Chapter Twelve: Part One

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Okay one thing before I start...I have decided to start writing in third person. I hope it isn't too confusing, but I am much better at third person. I also like it better! Talon's father's name is also now Joseph, so don't get confused! Alright, that being said I present to you...



Joseph watched angrily as his son's car sped away around a corner at the end of the road. He was going to punish him greatly for this. He looked toward the house he was parked in front of, and immediately opened the door to his car, fully intending to leave.

"Leaving without so much as a hello this time?" The voice had him freezing, and hearing it again almost brought tears to his eyes. " At least last time I got a conversation out of you before you went away. I was of course hoping for a little bit better back then, but I guess you can't always get what you want." Antonio's voice, laced with its soft accent, had Joseph frozen.

"Aww yes, it was one of the worst decisions I ever made though. I mean look at me, almost 38 years old and nothing to show for myself but a pack I never truly cared about, and an empty heart. I got exactly what I wanted, trust me, it's not all that it's cracked up to be." He spoke weakly, and he wasn't sure Antonio could even hear him.

"Well, maybe I could change that. All you have to do is come inside, I'm sure you could convince me to forgive you." Joseph let a deep breath out at the words, and found himself walking towards the house as if his feet had minds of their own. He never looked up until he was directly in front of the house, and when he did he found himself only inches away from his long lost mate.

Antonio was as beautiful as he remembered. His soft black hair, and smooth copper skin made Joseph's hand itch to touch. He had an almost body uilder body type, and he towered over nearly everyone with his staggering heighth. His soft brown eyes looked upon Joseph with a hope that was nearly desperate in its power, and he had a small smile teasing his full lips. Joseph wanted to kiss those lips with every fiiber of his being, but figured that would have to be saved until a later time. Assuming they even managed to work this out and become proper mates at all.

Antonio smiled and held his front door open, and Joseph entered slowly, and with extreme caution. The place was gorgeous, and it made him feel at home. Antonio closed the door and entered the house, following behind Joseph closely.

"You want anything to drink?" Antonio asked politely. Joseph shook his head distrctedly, still amazed at his mates home. He was led into a sitting room, and he sat down on a small chair. Antonio sat opposite him, on the couch. They sta in an awkward silence, until Antonio finally cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak.

"You have a good kid, I think he will make an excellent alpha. This idea of his though, it sounds so amazing, but I don't think he really knows what he is getting into." Joseph smiled at the words, it was true Talon was a good kid. His plan, he was sure his son and his mate would be able to do it, that is why he had told his son about in the first place.

"I think you would be surprised what Talon is capable of." He said quietly, still uneasy about the situation he was in.

"Are you scared of me?" Antonio asked in an incredulous tone. Seeming to find the mere thought of it absolutely ridiulous.

 "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to chop me up into little pieces. Considering what I did to you and all." Antonio threw his head back and laughed at Joseph's words. Joseph smiled shyly, but still considered the scenario a possibility.

"Oh Joseph, I wasn't crazy about what you did to me, who am I kidding I'm still not. This life is short though, and if there is a snowballs chance in hell of getting to sprend some of it with you I'm taking it." Antonio looked met Joseph's eyey as he said the words, and just like that everything changed.

Just like the first time they had ever met, time stopped and only the two of them existed. Which was what happened when a wolf found his mate. Antonio leaned across the small space between them, bringing their lips as close together as possible without touching.

"So what do you say? You want to try and be mates, and I mean real and true mates this time?" Antonio asked a little breathlessly. Joseph nodded his head vigorously, eyes never leaving those of Antonio.

"Good," Antonio whispered with a smile, and then he brought their lips together.


SUPER SHORT! But this is only part one of chapter twelve so that is why. Anyway hope you liked it, and so sorry for the late upload. I have been sick and my head has just not been clear enough to produce anything but total crap. So hope it is okay. Thanks to those who commented and voted, much love to you guys! Song is Bullet From A Gun by, you guessed it, The Script. ENJOY!!!!!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

Okay I am going to stop making requirements, because they make me feel like a pushy (insert insulting term). So I appreciate every single comment or vote I get, but I also wright on here simply for me. So there you have it, next part will hopefully be up soon! <3 

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