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noun: wudu

ritual washing to be performed in preparation for prayer and worship.


Arabic wuḍū' 'purity, cleanliness', from waḍu'a 'be pure or clean'.

So as u can see, and as you know we do wudu 5 times each day... (That's a maximum and it is better to do it on each prayers)

Wudu is a like a refresh. It make u feel a bit clean and relaxed before u perform your prayers.

So how do we do the wudu ?

Here's a couple of steps to make your wudu right in shaa allah : (have to do each step 3 times pair wudu and in the following order.) And always starting with the right member. Use your hand to let the water pass by on each part correctly. And don't let any part dry without washing it.

#1. The niyah; saying the intention of what u are doing. Bismiallah I intend to do my wudu' (is made once pair wudu)

#2. Washing your hands till your wrists 3 times.

#3. Washing/rinsing your mouth. As in puting water in it, shaking it then throw it out of ur mouth. 3 times.

#4. Washing/rinsing your nose. As in trying to exhale the water with ur nose (without killing yourself) and throwing it back out. 3 times.

#5. Washing your whole face . 3 times.

#6. Washing your arms until your elbows. 3 times.

#7. Wiping your head with the water. Your head as your hair. But not just any part or your hair. The part where ur roots are. The part between your forehead and your hair. 3 times.

#8. Washing/wiping your ears. In and out. And very carefully. Try to get the water in all of your ear. 3 times.

#9. Washing your feet. Let the water pass between your toes. And the washing must be from your toes to your ankle bone. 3 times.

And with that your wudu will be completed.

>>>But as we all know the wudu can be broken if :

- you passed to the toilets to do ... (both)

-if some gaz got out of you.

-if you touched or your clothes got some impurity over them. Such as urine or vomit or blood.

-if there were a contact between a boy and a girl.

-deep sleep.

So that's for the wudu. And if you want more information on how to do the wudu in pictures. The picture is above(have more details than I wrote) and you can as well watch the video(more info there. And some parts are done once!)

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