It All Lead To One

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It's all related . Everything !

But to what? you will ask yourself

I won't make you think to much about it so I will tell you and enlighten you about this VERY IMPORTANT THING !

People think that deen (religion) is a case and taking care of the wordly stuff; from work to studies to family to love life to a gizzillion other thing (which is not deen) is another whole case .


(Yea and if you listen closely you can hear my heart screaming about this subject because it really hurt when you see the closest of people acting like this!)

Anywho ...  .. I just wanted to say and explain how everything is related to Allah.

First of all Allah is our creator. So in the least things we should feel relaxed and safe when we mention him and keep doing what he asked us to do and which he know is the best for us.

I am not here to tell you what we should do, but I am here to remind you that when you relay on people you won't be happy. But when you relay on Allah everything will turn into bright lights and rainbows believe me. I have experienced such and it is just amazing ... but the only problem we have is that when you try to tell people they will be like "I don't believe you" , "you are depriving yourself from this and that" , "dont give me lectures" , "don't mix deen with this and that" , "I am not in the mood to talk about this" WELL SMART HEAD WHEN U ARE IN A BAD MOOD THAT'S WHEN YOU NEED TO TALK ABOUT THAT! (IN EVERY STATE YOU FACE YOU SHOULD TALK ABOUT THAT ! THIS IS NOT YOUR LIFE ! YOUR LIFE DIDN'T START YET ! YOU DIDN'T GET TO THE BEGINNING OF IT YET !! THIS LIFE WILL BE GONE !OUR LIFE BEGINS IN THE HEREAFTER!!!)

I literally have a lot in mind to tell ... and I am trying to organise the ideas but it's just too much when you just turn away from Allah to take care of your wordly cares. HAPPINESS AND BLESSINGS IN YOUR LIFE WILL NOT COME IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ALLAH FIRST. IF YOU DON'T PUT HIM FIRST !

BUT I didn't say you won't face some hard times ... everyone will face a different thing we are humans after all, we all have feelings, but we can control them... and in the end it's life, that's why we are born to do , face the wordly things, choosing the good ways with the instructions that Allah have given us to follow . And then InshaaAllah we will get the real happiness of all time !

What I am trying to say is don't wast your time crying on someone who left you and broke you, don't wast your time in a depression mode just because of this or that, don't even care about who treat you bad , BEACUSE IN THE END IT'S NOT PERMAMANENT EVERYTHING WILL GO !

Plus why are you crying on who doesn't care about you? If he really care he wouldn't even make you feel this way! and this who treated you bad ; who told you he is happy with his life ? The way he looks ? Well you don't know what's in his heart ! And by the way Allah don't let the unjust doers get away with what they did. And it is just a matter of time !


First of all ; in surat Al Sharh Allah says :
For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.

Plus : there is a lot of swar that mention the sabar (being patient) one of them is in surat Al Anfal
Indeed, Allah is with the patient.

So what ? Isn't this enough for you? Isn't this enough that Allah is with you ? he mentioned it in his holly book ; he is with the patients . Don't you want him with you ?

And do you know this one : in surat Al Bakarah
And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.

He is always here ! Just relay to him. Call upon him. Make duaa and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO PRAY!! PRAY AT THE TIME OF PRAYERS don't go around playing and then before the prayers of ishaa (for example) by one minute pray the magrib!


You just can't see the link. So I will explain a little bit more :

×××Be always with Allah and he will always be with you and if something bad happened that's because when Allah loves someone he tests them.

×××And when you are sometimes close and sometimes far then u won't be happy all the time and that is because Allah want you to run back to him.

×××And when you are not near you won't be happy in any way. No matter what way you try to be happy you wont find it ! And that to make you see that with Allah it happen.

You should link everything to your deen EVERYTHING!

There is a saying by Hassan al Basri about duniya (life):
You chace this duniya and it's pleasure when the duniya was a punishment for Adam (AS).

Don't care about the life it's not gonna last ! This is all a test and you should prove that you can do it !

And don't forget that what ever faces you isn't a big of a deel because in surat AlBakarah :

Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."

Look at the first part (before our lord...) he knows that you can contains so that's why he give it to you to to someone else for example.

And the second part is like a duaa. and it's really lovely if you read this Ayah and the one before it (ayah 285-286) before you sleep.

I am still not sure if I got all the information I wanted to talk about. I hope it's all insert. And I ask Allah to grant us all the great Jannah and guide us always to the right path.
If you think there is something you must add then go a head I will be happy to read it and to give more info.

Thank you for your time.  Jazakom Allah khairan InshaaAllah.
Asalamu alaykom wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh ♡


Be with Allah = evrything will be great

Get away from Allah = be responsible of what will happen !!!

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