February 12, 2030

186 12 1

Tour hurried along quickly, as usual, and before the band knew it it was the half way mark. They were in New York. "Welcome to New York, it's been waiting for you..." Scott sang softly as he followed behind Mitch through the doors of the hotel. They were staying here for a couple of days.

"Welcome to New York, welcome to New York!" Mitch finished. He turned around, smiling at his best friend. Although, his stomach hurt. Like hell. The pain was piercing through his body like a pen knife dragging along his skin. Scott had asked if he had been to the doctors yet about that mysterious pain from a few months ago and Mitch had answered with a nod. He said it was all okay, but in all truth he hadn't gotten around to it. He was busy, what with work and getting ready for tour and taking care of Jake. He just hadn't. Yes it was November when they had that conversation but time was precious and Mitch wanted to cram as much into his day as possible. Seb worked long hours and so when he got home they would go out or do something with Jake and it just hadn't happened.

Mitch knew he had to do something though. He knew his body and he felt wrong. He was tired all of the time. The tiredness was the kind that didn't go away with rest. He put off nights out while on tour for fear of falling asleep. His weight was fluctuating hugely even if he was eating normally. He would loss five pounds here, gain a couple pounds there. He could feel his bones protruding through his skin, his clavicles and ribs visible without even having to try. It worried him and he knew the best thing to do was to go to the doctor as soon as he got back.

"I'm going for a swim, do y'all want to come?" Scott asked, peeking his head around Mitch's door where Avi was sat with him. Avi was on the phone but nodded all the while. Scott could hear that he was talking to his kids.

"Yes, baby girl, I will definitely bring you and your brother back presents." Avi reassured, rolling his eyes but smiling brightly all the while. He had two kids, a boy and a girl. Daisy was four and Matthew was two. Avi was an amazing dad and you could see it from day one. Daisy was tall and slim just like her mother, but had the green shimmering eyes of her father. Matthew was different though, he was small like his dad but held the same smile as his mother, bright and big.

Mitch looked up momentarily from his phone and smiled, nodding at Scott's offer. He immediately grabbed his trunks and towel from the bathroom. They then set off as a three to the swimming pool which was on the bottom floor of the hotel. It would most likely be empty due to the obvious emptiness of the hotel. It being out of season and all.

Scott stripped off his shirt and placed his towel down on the bench, immediately diving into the pool. He felt the tension leave his body as the water surrounded him. He swam as far as he could, bubbles floating ominously around his face, hands pushing the water away. His head appeared above the water when his lungs began to burn.

He looked around to see that Avi was sat on the edge of the pool. He had his eyes trained to something walking out of the dressing rooms. Scott turned to see Mitch and immediately knew what Avi was staring at. "Mitch..." Scott couldn't get out the words. He was astonished.

Mitch stopped in his tracks and looked at both of the boys. "What?" He asked, rolling his eyes at them but catching a glimpse of what they were starring at. He jumped back a little at the sight of himself. His chest was covered in dark, purple blotches. Purple blotches that resembled bruises but they weren't. It looked as though he had been beaten up. It was almost as though he was covered in hickeys that he didn't know we're there.

"What happened?" Avi asked. He was now stood on the side of the pool. There seemed to be an air around the room, no one daring to move. Scott poised his hands on the side of the pool ready to lift himself out but not daring to move any further. Mitch blinked at the both of them and without giving anyone notice ran back into the dressing room.

Both boys ran straight after him, the thudding of their footsteps echoing off of the pool walls. The sound of the water splashing around as Scott left it ungracefully. "Mitch, wait up!" Scott called, pushing through the door. His eyes immediately fell on Mitch stood in front of the mirror, his eyes raking over his skin. His fingers inspected each blotch and he recoiled in pain at a couple.

"I don't kn-" Mitch started. "I don't get it." He whispered. Avi and Scott stopped on either side of him. Mitch suddenly felt very self conscious, he turned and grabbed his shirt from the hanger and pulled it over his head as quick as he could.

"Mitch?" Scott asked. Mitch turned around to face his best friend. There seemed to be a sense of horror in the room, no one really wanted to address the situation for what it was so they decided to tip toe around the edges. Scott knew exactly what he wanted to say but wasn't going to word it for fear of being wrong. Instead he decided on asking a simple question. "Did you really go to the doctor?"

Mitch's eyes widened but he played it off. "Yeah of course I did." He said. His hand moving up to subconsciously scratch the back of his neck.

"Don't lie to me, Mitch, please. We've been best friends for almost three decades, I know you by now!" Scott pleaded.

Mitch's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. I just- I didn't get around to it. I've been busy what with taking care of Jake and Seb working all of the time and preparing for tour. I just didn't get around to it." Mitch tried to defend himself but Scott just shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what exactly is going on." Avi interjected. He held his hand up in defence but still dared to speak. Scott turned towards him, his eyes like daggers. He was mad at Mitch for lying to him but concerned about his well being. Avi stepped back a little in shock.

"Oh sorry Avi. I didn't tell you that Mitch wasn't taking care of himself properly, did I?" Scott said. "Not that I knew or anything! I didn't realise that lying was our new go to thing!"

"I am taking care of myself!" Mitch snapped, offended that Scott would say such a thing.

"Why didn't you go to the freaking doctors then?" Scott snapped back.

"Because I didn't have time."

"That was November! You've surely had a day to yourself!"

"Well maybe I haven't?! Maybe you haven't stopped to think what might be going on in my life!" Mitch had finally snapped. Avi stepped in quickly, between the two boys.

"Enough. The least we need is the two of you getting upset about an argument you had that involved one of you caring about the other." Avi said, peacefully. He turned to Mitch and his voice softened. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Mitch shuffled backwards a little. "I didn't mean anything by what I said. I just think Seb works too much and we argue whenever I bring it up. That's it. It's no biggy." Mitch explained and Scott knew he was telling the truth.

"I could have taken care of Jake." Scott whispered.

"You seemed to have enough on your plate when you told me to go to the doctor back in November. I don't want to disturb the peace anymore than it already is." Mitch explained.

"Okay, just promise me! Promise me that the second we get home you let me take care of Jake while you go to the doctor, with Seb!" Scott demanded.

Mitch nodded. "I promise. I'm sorry. That I lied." He whispered. Scott moved forward and pulled Mitch into a hug, his arms rapping tightly around his back.

"It's okay."

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