Chapter Five

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Jericho POV

I was sitting in Talons bedroom, he was downstairs talking to his parents. I was trying really had not to snoop, but if he didn't hurry I was not going to be able to stop myself. Just as I was about to give in the door opened and Talon came in. He smiled at me and shut the door behind him.

I smiled back and was revelling in the fact that this gorgeos guy was my mate. I mean how lucky could I get? It seemed way to good to be true. Talon walked over to his bed and sat across from me on it. He kept the smile but it seemed slightly strained now. I braced myself for what was to come.

"So, about this whole pack alpha thing." He sighed the words more than said them, and I could tell that he was not happy with the situation. It was crappy, male mate's were not accepted, and both of us knew it. To choose me would also be choosing to give up his rights as next pack alpha.

"Well, since you chose to be my mate, I pretty much assumed you knew where you stood there." I looked him in the eye as I said the next words. "They aren't going to let you be alpha now. You realise that don't you? I mean we will be lucky if we aren't excecuted for this. Open male mates, nobody has dared to do that in over 150 years." His eyes grew sad as I said the words, but then a determination that I didn't understand sparked in the deep blue depths.

"Why don't we change it? I mean it is such a stupid thing, we don't choose our mates." There was anger and determination in his voice. I realised he truly believed that we could chenge the opinion of the entire wolf society. I reached across the bed and laced my figers through his, squeezing gently.

"We can't change everyone's minds like that Talon. It has been a stupid thing for a lot longer than we have even existed. I know you are a future alpha, but that doesn't mean that the entire society will change because you say so. The only one's they listen to are those more powerful than them, and alphas are not that hard to find. It would take wolves far more important than you and me to change the opinions of everyone." It killed me to say those words, especially when I saw the hurt in his eyes. We had to be practical about this though, we were not big enough to to stand before the council and demand it change our ways.

"I suppose your right, but it just makes me mad is all. I mean all my life all I have ever wanted to do was be pack alpha. You are more important though, a mate is always more important." He smiled at me, but a tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped at it angrily, but the tears did not stop there. I took him in my arms and rocked him gently as he cried.

We stayed like that for a long time, but then his mother called that it was time for dinner. I suppose that would probably be my que to leave, I don't know if his parents even know I am here. I gently let go of him and he sits up wiping his eyes. He smiles at me and heart melts at the warmth I see there.

"I told my parents I had a friend over so you can eat with us if you want.." Talon said in a voice that was only slightly stuffy from the breakdown he had just had. I considered for a moment, but I didn't know how I felt about meeting his parents. At least I didn't know how I felt about meeting them as Talons 'friend.' I looked into his eyes again though and the hopeful look in them made me cave.

"Oh alright," I said smiling at him. He grinned and wrestled me down onto my back. He climbed on top of me and gave me a deep kiss. I was just getting into it when his mother called for him again. He drew back reluctantly and reached out a hand to help me up. He took a quick look in the mirror to make sure you couldn't tell he had been crying. After that we headed downstairs.

When we got to the kitchen I grew instantly fearful. I had completely forgotten that his father was my alpha. How does one forget something like that. I quickly swallowed down my nervousness and followed my mate into the dining room.

"There you are," Talon's father said in a booming voice. "Oh and Jericho, how nice to see you here. I didn't realize you and Talon had become friends." He stood and shook my hand quickly, before sitting down and putting some food on his plate.

"Well it was recent thing sir." I stood there awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do with myself. Talon took a seat beside his father and motioned for me to sit in the one beside him. I took the seat, but then just sat and stared at the food on the table. There was some delicous looking chicken, and green beans, and mashed patatoes. The scent of it all had my mouth watering. Talon elbowed me and gave me a weird look.

"You can eat you know." He told me while after he had finished stuffing a gigantic piece of chicken in his mouth. I smiled at him and put a spoonful of mashed patatoes on my plate and a tiny piece of chicken. As a wolf I eat a lot, but it felt weird taking other peoples food. Talon rolled his eyes and grabbed my plate from me, he loaded it up with food before returning it to me.

I almost laughed, but quickly stuffed some chicken into my mouth to stop it. Oh my sexy bigfooted overlord it was good. I had to hold back a moan at the taste of it. I hadn't had a real homecooked meal in a long time. I usually had to cook for myself because my mother worked the night shift. I only saw her on the weekends and she was usually too tired to cook.

"So I assume from your moan you like my cooking?" I looked up at the words from Talon's mother. A pretty blond woman with eyes the exact same color as Talon's. I blushed the color of a tomato and nodded my head shyly. She laughed and patted my head kindly.

"Well thank you, it feels nice to have a compliment every now and again. These two always seem to forget that women like to know that their cooking tastes decent." She smiled at me and I felt my cheeks grow even warmer. She was super nice though, and I smiled back.

"Hey now we are just trying to make sure you don't get a big head." Talon said with a grin, and his mother laughed and rolled her eyes. Talon looked as if he wanted to say something more, but then he went rigid. I looked at him, expressing my concern with my eyes.

"No..fine..just going to," and then Talon turned his head with the most horrendous sneeze, choke gross thing I had ever heard. I couldn't think about it though, because no sooner had it happened then the stove burst into flame. Talon's father jumped up and ran into the hall.

All I could do was stare at the monstrous flames that had ranomly appeared. I felt as if I should help, but I didn't know how. Talon's father came rushing back with a fire extinguisher and had the fire out in no time. He then looked at the ruined appliance in confusion.

"What happened?" Talon's mother asked in a breathless voice

"I don't know it just burst into flames, it was off though. That shouldn't have happened when nothing was in it and it was off." Talon's father stared at the burned stove in confusion, and I could tell he was rattling his brain for an explanation.

I however had a very good idea how it had happened, and as I turned to Talon I could see the realization dawning on him as well. I couldn't believe it, but the proof was all there. It had been thousands of years. But it appeared that my mate had a magical ability other than being able to change into a wolf. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the what it was. I turned my head back to the stove and just stared in amazed silence


Hey guys!!! So sorry that it took me so long to uplaod. Thanks to all of those who have fanned and followed this story. It means so very much to me. You are all, as Jericho would put it, very very cool unicorns!!!! And if you don't like unicorns, well that is weird!! :/:/ Hehe anyway, hope you like!!! Song is play with fire, so appropriate for this chapter!!!


Mrs. Optimus Prime

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