March 4, 2030

177 17 4

Sorry for the lack of updates this week but what with exams and school and sickness I just haven't had time. Plus I just started watching The Fosters and am in love! I thought I had put too much drama into these stories until I started watching that series and now I realise the Kirk-Hoying's have nothing on the Fosters! Hope y'all enjoy! (Ps the picture above will make more sense when you get through this chapter)

Scott was shown across to the next ward by another nurse. Mitch was still asleep. His body lay flat in the bed, his chest rising and falling steadily as a machine counted his heart beats. Scott could just about see the bandage that covered over just under his clavicle. Apart from that he looked just as though he had when he went in.

There were wires leading towards a drip and an oxygen cannula wrapped around his nose. Scott could not have felt more relieved in his life to see his best friend, even if he was still asleep. His heart seemed to beat at its normal rate again and it felt almost as though a huge weight has lifted from his chest.

He picked up his phone and clicked on Seb's contact. He was surprised by the click of the answer tone half way through the first ring. Seb must have been sat right next to the phone. "Scott!" The voice came through like a statement and Scott had to stifle a laugh. Poor guy must have been terrified!

"I was just going to phone you to let you know that Mitch is out of theatre. It all went well. And I think they're going to start his chemo tomorrow." Scott explained. He heard Seb sigh in relief on the other end and laugh hard. It was almost as though he had never laughed before. Such relief sounded through the phone, such hope and happiness.

"Oh thank god! I'll be right over. Thanks Scott." Seb said, ending the phone call without another word. Scott chuckled a little, he would never understand their relationship.

He sat down in the chair next to Mitch's bed and took a deep breath, looking up at the clock he realised that Toby would be home from school in the next hour. Jessica was still off and was due to start her new school on Monday. That they had sorted.

Scott felt like everything these days was unorganised. And when things did get a little bit back on track a surprise would pop up and they would be all over the place again. Thank god Toby was stable and structured, he thought, otherwise they would probably never get out of the house.

Scott jumped when he heard the small whisper of his name. He turned his head to see that Mitch had woken up, he hadn't sat up yet but he was trying to say something.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked. Mitch lifted a shaky hand and pointed towards the jug of water that was just out of his reach on the side table. Scott smiled and poured him a glass and then helped him sit up. He handed him the glass and Mitch gulped it down quickly.

He sighed loudly, smiling contently at his newly lost thirst. "Hi." He whispered, his eyes still droopy with anaesthesia. Scott sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. Mitch's face screwed up as he looked around himself, taking in his surroundings.

"Sore." He whispered, his voice cracking. He pointed down to his left shoulder and Scott could see that the pain was coming from under the bandage.

"It all went okay though." Scott smiled. Mitch smiled in return as his eyes dropped closed again. "Seb is on his way. I'm going to leave in a little bit, I've got to make the kids dinner."

Mitch nodded, sleepily and after they said a brief goodbye, Scott left. He met Seb on the way in and had never seen such a skip in a mans step. He thanked Scott for being there, almost tripping over his tongue at the speed he was talking, and then he hurried off to the elevator where Scott knew he would smother Mitch in kisses. He chuckled, shaking his head at the thought.

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