A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S + M O R E

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Hey guys! It's granny... Yes... Umm... The person who wrote this book. 

*hides in embarrassment* 

It is my sad duty to inform all of you that this book is coming to an end. However, if you have your own mini-rants you'd like to share with me, I will most certainly include them in an extra chapter! :D

Anyways, I'd like to thank you, yes you- my dear readers for getting this book to where it is now. You guys have helped me so much- through thick and thin and all the embarrassing things I've ranted about- you've stuck with me. So thank you! All of you deserve pats on the back!

I'd also like to thank a few special people- NeverCatchMe for helping me start this book and being here every step of the way, Anna-MarieB for listening to my each and every rant and telling me to calm down (good luck with your baby girl, Anna!), and anyone who has ever participated in my oh so amazing (not) contests! 

Also, I'm currently writing a new story:

*Give Me A Reason

And feel free to check out my other works

But by now I probably sound like a rambling idiot so umm... uhh... In short, thank you! 

Stay tuned for more weirdness and-

To everyone: keep on being awesome! 


Iqra H.  <- yes, it's my actual name :D

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