I've decided that I will be choosing a book of the week/author of the week who you guys are welcome to check out.
Author of the week: AllyKenshin1877 (I love your works and feel as if they should get more views. Plus, you've been so supportive of me and my works that... you deserve this! congrats c:)
Book of the week: Loving London by @petroltogo. Yes, it starts out cliche, but I promise there is a quick turn of events that will make readers go, 'whoah'. Plus, I love the author's use of dry humor and the MC's sarcasm, it's brilliant!
I don't know about you but when [SPOILER] Snape died in the books, I was devastated. When he died in the movies,[SPOILER] I was also devastated but at least the actor was still alive, right?
There is something that has been on my mind for the last few days, I have a few pet peeves that I might just share with everyone today.
Peeve number one: People who slurp.
Okay, so I get it if you're like two and don't know any better, but when you're a grown man slurping your noodles so that the person who is sitting at a table very close to you (*cough* me *cough*) loses their appetite, something is wrong.
Oh my goodness gracious, it's a terrible thing.
And then all that spittle and whatnot lands on the table and surrounding area...
Mr. [whateveryournameis], table manners, please!
Peeve number two: People on... uhh... buzzfeed. I'll admit I'm sort of... uhh... how do you say this?...addicted to buzzfeed. [DON'T SAY A WORD]
So anyways, I'm taking a random quiz (because I'm a total procrastinator and buzzfeed helps with that) and I scroll down to the comment section. And this is what I see-
"This is a terrible quiz, the results aren't accurate."
"I hate this, it is so unprofessional, and much too humorous."
Why do people in the comments section never seem to have a sense of humor?
That picture was posted only for humor and laughs, not for you to be annoying and ruin everyone's fun by determining that you are much too important for the likes of this.
Peeve number three: People who don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough or whatever.
I shall tell you a story,
once upon a time in the land of beautiful flying creatures and talking babies lived a pretty person with golden brown hair and shiny blue orb- CUUUUUUUUT- that's definitely not how it went.
I shall re-tell the story,
Once upon a time when I was twelve, a little girl (lets call her Ms Brat) was being babysat by yours truly (of course, our parents didn't trust me to take care of her so they were downstairs in another room or something) and ms. brat starts sneezing on everything.
Keep in mind that this is a six year old girl who knows better.
She sneezes on every damn thing.
And by that, I mean EVERYTHING in my room.
I courteously ask her to cover her mouth, please, and she goes crying to her mommy saying that I was being mean to her.
She gives her mommy one look and her mom (who gave her the right to yell at someone else's daughter?) yells at me.
Needless to say, I ha- excuse me- highly dislike both her and her daughter even though we're all fully grown people.
And it also means I hate people who don't cover their mouths.
peeve number four: literally.
"She is literally the prettiest girl I've ever met!" said no one ever, about me.
"That is literally the white house!"
No, that is the white house.
Ughh... it drives me nuts, because people cannot decipher what 'literally' means.
peeve number five: When people listen to their music without headphones or earbuds or whatever they're called.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to hear your music, buy yourself some earbuds or something!
peeve number six: people who steal my food.
That's my food, not yours, thankyouverymuch.
I've had people take stuff off my plate without asking and I've had others take my sandwich or whatever without asking.
*looks at you in disgust*
Excuse you? Who the heck do you think you are? Get outta my sight! Especially you, people who take food off my plate.
*watches you intensely*
So this chapter/thing was not really about Wattpad but more about pet peeves and the like. Hope you enjoyed it/can relate/whatever.
What Not to Do With your Stories + Other Randomness
RandomEver wondered what not to do with your stories on Wattpad? No? Well, whatever, here is the (not) complete guide to the most annoying cliches you find in a lot of books. Keep in mind that these are MY opinions and are meant only for humor. They are n...