Chapter Seventeen

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"What are you doing here?" Talon asked, knowing the second it was out his mouth he shoudn't of.

"That's not very respectful toward your superiors young man. I actually came to exile the old pack alpha, your father, for being gay. However, upon arriving I couldn't help but hear your admission. I suppose I am killing two birds with one stone today." He gave a cruel smile. He was tall and muscular, with black hair. He would have been handsome if not for the evil gleam in his eye.

"What is wrong with having a male mate?! We don't even choose who our mates are! How do you justify exiling us over something we have no choice in?" Talon was playing a dangerous game talking to him like this, but right now he could really care less. He was pissed beyond belief and wanted an explanation from the asshole.

"Watch yourself boy, your fate is in my hands. If you must know though, I justify it with the knowledge that it hasn't always been a choice."

"What are you talking about?" Talon asked completely confused.

"Well, you see my dear friend, in the olden days, wolves did have a choice in mates. That was the whole reason the bonding ceremony was made. Now that we have no choice in the matter it is really not necessary, because we are bonded so deeply just by the chemistry of being mates. It is an illusion though, brought on by magic.

"You see way back when this all came about, homosexuality was not accepted in any form, in human or werewolf society. A very powerful wolf though, chose a male for his mate. Even worse, the male in question was human. He knew that it would not be accepted and due to this he used his powers to create a curse. And yes I do mean curse, because it took away all free will when it comes to choosing a mate. He was a dark, horrible wolf, that cared for no one other than himself.

So you see, Talon, this is not destiny at work. It is a dreadful curse, filled with dark magic so powerful no wolf today could ever break it." Talon looked at him, so surprised he was rendered speechless.

"The curse is not our fault though, it is not like we put it on the people!" It was Jericho who shouted the words angrily at their leader.

"Oh yes, but you are closer to the dark magic than anyone else, and because of this we simply can't have you around to cause a rucuss in society. And anyway, we needed someone to punish for this crime, and by the time we found out about it the creator wolf was long gone. So we punished the next best thing. Gay wolves are not to be tolerated, it is a law that I didn't come up with, but am more than happy to enforce." He looked around at the people gathered and addressed them.

"I am the supreme leader of the werewolf world, and as such my words become law as soon as they are said. As of right now, Talon, Antonio, Joseph, and Jericho are banished. They will have no pack, and no communication with anyone wishing to remain in this world. Anyone caught contacting them will be immediately exiled as well. This is effective as of now." He turned back to the four of them.

"You are to leave right now. You will sell your houses and move away from this community. If you are ever seen around here again, the pack here has permission to punish you as they see fit, and this includes death if they so choose. Now go." With this the King went back to his car and got in. Talon looked after him quietly, silently promising that it wasn't over. Then he turned into a wolf along with the others, turned, and ran without looking back.


I'M BACK! I know it is short, but hey at least it is a chapter! I am so grateful to all of you that have stuck with me even though I am not the best about uploading. You make me want to write! Thanks to all the new fans and everyone else, you guys are the bomb! Please vote, comment, and fan! I will try to upload soonish, but I have school and that has to come first. Song is Where Do I Hide by Nickelback. Love you guys, bear with me please!



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