to be in shock, but Roman was pissed.

"That Sell Out Son of a Bitch... He stabbed us in the back."

Emily wrapped up Roman's back.

"What the Hell was he thinking?"

"I don't know, but he's lucky that we're still sore from Payback the night before, because otherwise we would kick his ass. Right Dean? Dean!"

Dean seemed to be in a trance. He couldn't believe what just happened. He was in disbelief, but he was also pissed at Seth. They had been through everything together as The Shield, and now Seth threw all of that away and sold out, joining The Authority. He answered Roman.

"What? Oh... Yeah."

Roman looked at Dean.

"Are you ok over there?"

"Hell no I'm not ok!... my brother just stabbed me in the back. After all we've been through, he decides to sell out and stab us in the back... I can't believe it, but at the same time I'm pissed. The next time I see him I'm going to kick his ass!"

"So you didn't know what was going to happen Dean?"


Dean looks at Emily.

"Did you know what was going to happen?"

Emily's eyes got really big.

"What? No... you guys see him more than I do. Why would you think I would know something you don't?"

Roman looked at her and said what was on his mind.

"Because you're hiding something. There's something you're not telling us."

Emily had finished wrapping up Roman and went to Dean.

"Yeah so what if I am hiding something? You don't have to know everything."

"You knew this was going to happen!"

"What?! No I didn't!"

"Yes you did! Don't lie to me Emily. I've known you for about twenty four years now. I know when you're lying, or when you're hiding something."

Emily started feeling nervous because she thought he knew that she had been seeing Seth.

"You knew this was going to happen."

Emily finished wrapping up Dean and they were just sitting around now.

"Ok listen... Seth told me something would happen, but he wouldn't tell me what. Ok yes... I knew he was going to do something, but I didn't know he was going to do that. He didn't tell me what it was, but he did tell me that everyone would be upset when he did do it."

"Well he was right, but upset is an understatement. I think what Seth needs to be wondering is who is going to kick his ass first, Me, or Dean. He hit me first, but he hit Dean a lot more."

"Yeah... you guys still have the marks from last night at Payback, but tonight's attack, Dean had it worse. Roman I don't think Seth is your only problem. Randy Orton was there too."

"Oh believe me, I'll get my hands on Randy Orton."

"I'm really sorry about what happened... I knew something was going to happen, but I didn't know exactly what it was that was going to happen. I have you guys wrapped up now. Just take it easy, I know you guys are pissed and want to get back at Seth, but you guys should heal up a little first. I don't like seeing my brother and best friend get hurt."

"Yeah well... I'm sorry for snapping at you. I was pissed at Seth and took out my anger on you. Thanks for wrapping us up Emily. We're going to head out for the night. I love you sis, be careful."

"Love you too Roman, bye guys."

Emily watched as Dean and Roman painfully walked out of the room. She felt sorry for them and at the same time felt a sense of relief. Roman only seemed to think she was keeping the break up of The Shield a secret. He didn't ask her about anything else. As she watched Dean and Roman leave the room, she felt anger build up in her directed towards Seth. About a minute later Seth poked his head around the corner and noticed that Dean and Roman were gone.

"So... they're finally gone?"

Emily looked over at Seth and had a look of anger on her face.

"You're real lucky I don't call them back here!"

"What? Oh come on... Not you too."

"How can you do this? Why would you do this? Roman is my brother, Dean is my best friend. You stabbed them in the back!"

"Listen!... Emily."

Seth had to calm himself down before he continued.

"I knew you would be upset... I tried to tell you. I couldn't tell you exactly what was going to happen because if I do that, I could get in trouble with WWE. So that makes me the bad guy... all because I couldn't tell you what happened."

Emily seemed to calm down now. She seemed to understand, but she was still a little upset.

"Why did you do it?"

"There are two reasons... one of the reasons is because Daniel Bryan is out and WWE wanted to split The Shield up so we can focus on our solo careers. Now there will be excitement in WWE, Dean and Roman are going to want to get their hands on me, and that makes for a good feud. The other reason why I joined The Authority is because I was promised that I would at some point win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Please don't be mad at me"

"I'm not really mad... just surprised and kind of hurt. Roman is my brother, and Dean is my best friend, how can you expect me not to be upset?"

Seth then takes her into his arms and hugs her.

"I'm really sorry Emily. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Seth kisses her and her hurt and anger seemed to face away. She was really surprised with the next thing he said.

"I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose... You know I love you... right?"

Emily was surprised by this. Bray Wyatt was secretly watching them. He had always admired Emily and love seeing her smile, but talked to himself from behind a corner where no one heard him.

"No... he doesn't. Don't listen to him... Don't let him lie to you Emily. He... does not love you. I know guys like him... He's no good. He's just no good for you Emily. He'll never change... don't listen to his lies. He doesn't love you... Not like I do."

(To be continued.)

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