Sister of The Shield (Chapter 8)

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Even though Seth had told Emily that he wasn't mad at her, a part of her didn't believe him. It was obvious that Seth wanted to take their relationship to the next level, but Emily wasn't exactly comfortable with the level he wanted to take it to. It was time for Raw now and at times Emily felt like someone was watching her. She left the room she usually stayed in and went to catering for something to eat. Everytime she turned around, she felt like she had eyes on her, but there was nobody there. Suddenly she heard a voice and she jumped and her heart rate picked up.

"Excuse me."

"Oh my... How long have you been standing there? You almost gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Is it the lantern or the beard? Sometimes I scare people even without being in character... I'm sorry, I don't think we've properly met. My name is Bray Wyatt."

"Yeah, I know who you are. I've seen you on TV. My name is Emily... Emily Thomas. I help out the WWE doctors."

"So nice to finally meet you. I've seen you around, but I never wanted to bother you. I've seen you around with The Shield... or former members of The Shield I should say."

"Yeah... I'm Roman's adopted sister. Dean is my best friend."

"What about you and Rollins?"

"Seth?... He's my boyfriend. We started going out about two weeks ago."

"I see... That's an interesting situation... How did Roman take it once he found out? I'm sure with The Shield broken up now, it must be an interesting situation with Seth being your boyfriend now that Seth is no longer in The Shield."

"Well... I haven't exactly told Roman... you see, he's always been very overprotective of me when it comes to my dating life. Roman and I have always been close, but the one thing I don't want is Roman sticking his nose in my dating life. Um... You and Roman don't talk do you?"

"Not really. Our paths don't really cross that much."

"Word travels fast backstage... who all knows about me and Seth?"

"Well that depends... who all have you told?"

"Well, Dean knows, Neville knows, and now you know. I'm hoping that none of the divas know because if they do Roman would find out before the night is over. You can't really trust any of them with secrets."

"Your secret is safe with me... It was nice talking to you Emily, and nice meeting you."

Bray stuck out his hand for her to shake. Emily smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Nice meeting you too Bray. Excuse me, I need to get back to the medical room, someone may need me soon."

Emily went back to the medical room and thought to herself.

"Bray Wyatt is so much different from his character. On screen, he's supposed to be seen as a monster, as someone to fear. He's so nice. I think he would be a good guy to be friends with. He seems like the type of guy that would listen to your problems and offer advice."

Emily was in the medical room watching Raw. On screen Roman wanted to get his hands on Seth for stabbing him in the back and for turning on The Shield, but Roman had another reason for wanting to get his hands on Seth. He wanted to get his hands on Seth and teach him a lesson, he wanted Seth to stay away from his sister. Once the bell rang, Roman charged at Seth. Seth quickly got out of the ring and ran around the ring to get away from Roman, Roman chased after Seth. Once Seth got back in the ring he watched Roman get in the ring and started his attack. He kicked at Roman to try to keep him down. It was definitely an interesting match for Emily to watch, seeing her brother and boyfriend fight, she hoped that neither of them got hurt. Right before Raw went to a commercial, Seth went to do a high flying move to knock Roman off his feet, but Roman side stepped Seth and gave him a hard Superman Punch. Seth then on instinct rolled out of the ring and fell to the floor before Roman could pin him. Once Raw came back from commercial, there was a replay of what happened during commercial. Seth saw that Roman was coming for him outside of the ring and pushed Roman into the steel steps. Roman hit them shoulder first and Seth took advantage. In the ring, Seth was working on Roman's shoulder. At one point of the match Roman broke Seth's hold, but that was when Seth kicked Roman hard on the side of his head. Roman was down on the ground dazed for a moment. Seth went to the top rope to try to put Roman away. Seth didn't notice Roman slowly getting up. Right when Seth jumped from the top rope, Roman saw what was coming and gave Seth a Spear in mid air, nearly breaking Seth in half. Seth didn't move after this and Roman got the three count. Once Roman's music hit and the ref held his hand in the air, Roman looked down at Seth and yelled something at him that both Seth and Emily could understand.

"Stay... The Hell away from my Sister!"

Roman then stormed out of the ring and up the ramp. A few minutes later, Roman was backstage looking for Emily. The medical room was empty and Roman came in.

"Emily, we need to talk. Now!"

"What's going on?"

"I think you know exactly what's going on! You knew that The Shield was going to break up, and you've secretly been seeing Seth behind my back! Hell no! Not him!"

"What? How did you...?"

"It's not that hard to find out when I see him kissing all over you."

"Well... I knew you wouldn't let me see him if you knew I liked him, and you're always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

"I knew Seth was a no good sneak, but I didn't think my sister would sneak around behind my back. I thought we were better than that. We're family."

Roman would always throw around the word family, and honestly it bothered Emily.

"We are not family! I have a real family out there somewhere... They gave me up, but no matter how much you and your family tried to welcome me, I've never fit in and I never will. You need to stop trying to tell me what's best for me. I'm a grown woman, I can date whoever I want, you can't control me and tell me who I can or can't date. If I want to date Seth, then I'll date Seth and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Emily was so mad at Roman that she pushed her way past him and stormed out of the room. Roman knew then that he had overreacted and he knew that it would be best to let her go and cool off. Emily would sometimes go to the locker room after Seth had a match. She wanted to see Seth and talk to him, and also apologize for what he had to go through with Roman during their match. Right before she got to the locker room she heard a few voices. She didn't think much about it and went right in, she then immediately wished that she hadn't. She could hear and now could see Seth and another woman together. The woman had been screaming out Seth's name, but they suddenly stopped once Seth turned his head and saw Emily there.


Seth reached for a towel and did his best to cover himself. The woman was also embarrassed and tried to cover herself as well.

"What the Hell Seth, who is she? I thought you locked the door."

It only took Emily a second to realize what was going on. She didn't say a word, she only had hate and anger inside of her eyes as she glared at Seth. Tears streamed down her face as she left the locker room. She didn't go back to the medical room. A few superstars and divas saw that she was upset and were concerned, but she ran past everyone and went to a dark isolated location. She was heartbroken and wanted to be left alone. She had sadness, but mostly anger and hate inside of her directed at Seth. There was no way she was going to Roman. Then Roman would probably rub it in her face and say that he was right about Seth. She didn't want to go to Roman, she didn't need him fighting all of her battles for him. She was in a dark isolated location and she saw a few random things on the ground near her. There was a pocket knife, a baseball bat, a box of matches, and a jug of gasoline. She didn't know why all of these objects were here with her, but she wanted to get back at Seth. She wanted revenge on him for what he did to her. She was hurting, but also felt anger and hatred towards Seth and had an idea, she wiped away her tears, took these objects in her arms and made her way towards the parking lot. What she didn't know was that Bray had placed these items here for her. It was like he knew Seth was going to cheat on her and he knew that Emily would want revenge. A smile made it's way to Bray's face as he watched her take his "gifts" to her with her. As he watched her walk away he thought to himself.

"You brought this upon yourself Seth Rollins. This reminds me of a few lines from William Congreve, in The Mourning Bride, 1697: As you'll answer it, take heed This Slave commit no Violence upon Himself. I've been deceiv'd. The Publick Safety Requires he should be more confin'd; and none, No not the Princes self, permitted to Confer with him. I'll quit you to the King. Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent The base Injustice thou hast done my Love: Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress, And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd; Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."

(To be continued.)

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