Like Burning Rain (boyxboy)

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Heyy!! So this is my first story obviously, so be super nice please!! I would love your feedback, but don't eat my soul and make me cry while doing it please!! Hehe so without further a do, I present to thee...

Like Burning Rain(title may be changed)


"Talon," my father screamed from downstairs. I sigh warily and walk to the door of my room. I stop for a second with my hand on the doorknob, I turn around and face my bed.

"You should probably go." I tell the chick laying there. I can't quite remember her name, but I don't really care. She nods quietly and starts walking towards the door. I block her and just stand there looking at her like she is out of her mind. She drops her eyes and goes over to the window, and carefully maneuvers her way out onto the roof. I stand there long enough to make sure she made it out alive and then head downstairs.

I walk into the living room to find my parents sitting on the loveseat together. I take a seat across from the on the recliner. I stay silent, my dad would let me know when my input was needed.

"I have some bad news. Something that may interfere with your ability to become pack leader in a month." That got my attention and I can't even speak, just sit staring at my dad wide eyed. My mother looks at me with pity, but all I feel is shock. Not be pack leader? In a month I would turn eighteen. It was tradition for the sons of alphas to inherit their fathers pack when they turn eighteen.

"Wh...Why?" I ask in a wobbly voice. Being alpha was the only thing in the world I had ever wanted. I needed to know why it was being threatened.

"Well, the alpha council has decided that in order for someone to inherit a pack they must first have a mate. Apparently they think it will help keep them in check, make them more responsible. I don't disagree actually, but regardless, it creates a dilemma." I looked into my fathers eyes as he spoke, and I swear I could see a little glint of joy in them. Of course this made him happy, it meant that he could stay alpha. I wasn't going to let this just happen though. The council wanted me to have a mate, fine I'll get a mate.

"Ok, so I will get a mate. No big deal, I can do that in a month." I say, even though I know that it would be very hard. Each werewolf had only one true mate, and it took some years to find them. Some never did, but I shoved that thought from my mind. I would find my mate, and then I would take the pack on my birthday.

"Talon you realize finding your mate isn't easy right? Sometimes it takes years, and for some they can never find them. I think you may just have to live with this." I stood up and stalked over to my father and leaned down, staring into his eyes menacingly.

"Listen here old man, cause I'm only going to say it once. That pack is mine by birth right, and this is merely an obstacle standing in my way. Worry not though, by this time next month, I will be taking my rightful place as pack alpha." I walked out of the room angrily, sure that my point had been received.

I took my car keys off the key rack by the door and left the house, slamming the door closed behind me. I slipped into the drivers seat and then just sat there for a second. I had to get serious if I was going to find my mate. But if there was one thing I was absolutely amazing at it was getting what I wanted, and I wanted to be alpha. If that meant finding a mate first? Game on.

Jericho POV

"Umm apples?" I say as the teacher asks me a question. That answer is always acceptable, apples are delicious. Ash snickered beside me, and rolled his eyes at my silly answer. I ignore him and give the teacher my best grin.

"Correct, good job Jericho." The teacher says and then continues with the lesson I had not been paying attention to. My eyes widened and I did a mental fist pump at how epically awesome I am. I mean honestly, what were the odds that apples would be the right answer. I guess this is nutrional sciences class, but still.

"That was awesome! How did you do that man? You were totally spacing," Ash whispers to me. His black hair was streaked with red and permanently hanging in his face. He wore classic goth gear and together me and him made up what was known as the "duo of fantastic losers." That nickname was thanks to some bullies that have no lives, but unfortunately it stuck. Now every time one of the populars sees us they identify us by that name. It was annoying as unicorns, but you get used to it.

Where as Ash was the shy goth guy, I was the flamboyant weirdo. I said what was on my mind, and had never quite made it past a middle school mentality even though I was a junior. Those weren't the reasons I was picked on though, I was picked on because I'm gay. Yup that's right folks I'm a glittery unicorn of manlove right here. Hmm, unicorns, I like them a lot. I chuckle to myself before replying to Ash.

"I don't know man, must be my mad skills." Ash burst out laughing, but soon sobered as the teacher scolded him on being disrespectful. Ugh this class is taking forever, I hate school. Finally after like eight lifetimes the bell rings and I get up and run out of the room. Sweet fluffy bunnies it felt good to be free. Unfortunately, that freedom would only last until tommorow, but I wasn't gonna let that ruin my mood.

Ash hurries to catch up to me. "Hey you want to go to the mall with me today. They have this new tattoo shop there and I want to get my lip pierced." I give him a weird look, but then just shrug it off. It was his business what he did to his lips, but personally I would never ruin all my awesome with nasty rings in my lips.

"Yesssss, I want some new glitter, I'm going to Keshafy myself." I stick my tongue out and make a rocker sign with my hands. Then I start shaking mu booty and blast into a loud, and very off key, rendition of "We are who we are."

Ash just rolls his eyes at me. "Whatever just meet me outside by my car. We have to go right now cause I have to babysit my brat of a sister later." He rolls his bright green eyes and walks toward his locker. His eyes were the only contrast to his gothic look. They were actually quite beautiful, not that I would ever tell him that. He accepted me for who I was, but he was without a doubt straight. I don't mind though, he's my buddy, but nothing more.

I walk to my locker and get a few catcalls and put downs from the populars. I just ignore them however, I was better than them, oh ya I just mentally powned those idiots. I chuckle to myself, I go to my locker, but someone is blocking it. It was Talon, the unbelievably hot son of my pack alpha. Oh did I mention I am also a werewolf.

I go to wait patiently for him to move, but he doesn't seem to notice. I eavesdrop on the conversation he is having with Timothy, another member of my pack.

"I have to find a mate by the end of the month or I can kiss being alpha goodbye. It sucks, I have nothing without that." Talon was saying to Timothy. What? He couldn't be alpha unless he found a mate? That must be a new rule, because I had never heard of it. I really didn't care much, pack politics were boring.

"Umm, excuse me. That's my locker you are standing in front of." I keep my voice polite, even though inside I was getting impatient. Talon looked at me, but I could tell he didn't recognize me. We had a big pack, and I was a nobody. Why would he bother knowing my name?

He looked me up and down sizing me up. So I decided to do the same to him. He had gorgeous blond hair and chiseled, manly features. His body was to die for and his eyes were a deep icy blue. As soon as our eyes met the world seemed to stop. The floor dropped out and time ceased to exist . There was only me and him. That was all that mattered.

From far away I heard Timothy's voice. "Hello, what the hell is wrong with you guys?"


I will provide no pictures for this book, I think it is more fun to imagine what they look like! Anyway let me know what you thought please! P.S. Not very good at editing so excuse my mistakes:)


My Optimus Prime

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