November 1, 2029

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The year was 2029 and it was four years after Noah had died. Scott and Alex's relationship was as strong as ever. Toby and Jess continued to grow up. Jessica moved on to high school and Toby started middle school.

It was November and the kids, to Scott and Alex anyway, had started to settle in. But they didn't see the underlying problems. Not that either Toby or Jessica showed it. In fact Jessica rather enjoyed what had started to happen.

When Jessica moved to high school she was immediately thrown in the deep end. She didn't seem to know anyone and she felt like a complete and utter outsider. Until on the last day of the first week she bumped into Connor, Kevin's oldest son. She hadn't talked to him in a while but they immediately formed a bond.

He in turn introduced her to the rest of his friends. A huge group of kids, mostly a couple of years older, who wouldn't be the safest. They drank, they smoked, they partied every day. Jessica was dragged along behind them.

She enjoyed it, although she knew neither one of her parents would like it. She knew they would be mad but she kept her grades up and she text before she was going out. Alex and Scott would be none the wiser.

Plus Jessica wanted to keep it a secret. To be completely honest she really liked Connor. Like really really liked him!

"Come on, Jess!" Connor called as she dragged behind, fiddling with her phone in her pocket. She quickly sent the text to her dad and ran to catch up. They were in the middle of throwing rolls of toilet paper at some old woman's house. Although Jess had told Alex that she was studying at Connors house.

"Connor, I don't think we should be doing this." Jessica said quietly as not to attract the attention of the rest of the group who she didn't want them to think she was weak or boring.

"Jess, it's only a bit of a laugh. You really don't have to come with us if you don't want to!" Connor smiled. Jess looked at him, contemplating what to do. She shook her head and smiled following after the group who had already gone ahead to the next house.

This time it was eggs. They cracked and splattered as they smashed against the wall. Jessica remembered back to when she and the boys were younger and playing in the garden and Noah had got mad at something one of them had said. He ran inside and grabbed the eggs from the fridge and threw them at her. She remembered how long it took for that egg to get out of her hair!

But she ignored those thoughts and joined in. Getting an adrenaline rush as they ran from one house to the next causing havoc!

They soon made their way to a stream that ran along by the houses and sat down. Lighting up cigarettes and letting the smoke invade their lungs and oesophagus. The sensation still made Jessica feel sick but she didn't care. She was fitting in!

They then headed home. The group slowly dissipating out into smaller groups. "I can walk you home if you like." Connor offered as they reached the edge of Jessica's street.

"Sure." Jess answered as they broke away from what was left of the group. It was dark and getting cold.

"You're shivering." Connor pointed out, placing his hoodie over Jessica's shoulders. She smiled sweetly and they continued to walk. "Here take a mint."

Jessica shoved one in her mouth and let it replace the taste of smoke and tobacco, hopefully the perfume that she had sprayed on herself earlier would cover up the smell of that too.

They reached the door after a short period of time, filled with small talk and comfortable silences. "Thanks for walking me home." Jess smiled, her hand on the door handle.

Connor smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "It was my pleasure, princess!" Jess giggled opening the door as she said her goodbyes and walking into the hallway to be immediately greeted by both of her dads, wide smiles covering their faces.

"So.... He walked you home." Scott said, smirking a little.

"Yeah?" Jessica said a questioning look evident on her features.

"How was studying then?" Alex asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"It was good..." Jess said, laughing a little. Her parents obviously hadn't noticed her lie and she celebrated the little victory in her head.

"And?" Scott asked, urging her on!

"You two are such children, you know that right? I'm gonna go shower." Jess said, laughing.

"Okay, dinner will be ready in five minutes." Alex laughed, following Scott into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Toby stumbled down the stairs. His hands stung and his knees hurt. The grazes on them had just glazed over with scabbing! He had told his dad's that he had fallen on the way home from school but the truth was he had been pushed, trampled on and kicked.

It was nothing new! He had gotten used to it by now, even if it was only two months into his middle school experience. He didn't tell his dad's or anyone for that matter that he was being picked on. They told him not to.

Alex and Scott had noticed how their son had become a bit of an introvert. He kept quiet and stayed at home a lot. He rarely argued with anyone. They thought it was just down to the fact that he had just moved schools and was getting used to the change.

But the truth was he was used to it. He was used to going in every day and sitting in a corner by himself, only waiting for the bullies to come over and take his lunch or punch him in the gut or call him some rotten name.

He was used to sitting in his bed at night not being able to sleep, because he seemingly was the only person who still hadn't gotten over Noah.

He knew how it felt to be constantly at a lack of energy and not wanting to do anything.

And he certainly knew how it felt to be sad. Because that's all he seemed to feel now a days! And it wasn't even his home life. His parents were just as loving as ever. His sister hadn't changed, they still did things together even though she was growing up. It wasn't even school that got him down.

The truth was Toby was lonely. He seemingly had no one to turn to. He had no one to tell secrets to and no one to laugh with.

"Hey kiddo, how are your hands?" Scott asked as Toby walked through the kitchen door and sat at the table. Scott moved to sit down across from him as Alex lay the food out on the table.

"Uh... They're alright." Toby whispered. His voice was small and quiet. His eyes were tired looking and his face pale.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale, don't want you to be coming down with something." Scott commented, pressing the back of his hand against Toby's forehead.

"I'm fine, dad." Toby said, pulling away from his fathers hand. Only then correcting himself on his word choice. "Just tired."

"Jessica! Dinner!" Alex called, sitting down in his seat at the table. The boys started and soon Jessica joined them at the table.

Scott and Alex were none the wiser as to what was going on in the two kids lives.... And hopefully, the kids thought, they'd never find out.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this! It's set a little bit into the future and features a lot more of the kids this time around. Saying that if you haven't read the first two books of the series you should definitely go do that first!
Thanks for reading

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