Chapter Twenty Two

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The saying my life flashed before my eyes, well it would be more accurately used after one returns from death, not right before it happens. Seeing as almost no one returns from death though, the saying still captures how truly terrifying the experience can be. It literally is just flashes, some slow motion, some in fast forward, but none of them truly feel like your life, its like watching a movie based on your life. Its eerie and creepy, and it is not something William wished to experience ever again.

He had woken up in a glass coffin, in a room he didn't recognize, but freaked him the fuck out nonetheless. After the first few minutes of just complete mind boggling horror as memory after memory flooded his brain, his next move had been to get the hell out of that place. It was so cold and impersonal, he couldn't imagine the person it belonged to would react well to his awakening, especially since the whole snow white routine was punishment in the first place. For all he knew he hadn't been out all that long and the same psycho who put him in that awful state kept him in his room as a trophy. The though sent shivers down his spine.

The only problem with his grand escape plan was that he had forgotten he had absolutely no clue where he was, which meant he was now wandering aimlessly through the woods. Way to think things through he grumbled inwardly.

"Wish I could have seen the look on their faces!" William was immediately on high alert, having spent a good portion of his life on the run. But, while he had always erred on the side of caution, those voices could very well be the only people he came across for a long time, and he needed shelter, food, and most of all answers.

Having made the decision he hurried quickly in the direction the voice had come from. Once he was within earshot again he called out to them. "Excuse me, could I beg your assistance."

The small group consisting of an incredibly tall well muscled blond male carrying a much smaller red headed one, and a pretty brunette woman stopped in their tracks, and he could sense that they were now on alert as well.

"I mean no harm honest, I am merely lost and in desperate need of assistance." William tried for a nice relaxed smile, but considering how nervous he himself was, couldn't be sure how well it went over on his features. The only indication he had to go on that it was successful was the shift of the blonde's shoulders, an easing of sorts.

"Um sure, what do you need?" The blond asked, still looking like he could pounce at any moment.

As I said I am lost and I have no real recollection of how I got to this place or time." It wasn't a lie, not really.

"Well that's no good. Well we are in the back country of Colorado and I don't quite know what you mean by the time bit." His words got a slight bit more suspicious there at the end of that sentence.

"What year is it?" William asked feeling slightly ashamed of having to lay out his incompetence to this stranger.

"2013," the red head said, speaking up for the first time.

"Dear God," he breathed, he had been asleep for over three hundred years.


There was definitely something suspicious about this stranger who had just happened to be stumbling through the woods, and especially this close to the court. Talon didn't really see a guy like this being a member, what with his old fashioned tuxedo, weird, and slightly mussed brown hair that went just below his ears. He was muscular, though not as tall as Talon, he definitely looked like he could hold his own in a fight. Which just made his shackles raise all the more.

The only thing that kept him from walking away was how legitimately freaked out the guy looked. Talon couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Listen, come back to my camp with me, we can talk more there, but just no funny moves. This is my pack and my mate we are talking about, if you touch any of them, I will rip your throat out. Capiche." Talon added a lot of threat behind his words, just to make sure the stranger knew he was serious. But his words seemed to have sparked a panic in him that Talon hadn't anticipated. He didn't understand it until the next sentence fell out of his mouth, and then it made perfect sense.

"Oh shit, where is MY mate?"


The king entered his bedroom feeling very satisfied. Why shouldn't he be? Magic had reawakend, which meant it was only a matter of time until his magic reawakened! Everything was going swimmingly until he noticed the coffin in the corner of his room. The now empty coffin might he add, and then he went from happy to full blown panic in about a second flat.

"Shit, SHit, SHIt, SHIT." He noticed the door that led to his first floor balcony standing slightly ajar. Holy balls of fire, had somebody stolen the body?

"Has anybody been in my room!" He screamed.

"Of course not sire, we are prohibited form entering, but the entrance was being guarded." His second in command said over the loud speaker.

"Oh great, then maybe you could tell me WHERE THE FLYING FUCK MY MATE IS!"


Hey folks, long time no see again! :( I really suck at updating. I am really sorry guys. Have some drama for your troubles. Ill try to be quicker with my next update, but you know me by now, I cant promise anything. I do love you guys. Also I am adding Macklemore's song same love to this update, just cause it is a friggin amazing song. And obviously I believe in equality! NO FREEDOM TILL WE'RE EQUAL! DAMN RIGHT I SUPPORT IT! New favorite quote, any who hope you guys enjoy this and comment and vote! Love you crazy kids and adults and other age groups, who cares I just hope you are crazy like me! LOL



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