Chapter Three

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Jericho's POV

I watched Talon walk away with tears in my eyes. I had been so convinced that he was my mate, all of the signs had been there. I guess I was just kidding myself though, even though it felt like my heart had just been ripped out. I could almost picture Talon ripping my heart out and stomping it into little pieces. He might as well have, because it felt like he did.

I walked out of the school slowly, not really seeing my surroundings. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed. Maybe I would cry some, and eat three gallons of chocolate ice cream. Or maybe I would lock myself away and starve, because I felt like I was dead on the inside right now.

I was just about to get into my car when I remembered I was supposed to go to the mall with Ash. I changed direction and headed to where he was standing by his car, waiting impatiently.

"About time dude, now let's go!" Ash said exitedly, but the smile that was forming immediatly fell when he saw my face. I spoke before he could ask any questions.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry, but I don't really feel like going to the mall right now." My voice sounded so small and sad, it made me even more depressed. I turned and walked away before Ash could say anything more. He didn't try to stop me, but I could feel him staring at me all the way to my car.

I mechanically turned it on, and drove the all to familiar streets to my house. For once I was greatful that I had never met my father, and my mother was on the night shift. It usually made me sad, because I only got to see her on the weekends. Today though, I only wanted to be alone.

I walked into the door and went up the stairs. I felt like I was a zombie, like a dead man walking. When I got into my room I locked the door and turned my ipod on full blast. I grabbed a book and started reading, trying to distract myself, but I knew it wouldn't work. After about ten minutes of soakin the page with my tears I put it down and curled myself into a ball on the bed. I just kept replaying his cruel words in my mind.

The worst was the part about getting a disease though. He had turned the gun sideway on that one. It was a traight up kill shot. I hated people that said things like that, and it made me grateful the I was apperently not his mate.

The more I thought about it though, that didn't make much sense either. All of the mate signs were there, and his tunnel vision had been just as intense as mine. As that thought entered my mind I wiped the last of the tears from my eyes. He had to be my mate, and I don't know why he was denying it. He must be scared or something.

I did know one thing though, I wasn't going to taske this lying down. He didn't want a male mate? Well too bad, so sad. Him ruining his own life is one thing, but I would not let him ruin mine. I would get him to accept me as a mate. Oh yes, my dearest Talon was about to get a lesson. I may be small, but I can be a fiery little devil when I want to be. And everyone knows that when you mess with get burned.


Talon's POV

I arrived at school the next day with my heart still aching. I hope he skipped school, or at the very least I don't have the mispleasure of running into him in the hallway. I don't know if I could handle that right now. I was pretty sure if we did run into eachother though, he would quickly look the other way. I had hurt him, and I can't imagine he would be anymore eager to see me than I was to see him.

As I walked toward the entrance to the school I nearly graoned out loud. He was standing outside blocking the way in. Maybe I should go around the back way, but I was too late. Just as I thought that he turned and saw me. His mouth split into a heartstopping grin, and I was so shocked I stopped in my tracks. Why the hack was he smiling at me?

He scurried over to where I was still glued to the ground in shock. "Heyyyyyy, you know you are like a super sexy unicorn. Want to walk to class with me? Oh who am I kidding, everyone wants to walk to class with me! Sooo..." He continued rambling on as we entered the school, but I still speechless. Had he suffered memory loss? Had he completely forgotten our little conversation yesterday.

I never said a word as we walked together to his first period class. I was horrified when he kissed me on the cheek before entering class though. Or well tried to kiss me on the cheek, but I was over a foot taller, so he actually ended up eskimo kissing my chin. He rubbed his nose, but then just smiled and waved at me as he went to class.

I went to first period in a daze, and stayed that way until lunch. I walked in and groaned as I saw him sitting at my lunch table. How had I never noticed he had the same lunch as me before? I hurried over to see what they were talking about.

"Well I don't know Talon very well, but he invited me to sit with you guys today. I hope that is allright." Jericho said this in that happy, immensly annoying way he had this morning. And his already huge grin increased as he saw me. "Awwww, look there he is now, well I will be right back guys. I need to go get some food." He then turned and skipped away as I sat down.

"Dude, why would you invite that loser to sit with us?" One of my human friends, Larry, whispered quietly.

"I didn't, I was just a s surprised as you guys to see him sitting here." I whisper back, making sure that Jericho is still out of ear shot.

"Awwww the little faggot has a crush on you! I bet you we could beat it out of him!" Another friend of mine, Chuck, said laughing. The rest of my table errupted into laughter. I did as well, but the thought of them beating up my mate definetely did not sit well with me.

"Oh here he comes, want to tell him to get lost Tal?" Larry asked with a goofy grin on his face. I was already the leader of this pack, and all my human friends looked to me before doing anything.

"Nah, who knows maybe he is allright." The guys burst into laughter again at this, obviously thinking it was a joke. Little did they know how true my words were. Jericho sat back down and the rest of lunch was spent awkwardly, the only one who seemed at ease was Jericho. Which was strange considering he was the outsider, encroaching on our territory.

About five minutes before the bell rang the other guys went to empty their trash. Jericho was about to follow, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. Our eyes locked, and it was just like the first time. All I could see was him, time slowed down until it almost seemed to stop. I found myself leaning forward, wanting to taste his lips. Just before I kissed him I pulled back.

"Not my mate huh?" He asked with a little smirk, and I didn't have anything to say. How could I deny it, after what just happened? But just because the option of denial was gone, didn't mean there wasn't alternative options.

"Ya, well maybe I am, but I cannot have a male mate. I'm sorry, but I am this close to being pack alpha, and accepting you would be the end of it. The end of everything." I started to get up, but this time it was him who stopped me. He looked me dead in the eye and my stomach filled with butterflies.

"Now listen here Talon. It would be one thing if you were just making yourself miserable. But unfortunately, I also have to suffer the consequences of this decision. So if you think you are just gonna walk away and leave me living a miserable life with no heart and no soul, well you should just think again. You should be grateful, a little Jericho in your life might due you good. Regardless though, you are stuck with me, and hopefully, someday, you and me can be true mates. For right now though, welcome to Jericho." He then smiled and walked off to empty his trash.


Haha I know I right short chapters. Hopefully you still like it though!!! Isn't Jericho awesome?!?! The song is based on the beginning of the chapter because I love the script!!!! Comment and vote and do all the delicious stuff that would make me happy please!!!! I wish you all peace, love, and Optimus Prime!!!! :D


Mrs. Optimus Prime

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