November 10, 2029

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Merry Christmas guys, or happy holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas. I hope y'all are having a great time! This is just a little filler but may have some crucial information sprinkled throughout *insert winky face*! Anyway thanks for reading

Scott knocked on Mitch's door loudly, waiting for an answer. He had a small bag in hand and waited with anticipation. He hadn't seen Mitch in a couple of days and missed his best friend dearly. The door was soon opened. "Stephanie!" Mitch cheered, wrapping his arms around Scott immediately. Scott laughed, lifting Mitch up. He held onto him tightly, revelling in the embrace of a loved one.

"Michelle! How are you?" He asked, placing Mitch back down on the ground. Mitch let him go and turned towards the door, leading Scott in behind him.

"Good, busy but good. Why haven't I seen you in like two days?" He asked. The door was closed and Scott's coat was discarded.

"Things have been busy at home and I don't think I've left the house for three days so..." Scott answered. Mitch rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Uncle Scott!" He heard the small voice shout from the kitchen. Jake came running around the corner and into Scott's arms. He was Mitch's three year old son and the absolute copy of Seb. He had a large flop of messy brown hair a top his head, with muddy green eyes that swelled with laughter. His face dotted with freckles and his sun kissed skin seemed to glow. Although Jake was the physical copy of Seb he was much more like Mitch. He was sassy and sarcastic with a large range of vocabulary for a three year old. He spoke lovingly and politely and never seemed to be in a bad mood, although Scott knew he was a handful as all three year olds were.

"Jakey, how are you? How was your birthday? The big three now!" Scott said. Jakes eyes twinkled.

"Good!" Jake laughed. Scotts eyes flitted over to where Mitch stood, leaning against the kitchen door. He couldn't help but to see the fondness as he watched. In all these years their relationship hadn't changed a single bit. They were still just as close and where they had grown up together they now felt the complete and utter joy when the other spent time with their kids. It was like watching their friendship from the side line, like they now complete understood the love they had for each other.

"Listen, I've got your presents here, you can open them in a minute." Scott reassured him, holding up the bag that was in his hand. Jake beamed. He hugged Scott tightly.

"Thank you, Uncle Scott!" He cheered. Scott laughed and put Jake back down to the ground. He took the bag from Scott's hand and ran with it to the kitchen. The boys followed and Jake sat down on the ground and began to rip into the package. Scott sat down at the counter as Mitch made coffee.

"I hope he likes it." Scott said and Mitch turned smiling at him and then flitting his eyes down to Jake who was almost through the wrapping paper. He pulled out a large toy that made Jake squeal. He jumped up a wide, beaming smile on his face and ran forward to hug Scott.

"Thank you so much! It's just what I wanted! It's the last in the collection, how did you know?" Jake said, holding the toy out to admire it. Scott was taken aback for a second. It reminded him of when he got Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. It was the last in the toy story collection and he was so excited. Scott chuckled.

"A little birdy told me!" Scott said, looking at Mitch who smiled. Jake ran off to start and play with his new toy. Mitch placed Scott's cup of coffee down in front of him and sat on the opposite side of the counter, facing Scott.

"How are Alex and the kids?" Mitch asked. Scott sighed, running his hand over his temple.

"Alex is great but I don't have a clue what's going on with Jessica and Toby. Jess came home really late again last night and I still don't have a clue where's she's off out. And Toby just... Where do I start?... He's lost and I can see it. But I just- yeah I don't know what to do." Scott explained. Mitch could see the slight panic in Scott's eyes at his statement and decided to try and help him talk this through.

"Who are Jess' friends again?" Mitch asked. Scott shrugged. He genuinely had no real idea. And he was ashamed. Maybe he hadn't been listening properly or maybe she just didn't want them to know. Either way he felt as though he had failed.

"I don't have a clue. I know she's friends with Connor but other than that I don't have a clue." He placed his hands around the warm mug and let the heat concentrate there.

"Connor as in Kevin's son?" Mitch asked, his eyes wide. Scott nodded. "Isn't he like the Angel child? Like he can do no wrong, the sun shines out of his back side type?" Mitch raised an eyebrow.

Scott laughed. "I mean every time he's come over he's been really nice. He's not that much like Kevin at all but he is very gentlemanly! But I can't imagine Kevin being 100% okay with them going out until late a lot." He said. Mitch nodded in understanding, although he did start to feel slightly worried about what it would be like when Jake was her age.

"Have you talked to Kevin at all about it?" Mitch asked.

"Not really. Maybe I should. Just to see if she's telling me the whole truth." Scott suggested. He smiled feeling a little more settled at that subject now. Mitch could do that to him. He had just suggested something so simple, so easy and yet it seemed to take a huge weight off of his shoulders.

"What about Toby?" Mitch asked. Scott's smile fell again.

"He's lost his sparkle. He's quiet. He's lacking his energy. He's just not all there at the moment. It scares me y'know? Sometimes it feels like he's going through.... But it can't be." Scott explained. He would in no way want Toby to ever go through what he went through and even speaking the word felt like a felony.

"Have you asked him about school..." Mitch started, trying to come up with a root to the problem.

"Yeah he said it's going great." Scott said. Mitch shrugged.

"I feel like he'd tell you if something was happening. Or even Alex. You're close enough and I'm pretty sure you've taught him to come to you if he's got any problems. I'm sure he's just finding it hard to settle in to the new environment." Mitch suggested. Scott nodded.

"This is nice coffee. Thanks." Scott whispered, taking a sip from his cup. Mitch smiled. "How's Se-" Scott was cut off when Mitch doubled over in pain. He let out a small sound of pain and Scott immediately jumped to his side. "Are you okay?" Scott placed his hand on Mitch's back and slightly bent down to see that Mitch's eyes were squeezed, tightly shut. It took a few seconds before he answered.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts is all." Mitch said, taking a deep breath and then slowly standing up straight again. He was slightly out of breath but seemed to regain his composure. "It started the other day. I think I just need to go to the doctor." Mitch whispered, holding on to Scott's arm for support.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scott asked, his eyebrows coming together in concern.

"Yeah, yeah." Mitch reassured. Scott began to sit back down in his chair. He didn't take his eyes off of Mitch as his face relaxed again. Scott took a sip from his coffee again before he felt a tugging on his sleeve. He looked down to see Jake. He smiled and lifted him up to sit down on the counter.

"Scott, Daddy said he was going to take me to London when you go next month!" He said excitedly. His eyes shone brightly, the muddy green looking more like a rose gold. Scott almost snorted at the thought.

"Did he now?" Scott asked, looking past the child to Mitch. Mitch nodded and smiled.

"I want to go see Big Ben!" Jake said. Scott laughed at him and shook his head.

"We'll definitely take you there then!" Scott reassured. "We're going there before Christmas aren't we?"

"Yeah. Are you bringing Alex and the kids?" Mitch asked.

"Probably. Depends on working arrangements." Scott looked down at his phone and saw that it was already gone four. "Shoot, I better be off. I said I'd be home for dinner."

"I'll see you later then." Mitch said.

"Actually why don't the three of you come over for dinner tomorrow? Like old times." Scott asked. Mitch smiled briefly pulling him in for a hug and nodding. The warmth slowly transferring between their two bodies.


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