Sister of The Shield (Chapter 32)

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Emily rode with Dean to a hotel, she got a hotel room of her own and closed the door. She was upset, but had promised Bray that she would never try to take her life again. Even though she was upset with Bray, she would keep that promise. Emily checked her phone and was surprised when she didn't find a single call or text from Bray. She felt like he had used her, he had used her pain and anger when she destroyed Seth's car. Emily didn't regret what she did, because that was when Seth started showing his true colors. She was just surprised and hurt that it was Bray that set out all of the items that she used. To her it seemed like Bray didn't really care about her and that he was just trying to make up for all of the trouble that he caused. Emily didn't want to believe it, she thought back to the day they spent together before Smackdown. They spent the day together in New Orleans at a carnival, at the end of the day before they left, Emily was the one to kiss him. She had so much fun with him that day and really felt connected with him. Was this what Bray wanted? Why wouldn't he tell her that he was the one that set out the items? At times Emily was really happy with Bray, especially at the carnival, she wondered if the time they spent together meant anything to him or if he was just saying what she wanted to hear and doing things to make up for what happened. She had hoped that maybe she found someone that cared about her, but since Bray didn't call her or text her, this only added to her doubt. A few days later at Raw, Emily expected to see Bray in the medical room waiting for her, but was disappointed when he didn't show up. Bray didn't seem like a threat, he had never threatened her life so she wasn't worried about Bray as much as she had been with Seth. They worked together, but now with things being the way they were, maybe they would only see each other, but Emily felt like they probably wouldn't be talking much anymore. Emily sighed as she waited to see if anyone would come in. The only person that came in was Neville, Kevin Owens had targeted his knee so Emily wrapped up his knee. Emily didn't seem very happy and Neville thought that he would talk to her.

"Hey Emily."

"Hey Neville."

"You seem down Emily."

"Yeah just a little."

"So... there are some rumors going around. From what I heard, things took a turn for the worst between you and Seth. said that he was arrested, but no one has said exactly what he was arrested for. I'm going to assume that it had something to do with you. There was another rumor going around. Something about you going out with Bray? What's that about?"

"I was going out with Bray... it just didn't work out. I found out that he was the one that left all of the tools laying around from when I destroyed Seth's car. He set out the trap and I was foolish enough to fall for it. Then when things didn't work out with Seth, Bray was there. I thought it was because he actually cared about me, but he was just picking up the pieces and trying to fix all of the trouble that he caused. He told me about it a few days ago, why would he keep that from me? I feel like he just used me, but it sucks because... I actually have feelings for him, I thought he cared about me."

"Oh... I'm sorry Emily. Have you seen or talked to him since then?"

"No... I was just so upset with him, I didn't care what he had to say."

"Well... even though our characters act one way, we are completely different outside of the ring. I think you should look for him and listen to what he has to say."

"I don't know... I don't know if I want to see him. I still need time to think. Thanks for talking with me though Neville. You're all wrapped up."

"Thanks Emily. If you do decide to talk to Bray, good luck."

"Thanks, take it easy Neville."

Neville left and Emily left the medical room to take a bathroom break. Bray didn't want to risk being seen, he didn't want to upset Emily so he sent Luke Harper to see her. Bray and Luke talked a lot, Bray had told Luke about what happened with Emily. Luke didn't even have to go in to see Emily because he heard everything that she said and then went to talk to Bray.

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