Just soon ...

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Soon it will be the message of our Mayyit(death) :
Written by Naadira Chhipa

As I read today about the mayyit of our beloved sister in Islam and her baby boy in a tragic car accident I cannot help but think when will it be my name being broadcasted or how will death find me or perhaps and most importantly when will death find me.

Just this morning they were healthy, happy and together. Just this morning she awoke with her family, had breakfast together, just this morning she spoke to her beloved husband, hugged, kissed and played with her kids as they happily set out on their journey, not knowing it would be her last journey in this world.

How often do we take these little moments  for granted? How often do we think that this may just be the last time I see my husband, kids and parents? How often do we wake up thinking we will be soon laying in our qabr?

Death does not look at your age before extracting your soul. Death does not look at your little kids faces before extracting their soul or your soul. Death does not look at your plans, dreams and hopes for tomorrow before extracting your soul today. Our death does not forget us no matter how much we may forget death.

The time will come when your soul will be extracted from your body and that time may just be sooner than later. Let Us reflect on this temporary life and try to prepare our soul for our departure from this world will soon arrive unannounced.
Let us try to remove the stress, worry, anger, disappointments, hurt, animosity, regret and pain of this world from our hearts, mind and soul. Be mindful, be present and remember Allah with every breath that you take for it may just be your last.

Embrace your spouse a little longer and tell him how much you appreciate and love him. Laugh, play and cuddle your children a little longer. Call your parents and visit them so you may be in their presence a little longer. Read your Salaah on time and make your duas a little longer for your death will not wait a little longer  for you to even see the next sunrise or sunset.

May Allah grant our sister Faatimah the highest stage in Jannah and beautify her qabr with the noor and fragrance of Jannah. May Allah reunite her with her children in happiness and comfort in the gardens of Jannah. May Allah grant her husband and little daughter complete shifa and also comfort them with his infinite mercy and love. Ameen.

May we all meet our creator when he is pleased with us.


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