April 25, 2030

160 11 3

It wasn't long before the doctor came over to talk to them, well Scott anyway. Alex and Toby had both fallen asleep again and Scott watched over them like a hawk. He felt responsible for making sure they didn't vanish into thin air! Which was highly unlikely and yet he still believed it. Being scared losing the people you love will do that to you.

"Has he woken yet?" The doctor asked softly. She had a sad smile playing on her features and kind eyes. She had talked to Scott earlier, when they had come in. She was very nice and had quite a soft demeanour to her. She had introduced herself as Dr Blue and was tall with short brown hair and a pointed nose and sharp features.

Scott nodded. "Very briefly. We talked a little and then he fell asleep again." He explained. She nodded and took out his file.

"That is expected as the pills he took will have their effect even though they are out of his system. He should be back to normal within a couple of days." She explained. She then directed her gaze to Alex. "Is this your husband?" She asked. Scott nodded and smiled fondly across at him. His hand was holding up his head which was partly resting against Scotts shoulder. "He's very pretty." She added. Scott raised his eyebrows and chuckled at her.

She began to write something down on Toby's file before looking up again. "We'll have to do a full mental assessment of Toby as soon as possible. We've already noted the cuts on his wrists." Scott's eyes blew wide and he leapt forward, gently lifting Toby's sleeve to reveal the lines and lines of slices. His breath hitched in his throat.

"It was this bad?" He mumbled under his breath hoping the doctor hadn't heard him. He ran his thumb over the cuts, barely scabbed over. The guilt and blame was piling up higher and higher in his head. It almost felt as if he had handed Toby those pills. Why hadn't he taken more notice?! He had seen the signs! Did that mean he didn't care?! Or was he just too preoccupied to notice it?!

"I hope you don't mind but I had a look at both yours and Alex's medical files." Dr Blue spoke up again. Scott's head snapped around to look at her, his hand still held onto Toby's wrist. "And I couldn't help but to notice your past history of depression. Is it hereditary?"

"Not that I know of. That was just me. And besides Toby isn't biologically ours, we adopted him." Scott explained. Dr Blue nodded in understanding placing the file on the book at the end of the bed again. It was at that moment that Alex began to stir. His eyes fluttered open and his head began to move. He blinked away sleep and then his eyes fell onto Toby.

"The sleeping beauty awakes from her slumber." Dr Blue stated. Scott smiled at her and then at Alex who looked around. "Hi Alex, I'm Dr Blue." She held out her hand and Alex shook it gladly. He then stretched his arms over his head and looked to Scott. There eyes connected and felt like one of them would burst into tears again. But they didn't.

Soon after this Dr Blue disappeared only to send a nurse over who woke Toby up. They then made their way to a room which Scott and Alex had to wait outside of. And they waited and waited.

In this time they phone called Jessica who had been dropped home by Jake. "Dad!" Was the answer that rang through the phone as soon as Scott had clicked dial.

"Hi, Jess. Are you alright? By yourself?" Scott asked, his voice was quiet. He was sat down in the chairs just outside the door, while Alex paced back and forth in front of him, trying to peer in the door every so often. He caught small glimpses of Dr Blue talking to Toby. He saw how slumped and defeated Toby looked but he couldn't hear what they were talking about. He shoulders arched forward as his head bowed low, his hands seemingly very interesting to him. They could see him answer every now and again but only in small words and phrases.

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