April 26, 2030

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Hi guys, I'm sorry that this is a short update but my Grandad passed away this morning. I wanted to publish this because it goes with the chapter before it. And I don't know if I'll be able to update next weekend because I'll be in London as I'm going to see Troye Sivan! I hope you guys enjoy this anyway. Love y'all

Scott dropped Alex home later that night, walking him up the stairs and tucking him into bed. He walked like a zombie, which scared Scott slightly. All this new information was bound to come crashing down on one of them at any moment and Scott was betting it would be Alex. "I'll be back in the morning. And maybe don't talk much about it to Jess. It's best that she has a clear head space. At least keep on e of us sane." Scott told him, sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached forward and ran his fingers through Alex's hair. The soft strands slipping easily through his fingers.

"I don't know why I couldn't stay with you." Alex whispered, removing Scott's hand from his hair and linking their fingers together. He held it against his chest, his eyes half closed.

"Because you need sleep, babe. And Jess can't stay here by herself." He explained, leaning down to kiss his cheek. Alex nodded, breathing in Scott's scent before letting go of his hand. "I'll see you later. I love you." Scott whispered, standing and leaving him to sleep.

He walked out onto the landing, noticing the light coming from underneath Jessica's door. He gently knocked on her door before walking in. Jessica was sat on her bed, headphones around her head and her eyes closed. She tapped her fingers against her crossed legs though so she wasn't asleep.

He quietly closed the door and walked in further towards her bed, where he sat down. Her eyes snapped open, her hand clutching her chest. "You scared me." She whispered, whacking her headphones off.

"I'm sorry." He smiled. He looked down at her laptop, trying to catch what she was doing. "What are you listening to?" He asked. She turned her laptop.

"Old albums. A bit of John Lennon and some Queen." She explained. Scott smiled brightly, reaching forward to rest his hand on her shoulder. "Are you all home?" She asked.

"No... Dad is but I'm going back out to be with Toby. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" He told her. She nodded, flinging her arms around Scott's neck, unexpectedly.

"I love you, dad. And I'm scared..." She whispered. He held her at arms length, confused as to what she meant. "I'm scared because you aren't telling me something. You always tell me because you know I'll understand. I know you've been in the hospital but I don't know what for. And I know it's something to do with Toby. And the reason I'm scared is because I can't lose another brother... I know you don't think it but Noah dying really freaking hurt, even though I was young. You just have to promise me that Toby will be okay. That I won't... lose him." She explained.

Scott nodded. "I promise, little one. Don't you worry, okay? I've got everything covered. Get some sleep, yeah?" He told her, hugging her again.

After this he left, going back to the hospital where he sat by Toby's side. He didn't sleep at all, watching Toby with a cautious eye. The next morning he returned to the house, collecting Alex and leaving Jessica by herself again. He didn't want to but bringing her into this now would just be a mess.

They talked to the doctors and Toby, discussing the pros and cons of going to the mental health centre. Toby decided that the best idea would be to go there, his decision, no one else's. So that afternoon they took the hospital car to the place he'd be living for the next four weeks.

The building was reasonably sized. It was made from a pale yellow brick and stood at three storeys high. The parking lot was large and partially full, staff cars dotting one side, while visitor cars dotted the other. They stepped out of the hospital car and began to walk forwards, the building forts coming into sight. Toby was surprised to see a lack of security or locked gates.

When they got through the doors that automatically opened they entered a small reception area. A group of chairs lined the wall. On the other side was an opening through which a woman's head became visible. She smiled at Dr Blue and then let her eyes trail along Toby, Alex and Scott respectively.

"I'm just here to get Toby settled in." Dr Blue told her and she nodded, looking down at a computer screen. Toby couldn't help but to notice the ring of tattoos that littered her neck. Everything from birds to Devils and all in vibrant colours. Toby wanted to know the story behind them, but it was too late she had pressed a button which made another set of doors open and was being ushered through them.

In the moment, as he was bustled past an indoor plant which scratched his arm, he couldn't help but to feel unwanted. This was his choice, to come here. They had left it one hundred percent up to him in the end and he had chosen the logical answer. To get better. Even though it meant living away from home for a while. He had chosen this, he wasn't unwanted at all.

The room that they entered now was a sort of living room. It had a television projected onto one wall with sofas and chairs and bean bags clustered around it. A book shelf was placed in the corner with novels piled high. The room was full of about ten people, not counting them, eight of which being teenagers and two of them being adults.

One of the adults was a short thin woman who looked to be in her early thirties. Her blonde hair was scraped back into a tight bun and her large eyes protruded from her face. Her cheeks were a rosy red and highlighted her sharp cheek bones. She wore a purple dress that flowed to just above her knees and her wrists were covered in bracelets. She smiled when she saw Dr Blue and made her way over to them.

"Toby this is Penny. She will be your specialist." Dr Blue introduced. Penny held out her hand and Toby gingerly shook it.

"Nice to meet you Toby." Her voice was higher than expected and Toby thought that she resembled a pixie. He smiled at the thought.

"You too." He whispered, politely. His nerves were raking through his body. There would be so many new people, how could he keep track? He wouldn't even be able to trust any of them for fear of being called weird and stupid and strange.

Penny then showed the three of them to Toby's designated bedroom and after that they headed back to the "living room" room. Dr Blue waved her goodbyes and wished Toby luck and then Penny sat all three of them down.

"We'll explain to you, Toby, the schedule tomorrow morning but I'll just let you know a couple of things first. The TV room, that's this room, is open all day but the TV is only on from two until three and from six until seven. Lights out is at nine thirty every evening and the lights in the hallway do not turn back on until seven thirty in the morning. Breakfast is served until ten, lunch is served between one and two and dinner is served at half past five." Penny explained.

Toby nodded and Penny looked as though she expected him to say something but he didn't. She was still trying to figure out his character and didn't really know what to expect. He would be one of the youngest here, not that age made a difference when it came to mental illness.

"Okay, I can show you two where the visitors rooms are if you want to stay-" Penny began, directing her conversation to Scott and Alex.

"Do you want us to stay, Toby?" Scott asked. Toby looked up to see that he still had that concerned look on his face that made his blood boil. He wanted to tell him that it was annoying and that he didn't need to be concerned but he just couldn't form the words in his brain. He was scared of it being rude or inconsiderate, no one would care anyway.

Toby let his gaze move past Scott to Alex. Truthfully they both looked exhausted. "No it's okay. I think I'll be alright." Toby whispered.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked. His voice was soft but hoarse from lack of sleep and crying.

Toby nodded.

"Right, so the two of you can visit whenever but be mindful of why he's here okay?" Penny stepped in. Scott and Alex both nodded.

"We'll see you soon Toby." Scott told him, giving his son a tight hug. Toby hugged back, feeling Scott kiss his forehead before letting go.

"Love you, kiddo." Alex stated, hugging him also. Toby scrunched up his face to avoid any tears from falling. He wasn't going to be weak anymore. He was going to be strong and get better as fast as possible. No more crying!

"Love you too, dad."

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