Chapter Eight

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Jericho POV

"Stop right there!!" I flinched at yell form behind me. I turned on my heel and gave my best smile. Ash grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and began dragging me down the hall. I dragged my heels, but he just dragged me along like I weighed nothing. I saw Talon in the hall ahead and threw him a quick look. I was hoping he would help me, but he just looked quickly, and then went back to laughin at the guy he was hanging out with.

Okay, that pissed me off. I AM HIS BOYFRIEND, HE SHOULD BE SAVING ME!!! He is the one who wants to out us to the entire werewolf community. Why can't he out us in high school first? It would be a good test run, we could see how they would react first. I tugged on Ash and he stopped. He turned around and opened his mouth to speak, but I couldn't talk to him right then. I needed to go beat the holy heck out of my stupid my mate.

I held up my finger, murmured a quick, "hold the thought," and then stormed to where Talon was standing. Ash followed me, but I didn't care, I was planning on telling him after this anyway. So if I just happen to out me and Talon right now? Well, who cares if my best friend sees?

Talon gave me a nervous look from the corner of his eye, begging me to go away. I just smiled at the boy he was with, whom I didn't know.

"Oh, hey Jericho. Ummm what are you doing here?" Talon said nervously.

"Setting a world record of being the first human to lay an egg. Of course my pee pee hole isn't big enough, so i'm thinking I will just shove it up my butthole. Hopefully it will come out the next time I poop, it would be terribly awkward to have to have it sugically removed." Oh my goodness, I can not believe I just said that with a straight face! I am hilarious, and awesome!!

Ash and Talon's buddy cracked up laughing. They were practically rolling on the floor. I hope one of them does not puke, that would be icky. I smiled up at my gorgeous mate, but he did not look happy with me. He mumbled a quick goodbye to the others, and then I was being dragged through the halls again. He took me outside and threw me in his car. He got in the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot.

I knew he was mad, but I really didn't understand why! I mean I didn't even out him like I was planning, he never even gave me the chance! I knew he would probably yell at me for it, but I had to point something out.

"You do know that it is only second period right?" I asked, he threw me an angry look and just kept driving. We ended up at the warehouse, and he got out and went in without a word. I waited a few minutes and then followed him. When I got in there all i saw was a wall of flame as high as the ceiling. It was the biggest he had ever managed, quite impressive actually.

As soon as he heard me, the wall dissapeared and he turned on me. "Why, why did you have to come up to me at school? We don't hang out, you are a loser! If we start getting all buddy like and friendly, everybody's going to get suspicous!!" Talon screamed.

"You are the one who wanted to tell the whole werewolf world. You were willing to go screaming it to the entire world. Have you suddenly changed your mind? Do you not want to change the world anymore?" I yelled back. What was wrong with him. I hadn't done anything wrong, not really. I was nat even going to address the loser comment, he was just mad when he said that. He couldn't have meant it.

"No, it's a stupid dream. I'm the only one with powers, I can't take them all down. Not by myself." Talon sobered slightly as he said that, but then grew angry again.

"So listen I will still be your mate, but we have got to keep it quiet. And I am going to get a female as well, so that I can take over the pack." I was shocked into silence at his words. Then I was just angry, no way in hell was I going to be his dirty little secret for the rest of our lives! And for him to even think I would be willing to share!


"FINE! YOU GET YOUR WISH, I NEVER WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN! HAVE FUN WALKING HOME!" Talon turned and stormed out of the room. I watched him leave and just stood there. I didn't run after him, even when I heard his car start and pull out. I just stood there for what seemed like hours in shock. I finally pulled my phone out to text Ash.

I told him the adress of the warehouse, and asked him to come pick me up. My vision blurred as I  pressed send, and I broke down. My phone fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, but I didn't care. I had lost the love of my life, nothing else mattered, never again would I know joy. I had just damned myself to living a life that is not a life. A life without Talon. I fell to the ground sobbing.


Talon's POV

I am such a jerk. I had just shunned my mate, given up the only thing I really care about. I pulled the car to the side of the road. I barely had the car in park before I was completely blinded by tears.


Jericho's POV

A long time later, when my tear had dried and I was just lying on the ground hoping I could die, I heard the door open. I looked up excitedly, but then just sank back down when I saw it was Ash. He ran over to me and sank down onto his knees.

"Jericho, Jericho! Are you alright," Ash looked into my eyes hysterically. I waited a few minutes and then spoke.

"He was my mate, Talon, Well, I guess he is still technically my mate. Doesn't matter though, he left me." I forced myself not to cry. Ash bless him, took the news without a word, and just grabbed me and held me. He rocked me back and forth whispering in my ear. He kept saying over and over again, it's okay, but I knew it wasn't. Nothing about my situation was okay. Talon was my mate, and I would never get over him. Time would never even be able to heal this wound enough for it to stop bleeding.

I finally let the tears fall again, and Ash didn't say a word. Even as I drenched his t-shirt in tears. It reminded me why I loved him so much, he really was a great best friend.

"What the..." Ash said, and then let out an expletive. he pulled the hood up on his sweatshirt. I looked up confused, and what saw stunned me enough I nearly forgot why I had been crying. It seemed to be raining, but there were no clouds, and it was indoors. I looked into Ash's shocked eyes for a second. Then I fell onto my back, and let the rain, or whatever it was, wash the tears from my face.


Hope you like it! Again, it is too short, and I just realized I have a terrible habit of changing tense. Please, have a little patience there, I will try to work on it. Sorry it has taken me so long to update. Again, thank you so much for the voted and all the new fans! You guys rock like ROCKSTARS!!! Song es Not Over You by Gavin Degraw. Great song, one of my new favorites. Anyway as always comments and votes are appreciated. Didn't get many comments on the last chapter, your feedback is my motivation! So give me some feedback, Pwetty Please with a GIGANTIC CHERRY ON TOP!!!! Anyways love my story, but most of all love ME!! Hahahaha! I'm going to shut up balls rhymes with air ballsO.o...bye!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

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