Chapter Seven

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Jericho POV

Talon had become obsessed. All we ever did together was play with fire. Well he played with fire and I watched on the sidelines like a good little mate. It has been two weeks since that little stove incident, and since then Talon has been on a slow and painful journey.

He worked so hard, but we had made little progress with his new found powers. He could use them in brief spurts, but only when he was super hyped up. I assumed by now he would have some level of control over them. Still, I had to admit, just the fact that he could do anything at all was monumental. I have to admit that I am a tiny but jealous. Not that I will ever tell him that.

I watched as he planted his feet and his brow creased in complete concentration. He breathed the word fire and a little tiny puff of smoke appeared in the air, but quickly dissapated. Talon looked as if he was about to kill someone, time to rap this up for the day. "Come on babe, let's go get something to eat, I'm starving." I say in a low, timid voice. Talon can get a little scary sometimes when he doesn't get what he wants.

He looked over at me and looked as if he was about to yell, but then something inside him cracked. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his face caved in on itself. I ran over to him and threw my arms around his waist. I whispered small incomprehensible things, but he understood, he seemed to take comfort in them.

We just stood there like that for a long time, until he finally spoke. "Why can't I do this? My birthday is only two weeks away, I have to be strong if I am going to fight this. Little puffs of smoke and random explosive flames are not going to cut it," his voice sounded shaky and defeated. I sighed and  thought for a moment.

"Let's try this again, only hold my hand this time. Here let's go over here." I led him to the middle of the room and grabbed his hand, squeezing gently. He gave me a small shaky smile and turned face turning into a mask of concentration. Inside I silently rooted for him. He again breathed the word, only this time to a completely different end. A ten foot high wall of fire appeared before us. I held my breath, waiting for it to disappear, but it didn't. Talon looked over at me in amazement.

I smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up with my free hand. He grabbed my face and gave me a quick kiss, before turning back to stare at the fire. I was happy for him, it was almost like a physical thing. Like it was crawling through my veins, and leaving behind it a powerful energy.

Talon whispered something I couldn't hear and the wall disappeared. I sighed as the thrumming in my veins dissapated. I turned to Talon. "It must have something to do with our bond, because I could feel you doing that right then." Talon's face turned thoughtful as he contemplated this. He then nodded in agreement and took my face in his hands. He turned it so we were staring into eachother's eyes.

"Well I couldn't t imagine a better secret weapon, thank you Jericho." He then brought our lips together. Oh how I had missed his kisses, we hadn't shared one since the first day we had come here. I smiled at him as we parted lips.

"No problem, and you know I haven't really thought about it, but I haven't shifted in over a month. I never noticed before, but I kind of feel like I am about to crawl out of my skin. Maybe we could shift and hunt for our dinner instead?" I asked this hopefully, pleading with my eyes. Talon's blue ones sparkled and he kissed me again.

"I suppose we can do that, come on. We'll take my car to this really cool place in the woods I know about." He then proceeded to drag me by the hand out to his car. I would have protested, but he was so happy I didn't want to be a downer. So I just humored him as he opened my door, and even put my seatbelt on for me.

It was about a forty minute drive and by the time we were there, I was pretty much mid shift. I had waited too long, and the wolf inside me was raring to get me for himself for a while. I quickly ran to the trees, no need to strip. Our phases were strictly magical. We were human one second and not the next, it was as simple as that. We went in, and came out fully clothed in human form.

I ran around in a circle, getting a good feel for my wolf form. It had been so long I felt like I had to completely relearn how to run in this form. Just as I was getting the hang of it again, a giant white blur came rushing at me.

I fell to the ground and Talon pinned me there. I lifte my head and bit his ear, forcing him to let me up. We then proceeded to wrestle for a good long while. Until finally hunger gat the best of me and I surrendered. I surveyed the high tree tops, seeing the fading blue sky of the sunset. I then caught a most heavenly aroma on the wind, and took off after it. I heard Talon start running after me.

After about a half hour, me and Talon were laying down on the soft leaves, chowing down on a deer. I know it sounds gross, but in wolf form it is instinctual, and raw deer really isn't that bad. The fur is kind of gross when you have to bite through it to get to the meat, but other than that it is very tasty.

After we ate Talon came over and licked the blood off my face, it was so sweet that i returned the favor. We frolicked for a bit longer and the lay down in the leaves. We huddled close together, out heads touching as the lay on our front paws. I scooted as close as I could get, and then fell asleep, with nothing to comfort me but my mate and the huge moon in the black sky.


Okay, so I know I have the worst problem with short chapters, but here it is. I felt like I should update, even though it is short. Thanks to all the nice comments and all my new fans! You guys are amazing.!!! I would also like to inform you that I now have a new obsession. How To Train Your Dragon!!! I have been watching it over and over, man am I sad. Okay just thought you guys should know!! :D Song is Perfect Two, because they are, and they need eachother, and well it is a good song. Many apoligies for any mistakes!!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

P.S. Toothless the dragon is the cutest freekin thing I have ever seen in my life. Good Day!!

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