March 10, 2030

178 15 3

Alex waited in the arrivals area of the airport. He had Jake and Toby with him. Scott, Seb and Jessica were at the house with Mitch. He checked the board for the hundredth time and finally the plane had landed. They had "accidentally" gotten there an hour early but Alex was just way too excited. It was going to be like old times again. And the feeling of nostalgia was far too large for him to just wait around like he was supposed to. He was sure Scott had noticed as well, his anticipation and restlessness this morning was way too indiscrete to not notice.

"Alex, can I get something from the v-ven-vendor machine?" Jake was tugging on his sleeve impatiently and pointing to the vending machines that were over in the corner. He jumped up and down impatiently waiting for his answer and possibly some money, maybe now Alex was regretting bringing him and also coming so early but God it would be worth it!

"No, Jake. You're already hyper enough." Alex sighed, picking the three year old up and holding him tightly in his arms. "You've been running around for the last hour, how are you not tired?" Alex asked and Jake shrugged, wiggling out of his arms and running across the floor to the arcade games that stood next to the vending machines. "Thank god this place has those things, otherwise he would be climbing over the two of us." Alex looked down at Toby who was sat in a waiting chair next to him.

"Please sit down, dad. You're making me anxious... Tapping foot like that as if the plane hasn't just arrived." Toby whispered, standing from his chair to give Alex somewhere to sit. He smirked and sat down, shaking his head fondly at Toby.

"Okay, thank you for talking sense. Can you keep an eye on him? Mitch will kill me if I let him out of my sight." Alex asked.

Toby ran after him and Alex watched as Jake giggled loudly starting an unwanted game of tag between the two of them. Alex felt himself become impatient again and stood when he saw that people were coming through the arrivals gate. Toby rolled his eyes, giving up on catching Jake, and slumped back towards where Alex now stood. "I'm sorry." He admitted. Alex's eyes widened and he looked down at Toby. His heart couldn't have pounded any faster. What had happened now?!

"For what? What have you done? Please can you save it until we get home?" Alex said frantically. Toby chuckled looking up at him and shaking his head.

"I'm sorry if I was like this as a kid." He said referring to Jake who was sat on a chair, swinging his legs back and forth. He stuck his tongue out at Toby, waiting for him to come running after him again but Toby ignored him. As long as they could see him they would be fine.

Alex giggled. "Oh, don't worry. You were pretty docile at that age, although Noah had a terrible influence on you." He admitted and Toby laughed again.

It was only then that Alex realised he hadn't heard Toby laugh like that in ages. It was almost as though he had come back to life again. Alex looked down at him and saw the colour in his eyes and the crinkle of his smile. "You know, if there's anything going on, you can tell me right?" Alex said carefully, he knew about the conversation that he and Scott had had on Friday and wanted to be careful.

Toby stopped laughing and Alex could see the cogs turning in his brain. He chose to ignore the question but that didn't stop Alex from noticing his change. His eyes darkened again and his demeanour seemed to flop forward like a deflated balloon. Alex had seen this before but couldn't put his finger on when, where and who.

"I'll understand... I know it seems like I may not but trust me I've been through a lot and I've seen a lot. I get it." Alex told him and Toby seemed to perk up a little. His mouth opened as if he were about to speak.

"TAYLOR!" The shout came from their left and Alex's head turned just in time to see two children running towards him, followed closely by a very familiar face.

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