February 27, 2030

210 13 5

Scott felt himself come to. He was on the couch, Alex standing over him. Toby, Jessica and Connor sat on the other couch starring at him as he opened his eyes. Jake, having woken at all the shouting, sat in Jessica's lap, fighting against sleep. Scott's head was banging and his back hurt. He couldn't really remember much from before he passed out except for parts of the conversation they had had with Jessica and Connor and the three words, 'Mitch has cancer.'

Scott sat up quickly and swung his legs over the side of the couch, beginning to stand. "Woah, you're not going anywhere." Alex told him, pushing Scott back onto the couch. He handed him a glass of water and Scott downed it. Alex had a look of concern on his face, he was worried. This, he thought, would knock Scott down back into a deep hole and he wasn't going to let that happen.

"I- I have to go see him." Scott stammered. Alex sat down next to him and put his arm around his shoulder. Scott fell into his side, leaning against him a little. Alex squeezed his arm tightly.

"He's in good hands, Scott. You need to sit down for a bit and make sure you haven't damaged anything." Alex said. Scott turned to look at him. "I talked to Seb." He added, noting the confusion in Scott's face.

Before he knew it Scott's eyes were filling up with tears. Alex wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into his chest. Scott sniffed a little as he tried to breathe. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and let out a shaky breath. "He has cancer." Scott whispered.

"I know." Alex answered, holding onto him tightly. The kids still sat and watched. Toby saw that thing again, the thing that he saw on Skype a week ago. The caring, soft side of Alex that was reserved only for Scott. It was sort of like hearing a foreign language for the second time, still not understanding it but recognising it.

Connor watched Scott and Alex's exchange and realised that his dad probably didn't know yet. He would want to know. Mitch was everyone's favourite, he was just too likeable. He realised that this might make both Scott and Alex forget about their conversation earlier but didn't have high hopes.

Jake didn't understand. He wondered why Scott was sleeping just a minute ago and why he was crying now. He couldn't hear what Scott was saying to Alex. He wanted to ask but kept quiet. He knew better than to interrupt adults when they were conversing.

"I need to go, Al. I really do." Scott said, letting go of Alex and shimmying out of his grasp. Alex sighed, realising there was no stopping him.

"I'm not letting you drive, babe. You passed out not five minutes ago and I don't want you breaking down in the car. You could be concussed for all we know." Alex said, grabbing Scott's hand and running his thumb along it. He turned to the kids. "You'll have to come along too. I'm not leaving you guys here by yourselves."

Alex, on any other occasion would have left them at home with Jessica being in charge, but he suddenly didn't trust them that much. He'd text Kevin when they got to the hospital, who he would need to talk to. He hadn't forgotten about the conversation that had been held not half an hour ago in the kitchen.

They piled into the car, Jake in the seat in the very back, Jessica next to him and Toby and Connor sat behind Scott and Alex. Scott sat into the passenger seat next to Alex and they sped off down the road.

It wasn't long before they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and Scott sprinted out of the car. Alex sighed, pressing his head against the steering wheel. Toby unbuckled his seat belt and climbed forward, bouncing into the passenger seat. He leant across and wrapped his arms around his dad. Alex sighed again, this time in a heavier fuller tone and hugged Toby back.

"It's okay, dad." Toby whispered. Alex almost let out a sob at his sons words. He placed his hands on Toby's shoulders and looked at him. He shook his head and smiled at him.

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