Chapter Eleven

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Talon's POV

I nearly bolted when I heard someone come to the door, and the only thing that kept me from doing the was Jericho. Even though he was tiny, and I sometimes had the urge to laugh at how much he was dwarfed when he stood beside me, he was my strength. He was what cemented me to the Earth, and made me believe that we could win this upcoming war. He was the only reason I even wanted to fight, I had to make the world safe for him. I would stop at nothing, and I would pulverize anyone who threatened him, no matter how powerful they were.

The lock clicked, the doorknob turned, and the door seemed to open in slow motion. I felt as if I was going to puke. Finally the door opened, and revealed and extremely attractive middle aged man. He looked around my dads age, 35 to 40, would be my guess. He had dark tanned skin, and black silky hair that fell to his shoulders. I don't know how my dad gave him up, especially for my mom. No disrespect intended, but she had nothing on this dude.

He looked at us with curious liquid brown eyes. His eyes seemed to flash with recognition when he looked at me, but then the emotion was gone and he smiled slightly. Jericho nudged me, as if telling me to speak, but I could not, it felt as if my vocal chords were frozen. I heard Jericho huff in impatience, but before either of us could say anything Antonio spoke.

"Can I help you guys?" He asked in a deep voice that was laced with a slight accent.

"Yes sir, we came to discuss something with you. Although I think it is a subject best discussed in privacy, as it deals with matters beyond those of human awareness." Jericho said in a calm, confident voice. I would have to thank him later, when my voice started working again.

"Umm, ya sure kid come on in. Can I get you anything to like drink or anything?" He asked as we walked into his home. It was nice, and much homier than my house. It was very cold and sparked no emotional ties, where as this house looked lived in, and made you feel warm. It was not a symbol of power and wealth, but merely a symbol of a time when a house symbolized a home, not just the number of square feet and the expensive furniture you could fit into it.

"No thank you I'm fine, Talon here I think would like a glass of water though, seeing as his throat seems to be so dry he can't speak." Antonio nodded and left us in a small sitting room to go get the water. Jericho turned on me and slapped me in the face. I was so shocked all I could do was stand there and rub the red mark I'm sure was present. He may be small, but he was a tough little SOB.

"You need to snap out of it. I know you feel bad, and your scared he will hate you. Talon you are not responsible for your fathers mistakes. I've known him five minutes, and I can already tell you he doesn't seem the type to begrudge someone over something that wasn't their fault." I cast my eyes to the floor as he spoke, and I hated myself even more because I knew he was right. I had to speak, because even though Jericho would play a major role in the new pack, I would be the alpha. It was time I stopped dreaming of the day I would become an alpha, and actually became one.

Antonio came back in the room and handed me the glass of water, I thanked him roughly and then took a huge gulp. I then sat down on a small blue sofa, with Jericho next to me of course, and Antonio sat across from us in a corresponding blue chair. He smiled and put a coaster on the table, I gently set my glass back on the table.

"Do you have a pack?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. This was still my dad's territory, and as such if he would be in our pack.

"No, actually I don't. Why do you ask?" He sounded curious, but eyed us a bit warily. I had to assume that meant me and Jericho didn't give off some "we are mates" vibe, and Antonio was nervous that we would question why he had no pack.

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