The China Set

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Asalamu Alaykom 😊
I have come across a beautiful caption on instagram and i thought of sharing it with you guys;

Title : The China Set

As she placed the cotton white table cloth she dusted it and patted it until there were no creases. Something arousing was to be displayed. The ladder lead onto the bookcase. Very tall almost as if the steps lead to nowhere. She lifted herself up onto her tip toes and slowly placed her fingers on the big box right beneath the vintage oak shelf.

She held the box so close to her heart as if she held her child amongst her breasts, so close that you would feel the rhythm to her heart.

Walking gracefully towards the table she unravelled the most beautiful box man had ever seen. A big black silk wrapping with velvet lining. She unraveled more and more taking her into deeper shades of black then suddenly unravelling into the most beautiful extravagant tea set. Dusty pink with soft green petals and gold rims on each tea cup. Perfect was this treasure. She was full of beauty.

Amelia said it was the most finest China to be found. But something was quite strange.
The maid asked "but why did you wrap such beauty in the most deepest of colours why not pink? Why not cream? Why not red!? Why is it always black?"

Amelia replied. "You did not know what was in my box because I protected it. Beauty shall remain covered for the eyes of those who set upon her will be out of the most evil, envying and lustful of creatures. I would protect my daughters from all evil thus why I protect my greatest treasures from all evil too. Beauty is modesty. And modesty is simple. Simple is black. And no other colour will protect you the way black does, for it is effortless and effective. It scares people, it intrigues people and it creates wonders. It's a very mysterious colour. Nothing can be seen. Clothe yourself and you will find all the answers to your question my darling."

Written by sisterinblack- from instagram

Jazakom Allah khairan, if someone have beautiful articles or words he would like to share please do not hesitate 😉

Salam, till next time in shaa Allah

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