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One of our brothers statements pleased me.
He said:

"Viewing video clips excessively on Whats App has made many people accustomed to falling into haram acts, regarding which they will be questioned on the Day of Judgement.

Men are viewing women in their full beauty by arguing that its only a "humorous" or "amazing" video.

Likewise, women are watching other women and at times men, in their nudity.

All of the above is done with the excuse of watching an amazing clip, a humorous clip, or other such flashy names.

As for music, it is endless. For indeed, some love it and have made it a habit. Rather, some deem it to be permissible, with the argument that it is part of the scene/ video clip.

We seek Allahs refuge from remaining on sin, making the forbidden permissible and becoming accustomed to it.

Almighty Allah says:

"Certainly, the ears, eyes, and the heart, will all be asked about."

What saddens a person of honour is that such vices are committed in society but there is no one to admonish it.

So let us stop for a moment and advise one another. Let us not be lenient in matters of deen. Let us not look at the insignificance of the sin. Rather, we should look at the one who we are sinning in front of by viewing such clips or remaining silent when evils are perpetrated!

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