Chapter Two

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Talon POV

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Timothy asked. I immediatly pulled my eyes away from the boy I had been staring at.

Not boy, mate, I heard a voice inside me whisper. I chose to ignore it, and instead focused my attention on Timothy. "Nothing man, just thought the runt looked familiar is all." I laughed nervously, but thankfully Timothy didn't seem to notice. I looked over my shoulder at my ma, the boy again. He hadn't moved, and was till staring at me with a dreamy look in his eyes.

He was shorter than me, like a lot shorter. I was about six foot five, but I'm guessing he is only about 5 foot two. Like shrimp size, and he was super skinny as well, with little or no muscle definition. He had shoulder length red hair, and dark green eyes. He was okay looking I suppose, but it didn't matter because he wasn't my mate. There was no way I would ever get a male mate.

"Well ya he looks familiar, he is in the pack man." Timothy said, bringing my attention back to him. I was shocked, How had I never seen him if he was a member of the pack? A pack I was soon to be alpha of even.

"Oh, guess I never noticed. Anyways, I've got to run, see ya later dude." I gave him a quick wave and began to walk the other way, towards the fronts doors. I was just about to go outside when someone caught hold of my arm. I looked over and almost cursed to see the little redhead behind me.

"What do you want twerp?" I asked in a none to friendly voice. Confusion momentarily took over his face, but then he just broke into a huge grin.

"Dude, your my mate!" He practically yelled, still grinning like an idiot. I cringed and looked around making sure nobody had heard. I then roughly pulled him down the hall. I was considering a way to handle this when an idea suddenly struck me. This kid was gay, that much I knew from around school. I would make him think I felt nothing, and then he would leave me alone. I would fing a surrogate mate and get my pack, it was the perfect plan.

"What are you talking about man? What is this some kind of freaky gay crush thing? That is gross man, you need to stay the hell away from me." I felt awful as I saw the hurt flash in his eyes. It was for the best though, I could not have everyone thinking I had found a male mate. It was a huge deal in the wolf society, and most wolves that chose to aknowledge their male mates were run off. Left to live their lives shunned from pack and werewolf society altogether. I would not risk that, not when I was so close to getting what I wanted.

The good thing about werewolves was you had only one true mate. Which was essentially your other half, really the only person any wolf was capable of loving. You could have another though, and pass them off as your mate. Considering you don't mind living a miserable life and you are a very good actor.

"You mean you didn't feel it? None of it?" He asked in a small, heartbreakingly sad voice. He looked down, but I swear there was a glisten in his eyes. Like I said, it was hell to live without your mate, and that was essentially the fate I was forcing on us both. But in the end, it would be for the best, it hurt like hell right now though.

"No, like I said I just thought you looked familiar. Guess I know why now. Just stay away from me with your creepy gay germs okay? I don't want to catch a disease." I said in a horribly mean voice. I then turned and stalked off, but with every step the pain in my heart grew worse. Especially, because I could feel those tear filled eyes blazing into my back.

"I don't believe you," he yelled at my back, but I could tell he didn't belive himself. He was just saying that to comfort himself. I ignored him and ran out to my car. I got in and drove home blindly. Once I got there I sat in my car for what must have been hours, just in shock. I was unable to cry, I just couldn't do anything.

Finally, I got out and walked into the house. I ignored my parents as they tried to greet me. All I wanted was to go to my room and nurse my broken heart. I mean really I was an idiot, I had just willingly given up the best thing that would ever happen to me. If this is how I felt I wonder how that poor kid felt.

I lay down on my bed and sighed. I hadn't even bothered to get his name. I had just harshly shoved a knife through his heart, and did nothing while I watched him die on the inside. What kind of person would do that to their own heart? If you think about it that is all a mate is. A mate is your heart, your soul, everything you would ever need. And I had just walked away from it. As that thought entered my mind I closed my eyes, and let the tears run down my face.


This chapter is like super short, but I am tired and stuff so. Anyway hope you like it, comment please!!


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