Sister of The Shield (Chapter 4)

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Emily was really excited, Seth Rollins had kind of asked her out. They exchanged numbers and would call or text each other so they could find out when they would have their first date. Emily was in her hotel room when her phone started ringing. She looked it at and smiled when she saw that it was Seth, she answered it and tried not to sound too excited.


"Hey... is this Emily?"


"Ok, just making sure... I wanted to ask you something."


"So... you are Roman's sister... how is he when it comes to you dating people?"

"He's... very protective of me. I love that he's protective of me, but he needs to keep his nose out of my dating life. If he doesn't know already... I don't really want him knowing what's going on just yet. He won't leave me alone if he finds out that I'm dating someone."

"It's fine... I haven't told him, and I won't tell him unless you want me to. I wanted to call you and ask you when a good time to have our first date would be."

"Are you free this weekend Seth?"

"No... The Shield has house shows to go to."

"Hmm... Monday is Raw... Tuesday is the Smackdown taping."

"Wednesday or Thursday could work, if you're not busy."

"I'm not..."

"Ok... I've been traveling the road a while now... There is this really nice restaurant in St. Louis we could go to. How about we meet there Thursday at eight?"

"That sounds great Seth. I can't wait to see you."

Emily could almost hear his ego on the other end of the phone.

"A little eager aren't we?"

Emily laughed and blushed.

"Maybe a little."

"So Thursday at eight?"

"Yes. I'll see you then."

"Ok. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok. Bye."


Finally it was Thursday, Emily was really excited for her date with Seth. He had told her that it was a nice restaurant so she would want to look nice. She didn't wear dresses much, and she didn't want to be over dressed. She just wanted to look cute. She decided to go with a cute yellow dress with a white belt and polka dots on it, she curled her hair a little and put on flat white shoes. She arrived at the restaurant a few minutes late, she went in and told one of the waiters that she was on the reservation list. The waiter led her back to the table and Seth was already waiting for her. She thought he looked really handsome. He had on a black button up shirt, a gray blazer and gray dress pants, his hair was pulled back into a man bun, he had glasses on. Seth cleaned up good, he smiled at her when he finally saw her and took in what she was wearing.

"Hey... good to see you Emily."

"Seth I'm so sorry I'm late... it took me a little longer than I thought to get ready, and I had a hard time finding the place."

"It's fine... don't worry about it. We're not in a hurry. Sit and relax a little."

The table they sat at was a booth, she sat down directly across from him. She noticed the way he and everyone else was dressed and felt under dressed.

"Oh wow... you said it was a nice restaurant so I tried to dress up a little, but I still feel under dressed."

"Well part of that may be my fault... I wanted to dress to impress. I think you look beautiful Emily."

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