November 2, 2029

206 11 0

Quick little note before I let you guys continue. Obviously this story is gonna be kind of triggering. So if you're triggered by self harm, depression, alcohol/drug abuse, severe bullying, or anything like that... Either don't read or be warned. It will contains them throughout!
That being said, on with the story. Vote/comment!

Alex and Scott waved goodbye to the kids as they ran out of the door to the bus. They didn't have to venture out to work for a couple of hours and so decided to go for breakfast.

They took the short drive to IHOP and stopped in a parking spot. They immediately got out and walked together towards the doors where they were seated and ordered.

"I'm kind of worried about Toby." Scott said, reaching over the table to take a drink from his glass.

"I'm sure he's okay. He'd tell us if something was going on." Alex reassured, placing his hand on top of Scott's.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that instinct you know?" Scott shrugged and Alex nodded.

"It's our anniversary next week." Alex smiled, changing the subject.

"I know, 14 years really does go quickly! We're old, Al." Scott admitted.

"You're only as old you feel, Hoying!" Alex teased making Scott laugh.

"I still love you just as much as the day I first lay eyes you!" Scott said, leaning in and kissing Alex briefly.

"I love you too." Alex whispered.


Toby shuffled as fast as he could along the hall to his next class. It was still lunch and the hallways were quiet. He had done this purposely as not to bump into anyone on the way to class.

He stopped in the bathrooms and locked himself in a stall, breathing in heavily and letting it all out at once. His chest hurt from the boys that had punched him that morning.

Toby's head spun and his eyes watered. His thoughts were going a million miles per hour and he felt sick. He wanted to stay strong but his thoughts were knocking him down!

He heard the bathroom door open and a group of people walk in. The sound of their footsteps bouncing off of the wall. Toby froze, holding his breath. "We know you're in here, fucktard!"

The voice raked through Toby's body and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He felt someone kick the door, hard, behind his back. "Don't make us come in there and get you!" Another voice shouted.

In the moment Toby felt tiny. He continued to shrink further and further, moving away from the door to the toilet seat. He sat on the cold metal and pulled his knees up to his chest. He hid his face in the crease between his legs and tried to wish them away.

"Toby, Toby! We're coming to get you..." One of the boys said in a sing song voice. "Is the baby scared?! Ah bless him!" He said sarcastically.

Suddenly the door burst open and there stood the four boys that had been tormenting Toby for weeks upon weeks. They wore devious grins as they saw the trembling child curled in a ball. They didn't care how scared he was! They didn't care that he was terrified.

"Oh Toby! You should learn to be a little tougher! You know grow up into a man a little." One said.

"You must be sick of this Toby! You know how easy it is to kill yourself? Just a quick slit of the wrist and it's all over! Not that anyone would care... Your brothers dead. Your sister doesn't love you and as for your parents they probably don't even realise you exist anymore!" The boys words went straight through Toby. He believed every single syllable and he sunk further into a dark hole of desperation.

"Please just go away." Toby whispered, his voice cracking as tears fell down his face. His words were muffled by the fabric of his trousers.

"Is he crying?? Aww!" The boys began to laugh, hysterically and then all at once a blow hit Toby's side. He sucked in a breath in pain. A hand grasped onto his shoulder and pulled him off of the toilet seat and threw him on the ground. Feet came in contact with his ribs and he began to cough in pain.

The bell went and the boys suddenly stopped. They ran off to their class, leaving Toby in a heap in the ground. He couldn't get up. He couldn't move. He hurt too much. And yet the mental pain still overtook the physical pain, on so many levels. They were right weren't they? No one cared!

He tried to stand but was only filled with shooting pains that flowed around his body. He coughed as his breath caught in his throat. His head pounded and his hands shook. It felt like someone had tried to rip his lungs out.

He grabbed his bag off of the toilet floor and lifted it onto his shoulder. His breath had finally started to even out and his head started to slow down. Even though it was still going 100 times faster than when he had entered the bathrooms in the first place.

They don't care!
No one cares!
He's dead!
You might as well be!
No one cares!
No one cares!!!!
No one-

"Shut up!!" Toby screamed, his anger boiling over. He threw his bag to the floor and kicked it across the tiled ground. His fist flung out to slam against the wall.

Toby retracted in pain as he shook his hand. His forehead fell against the wall as he began to sob. The cries racked through his body and shook him violently.

So weak!
So vulnerable!
Stupid little Toby!
Can't even handle his own emotions!

"Shut up, shut up, shut up..." Toby whispered, repeating the words like a chant. Tears fell down his face like a waterfall. He was sobbing like a baby, he thought. His fist came in contact with the wall again and again, losing more and more energy as his anger began to waver and suddenly it was all gone. His sobbing stopped and his anger left him. He felt as close to "normal" as he was going to get.

He was drained, empty, finished. And he finally picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder. Rushing off to class as quick as he could, hoping for as little punishment as possible!

His hand came into contact with the science lab door and he gently pushed. His eyes fell to the floor and he walked in. "Sorry sir." He whispered as he rushed over to his seat, thankfully to no comment from his teacher.
He heard the whispers though. "Weirdo." "Idiot." "Look the swats late." "He's such a loner." And yet Toby couldn't figure out whether the whispers were in his head or were being spoken. It was just all jumbled into one!

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