Ramadan #2

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Asalamu Alaykom,

Last year, a chapter about ramadan was posted, but i guess a human can learn so much through the days (which is a must!) so i am going in shaa Allah to share with you guys some important points that will in help you through.

As you all know it's almost Ramadan again, it's almost the time of the year where we all, subhanaAllah, memorise the exact hour of the maghrib's prayers. -subhanaAllah-
It's the time of the year, where all tv channels congratulate us and help us through this month by showing new tv series and such.
It's the time if the year, where food is a priority...

Can you just STOP right there? Yea like just stop, no no don't move! JUST STOP!

Are you even being serious?

Did anyone of you though carefully and deeply about the meaning of this blessed month?

First this ibadah is for God, this month is a vacation for us, to dive back to Allah and only Allah.
Yea just Allah, you and Allah.

Some of you is astonished right? Because when was the last time you actually sat alone to just talk with our Lord?

This month should be our way back, it should be the hand that pulls us back up from the dirty world. Not just for 30 days NO! But for all our life in shaa Allah.

Place those ideas in your head, and work it out, Allah will help you. When you want something good to Allah, He will help you through it. Just put your trust in Him and everything will fall into place.

Now tell me, when was the last time you opened the quran? How many time was it left on the shelf untouched?

Why guys? Why?

This holy book was sent down for you and me as a guidance, as a friend, as a protector. Why are we leaving it aside?

Don't let the satan win you over! Come on work that booty out! (Sorry)

That's  a little schedule for doing a khitmah(reading the whole quran) , I couldn't find a picture in english, so let's translate it

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That's  a little schedule for doing a khitmah(reading the whole quran) , I couldn't find a picture in english, so let's translate it.

*How to do khitmah in Ramadan?* (title)

First column (from the right)  is posting the number of khitmat (how many time can you read the whole quran)

Second column (in the middle) : how many pages you have to read

And the last column ( on the left) is suggesting how many pages you can read after each salah so you relax yourself. (If something is not understood please ask i will in shaa Allah help)

And i want you guys to do a little thing, try as much as you can to think of each word that you read, try to understand the meaning, question yourself; who is this message directed to? Why? What should i do? Think.

Now, moving to something else, something more IMPORTANT  which is placed in the pic below;

Translation: Jaber bin Abedu Allah (ra) said: if you fasted then let your ears, eyes, and tongue fast from lying and all the sins, don't harm your neighbor,  and let the peace, dignity, and quiteness take over you while you fast, and don't make yo...

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Translation: Jaber bin Abedu Allah (ra) said: if you fasted then let your ears, eyes, and tongue fast from lying and all the sins, don't harm your neighbor,  and let the peace, dignity, and quiteness take over you while you fast, and don't make your fasting day the day of when you break your fast.

SubhanaAllah, fasting isn't just about the food, it's about anything.EVERYTHING!
Leave the backbiting, leave the lying, leave looking at the haram stuff, this is not how you fast!
Fasting is fasting from all this!

Like just think of it, you do all that stuff (which are haram) and you call yourself a fasting muslim? How does that even work?

Or oh oh wait those series, like WHAT IS THIS?? Why ????

Instead of trying to draw closer to Allah in this blessed month you go and treat it like any other day ?! WHY ??
Who told you that you're going to live until the next Ramadan? Or even for tomorrow!

This month should bring you back, should  pull you up, and help you through, so don't waste it and say Alhamdulilah that you are living this because other people lost the chance before another Ramadan chance.

So say Alhamdulilah and do the best for your akhira (end)

Please watch the video above it's only a couple of minutes. And in shaa Allah it will be beneficial ;)

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صعد درجات منبره فقال: آمين ثم صعد الثانية فقال آمين، ثم صعد الثالثة فقال: آمين، فقال أصحابه الكرام بعد الخطبة يا رسول الله على ما أمنت ؟ قال عليه الصلاة والسلام جاءني جبريل فقال لي: رغم أنف عبد أدرك والديه فلم يدخلاه الجنة فقلت: أمين، فلما ارتقى الدرجة الثانية فقال: رغم أنف عبد ذكرت عنده فلم يصلي عليك فقلت: آمين، ثم صعد الدرجة الثالثة فجاءه جبريل فقال: رغم أنف عبد أدرك رمضان فلم يغفر له،إن لم يغفر له فمتى.

Translation : was narrated that Abū Hurayrah (may Allāh be pleased with him) said:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) ascended the minbar and said: "Āmīn, āmīn, āmīn." It was said: "O Messenger of Allāh, you ascended the minbar and said, 'Āmīn, āmīn, āmīn'." He said: "Jibrīl (peace be upon him) came to me and said: "If Ramadān comes and a person is not forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allāh will cast him far away. Say Āmīn." So I said Āmīn. He said: "O Muhammad, if both or one of a person's parents are alive and he does not honour them and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allāh will cast him far away. Say Āmīn." So I said Āmīn. He said: "If you are mentioned in a person's presence and he does not send blessings upon you and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allāh will cast him far away. Say Āmīn." So I said Āmīn."
People! Another advice; pray taraweeh! Yea pray it, believe me those rekaat (if you prayed them with a pure heart) you would feel like flying, you would wish to have more than 20 !!

*taraweeh is maximum 20 rekaa, minimum 8. You compose them to two.*

For example you wanted to pray 8 rekaat, so you go by; 2 2 2 2
You wanted to pray 12, you go by ; 2 2 2 2 2 2

And so, you go by 2 to achieve your number!

So yea believe me try it and in shaa Allah you would feel amazing this ramadan!

And oh don't forget the kiyam al layl (prayers of the night before fajer) at least pray two rekaat wallahi you would be happy ! Pray them with complete sincerity and in shaa Allah you would feel like you are on cloud 9 !

In shaa Allah those words helped you!
And i pray that Allah will forgive us All during this holy month! And bless us! Don't waste it ❤️

Salam and early ramadan mubarak 🌟

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