Chapter Twenty Three

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It had been two days and still the king saw red every time he entered his chambers. Of course after his outburst the other day he had to do quite a bit of backtracking as no one here had even known he had a mate. Let alone a male one, telling them that would have been disastrous so he had made an incredibly lame excuse, and with him being king the others had no choice but to accept it without question.

In the past two days however he had stopped looking inward and started to think of the possibility that someone outside the court system had taken his precious William. More precisely those damn thorns in his side Jericho and Talon. And the more he thought about it the more he was convinced they were behind it, so now all he had to do was find them. Of course that shouldn't be too hard considering he had implanted a tracker into that little pest while he was unconscious.

So he knew exactly where they were and as luck would have it they were close, extremely close actually. It was a bit unnerving, but he didn't care, he was getting his mate back. So last night he had gathered a small group of his finest guards and they were now on their way to Jericho's location. Luckily for him he had good reason to want to find the little asshole, so none of the guards had blinked an eye at his plan. Well, except for the fact that they believed he was crazy to go after wolves who possessed magic, those that believed it had come back at least.

They had been trekking for three hours now and finally they were close enough to see a small, barely there puff of smoke in the distance. He smiled to himself, time to get back what was his.


The more WIlliam heard about where he had escaped from, the more he was convinced that the king had to be one of the men who had originally cast his spell. He knew of no others who could be as evi as what Talon and Jericho had described. So now he sat in the tent they had given him and despaired over how he was ever to find his mate.

He sat there lost in his own little world for a long while, until a loud ruckus was heard outside his tent. He quickly went to the flap of his tent, opening it slightly so he could observe without being seen. It appeared as though a small group of enemy wolves had infiltrated the camp, but that wasn't what made his blood run cold. No, that was the fact that his mate was smack in the middle of them.


"Why are you here?" Talon, oh how the king despised him, asked in a threatening tone.

"Is that any way to talk to your king, you pathetic maggot?" Not the most kingly of retorts, but it got his point across nicely. "I can go wherever I please, and you have something of mine," he snarled.

"I would never take anything that had been in your nasty clutches. I wouldn't even be here where the foul stench of your sulfurous soul could reach if YOU hadn't kidnapped my mate." Talon was very angry now, and everyone in the small camp was readying for battle.

"I know you have the body! Nobody else could have possibly took it you filthy faggot! I banished you from werewolf society, and this treasonous pack you have formed is grounds enough for public execution. If you tell me where the body is, I will make it quick, or else you and your mate both will suffer unimaginably before I allow you to die."  The king watched with slight satisfaction as fear entered Talon's gaze, and he herded his mate behind him.

"I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, and I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that you have threatened my mate for the last time. Leave and never come back, or I will rip your head from your shoulders for what you've done to Jericho." So that was how Talon wanted this to go down? The king could deal with that. He turned to his guards.

"Kill them all," he snarled. Immediately everyone began to move, preparing to shift and fight for their lives. The king smiled evilly at Talon as he instructed his "pack" to defend themselves. He felt himself begin to shift, and just as he was about to attack his whole world stopped.



Hey ya'll, I make no excuses for this not being done earlier. I got it about half way written and then I got busy and completely forgot about it! So sorry, but hey its almost Christmas and my boys needed a long overdue visit. I am hoping to finish part two before I go back to school after break, but I can't promise anything :/ Soooo, sorry about the wait, and I hope you enjoy it! I love you, and wish you oodles and oodles of poodles!



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