Chapter Twelve-Part Two

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Quick note: Dedication is for the song! Thanks, I love it, and never would have thought of it myself <3


Talon was sitting, staring at his bedroom wall, bored out of his mind. Jericho had gone home and his father was still with Antonio. Which was good, but left Talon with nobody to hang out with. Normally that would be fine, but he was going crazy thinking about this whole plan, and needed a distraction. He looked at the phone and considered calling one of his friends, but decided against it. The only person he really wanted to see was Jericho, but he didn't want to suffocate the poor boy too much.

He was startled when the phone rang moments later, but rushed to answer it. "Hello," he answered calmly, though he was excited that someone had called him.

"Hey, it's me," Jericho's voice floated into Talon's ear. He grinned, happy out of his mind that it was Jericho who had called him.

"What is it love?" He asked, laying back on his bed to talk more comfortably.

"Well, I know we need more wolves in our pack. I was thinking that maybe your father kept a record of all the lone wolves in his territory. I have heard of alpha's doing that, and it would be a giant leap in the right direction if we could find it." Talon grinned even wider, Jericho was so smart. This whole operation would crumble to pieces without him there to be the brains.

"Ya, I know where he keeps it as well, so we can look through it to see," he relayed excitedly.

"Good, I'm coming over. The faster we get wolves the better. This is bound to get to the council's ears sometime, and probably sooner than later. We need to be as strong as possible by the time it does. Be there in five." Talon frowned as Jericho hung up before he could say anything more. He certainly sounded wound up for some reason, but at least he was coming to Talon's house. That was the best news Talon had gotten in about an hour.

Talon grinned at the call he had gotten an hour ago from his father. He had sounded immensely happy when telling Talon he was staying there tonight. Talon was so happy that his father and Antonio were finally getting to be with each other. They both deserved it very much.

"You know you left your door unlocked." A voice came fro beside Talon. He started out of his reverie and nearly screamed at the top of his lungs. Jericho stood in the doorway with a severly moody look on his face, but Talon didn't care. He knew he sounded like a needy twelve year old girl, but hey. It was Jericho! Who wouldn't want to be around him all the time?

He ran over, and picked him up spinning him around. He set him down and kissed the ever loving life out of him. When he finally stepped back Jericho just stood there in wide-eyed. Talon chuckled at how completely stunned Jericho appeared.

"I missed you!" He screamed excitedly, which seemed to wake Jericho up. He then chuckled and rolled his eyes at Talon, but otherwise ignored him completely. He began slowly walking around the room, checking out family pictures and such that hung from the walls. He stopped and sat when he reached Talon's bed, and from his expression, Talon could tell something was bothering him.

"What is it baby?" He asked gently, sitting down beside him.

"I was just thinking about what a great guy you are. I mean you got your dad and his mate back together, you hurt me a little, but other than that have been a more than acceptable mate, and you are trying to save all the misfits of the werewolf world." Jericho began in a slightly sullen tone.

"Is that a bad thing?" Talon asked, now thoroughly confused.

"No, not in the sense of you being amazing. In the sense that I don't deserve you, and I have no idea why you keep me around. You don't deserve what all of this is going to do to you. It is absolutely not fair, and if I wasn't such a rotten selfish person I would have let you walk away." Jericho hung his head when he was finished, as if he hade done something to be ashamed of.

Talon grabbed his face and forced him to look into his eyes. "You are an angel, and far better that I could ever dream of being. Don't sell yourself short, baby. You are funny, and nice, and everything to me. This battle is going to be hard, but we can do it together." Talon said softly petting Jericho's check, and his heart nearly broke when those clear green eyes filled with tears.

"Jeez, corny much?" He asked, and Talon chuckled quietly. They just sat there like that for a few minutes, with tears streaming down Jericho's face, and his. Finally the tears stopped and they both calmed down. Jericho leaned over an pecked Talon on the lips, before standing up and putting on a business face. He seemed to be ready to get to work now, but Talon wasn't quite ready to let the moment pass. So he said the only words he could think of to bring the romantic atmosphere back.

"I love you Jericho," he said. Funnily, he hadn't even realised it until that moment, but now he felt his love for Jericho burning with a passion. Jericho froze for several long seconds, and they just stared at each other awkwardly. Then out of nowhere Jericho launched himself at Talon.

Talon fell back with an audible "oof." Then Jericho's tongue was being shoved into his mouth, causing Talon to very loudly almost choke on it. Thankfully, Jericho ignored the retched gagging sound, and continued to kiss him. He removed his lips just long enough to literally tear Talon's shirt from his body, then his mouth was back on Talon's. Desire erupted within him, and he wrestled Jericho's tongue with all he had. He groaned when Jericho removed his mouth one more.

"I love you too, more than anything." Talon closed his eyes and savored the amazing word, and the preceded to bring hi mate's lips back where they belonged.


Okay so good news...or not good news? You decide, but that is as sexay as it is going to get. This is pg13, and it shall stay that way! Sorry it took so long to upload, it was the last week of the quarter in school. So naturally, I had homework, midterms, and finals...Oh my!! But I am back so...yay! I am so thankful for the comments, I tell you nothing makes me happier that to turn on my phone and see that I have comments and votes. I love you guys, you are all made of awesome sauce! Anyway, again thanks for the comments, and votes, and new fans. Without them I would probably still be on like chapter two or three!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

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