January 9, 2030

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This is kind of triggering throughout. If you are trigger d by the things that I mentioned before and in the description then please don't read. This will be the last warning for the rest of the book! Thanks for reading

Before they knew it, Christmas had been and gone. January sped around like the blink of an eye and the kids were back at school after their break. And it was worse than ever.

Jessica's grades went further downwards as she bunked off to go and smoke and drink by the river with her 'friends.' She seemed to be slipping further and further into the group. Now becoming closer with Claire and Holly the two leaders of the group. The biggest bitches you've ever come across.

Claire was small but deadly. Her long brown hair contributed to the absolute beauty that she held. Her personality shone bright in a group of people. She socialised with ease and was always up to date with the latest trends. She influenced everyone's music tastes and always knew who to throw out of the group.

Holly, however, outshone her by a mile. She was the epitome of beauty. Her dirty blond hair fell to her shoulders. It was perfectly shaped so that it framed her face at all times. She was cunning and extremely smart and could scan anyone like she was a robot. She was sly and could make you think she was your best friend but then stab in you in the back, hard!

She went around to their houses and hung out in their room. They talked about boys and boys and that was about it. Jessica finally felt like she belonged but then the question was raised. The question that would seemingly cause her the most trouble out of everything that had been happening in the last five months.

"Jess, are you still a virgin?" Jessica looked up at the source of the voice. Claire smirked at her, a questioning look on her face. They were sat in Holly's bedroom. Jess on the floor, Holly on the bed and Claire on the wheely chair in the corner.

"Um...uh...what?" Jessica asked, her face turning bright red. Should she lie? Should she tell the truth? Were they still? Should she not be? The questions flurried around her brain in a frenzy.

"Aww, are you blushing? Jess, it's okay if you are. We just want to know." Holly said, a grin on her features. She had her legs crossed as she looked at herself in the screen of her phone and then returned her attention to Jess.

"Are y'all not?" Jess asked, confused. Claire stood up and walked across the room to sit back down on the bed next to Holly.

"Last Christmas." Claire admitted. Jessica's eyes widened but she hid it because it was probably normal. Holly caught it though and winked at Jess in a cunning way.

"To who?" She asked. She tried to act as normal as possible, like she was asking who she wrote her Christmas card to. Claire perked up again at Jessica's question.

"Finn." Claire admitted again. Jessica almost choked on her own spit. He was gorgeous and I mean really really gorgeous. He had golden brown hair and a figure of a model, he obviously went to the gym at least twice a week. He was the smartest in all of his classes, apart from Conor of course. He was head of the football team and probably one of the most popular boys in the school.

"And Claire is a late bloomer." Holly chipped in. "I lost mine last summer. To Lou." She bragged. Lou wasn't the best. He was handsome but had no personality what so ever. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box and didn't really have any hobbies. He was a bit boring, really.

"Is it not normal to then?" Jessica asked. The girls snickered a little.

"Well you're a little bit late but you've still got time. Hasn't Connor asked for it yet?" Holly asked.

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