Chapter Sixteen- Part Two

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"Shit," Talon said. He grabbed Jericho and all but pushed him behind himself. He moved slowly backward toward the edge of the crowd. They were all gawking, the boy who had spoken, who's name Talon could not remember, was looking a bit uneasy at the look Talon was giving him. He felt cornered, and there was no feeling he hated more than vulnerability. Especially when his mate was in danger. He needed to find a way to take control of the situation or things were going to go downhill fast.

He considered briefly whether or not he would be able to convincingly deny Jericho was his mate. All he had to do was look at the faces of all those around him to see that was not an option. They were all shocked, but none of them looked all that disbelieving. This was probably due to his protective actions toward Jericho, as well his mates words.

"Are you going to try and fight me?" Talon asked through clenched teeth.

"No, no of course not." The kid sputtered out, looking like he was about to pee himself out of fear. Talon hadn't thought he had that horrible of a face on, but the kid sure seemed scared to death. Not that Talon was complaining, the kid being afraid worked very much in his favor. Unfortunately, he doubted very much that the others would be as afraid of him. His luck somebody had already called the head of the werewolf council. Who was essentially their king and extremely anti-gay. He would be exiled in a heartbeat.

"Good," Talon said. He kept his protective hold on Jericho while making sure to meet each and every pack memeber's eye. He needed to make a point and that was the best way to do it. Words were not always necessary, and in this type of situation unspoken threats were much more effective.

"Listen guys, we don't need to make a big deal out of this. In fact, as your new pack leader, I demand secrecy." Mike said, coming to stand beside Talon.

"You can't do that. This is a council matter, they both need to be exiled." Hurt filled Talon at one of his good buddies voices. He looked over at Jace, who had spoken. They had known each other since kindergarten, he had thought Jace would be on his side for sure. When they met eyes though, all Talon could read in Jace's was hatred.

"How can you say that Jace? Think of all we have been through with Talon. He has done a lot for both of us. He deserves more than for us to just go running to the council. I just became pack alpha, not because he didn't have a mate, but because his mate is male. Don't you think that is punishment enough? Especially on his birthday of all days. Just give him a break man." Mike was getting angry, and Talon sincerely hoped Jace didn't say anything stupid. He would be liable to get punched in the face if he did.

"Yes well, I abide by the laws. It is against the law to have a male mate. I am not going to get exiled because I hid the fact that Talon is gay. You know the council, they will find this out sooner or later. I'm sorry Talon, and it isn't personal. I don't like gays, but you've been my friend for a long time. I have to though, because I can't let you drag me, and this pack down with you." Jace pulled out his cell phone, hit a button, and put it to his ear. Did he seriously have the council"s number on speed dial?

Talon just stood there frozen. He couldn' believe this was actually happening. He and Jericho were going to get exiled, and watched like hawks. They would never be able to build a pack with surveillance on them. Jericho wrapped his arms around Talon from behind. He grabbed his mate's hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. At least he would still have him, and as long as that was true, Talon could handle exile or anything else the world threw at them.

"Dammit! I have the wrong number in my phone." Talon jumped at the loud curse from Jace. Could this be a lucky break? Maybe there was hope for this situation after all.

"I have the right number," Jillian, one of the few females of the pack said. Talon let out a deep sigh, all hope fading from him. He should have known that Jace not having the right number wasn't a saving grace. He might as well just face it, he was backed up against a wall. He had no control, and no way out of the situation.

"Please Jillian, have a heart. This is a tough situation for me. You don't get to choose your mate." Jillian looked at them for a second with sympathy, and Talon thought she was going to keep their secret, but then she just shook her head and turned back to Jace.

"I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Jace on this one. The number is..."

"Don't bother, the council already knows." Talon's eyes widened at the new voice. He knew that voice, every werewolf knew that voice. Talon threw his head in the direction the voice had come from. Yup, he was screwed royally.

The king of the wolves had arrived.


Hey guys! I know it has been a long time since I uplaoded and I am sorry, but life happens. I didn't have a lot of time so this is another shrt one. I wanted to upload though, because I feel really bad. I will try to upload again in the next couple of days. I work tommorow though, and I leave for two weeks with no computer the day after. I will try my hardest. You guys are the best and I hope you still read this even though I am terrible at uplaoding. Vote, comment, fan! Song is Both of Us by Taylor Swift and B.O.B, mostly just because I like that song. Anyway, love you all <3



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