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So for the past two years I've been dating the amazingly talented, absolutely stunning Lauren Jauregui. We met at a music festival out in Arizona three summers ago, I thought she was the definition of perfection when I laid eyes on her. From the moment I saw her I knew I felt a connection, but she was famous and I knew I never stood a chance.

During the music festival we spent most of our time together just talking and getting to know each other. I couldn't believe how fast I let her in especially after the way my last relationship ended, but something about her was just so inviting. By the time the last day of the music festival arrived we had become rather close. Just before we both left we exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch, and we did.

We texted and facetimed regularly talking about anything and everything. I couldn't help but fall for her even more each time a received a message or a facetime request from her. It wasn't until a couple months later that I saw her in person for the first time since the festival.


I was performing a gig at a local coffee shop here in LA when I saw her. I was on stage in the middle of one of my songs when I just happened to look up from my guitar and was greeted with the most breathtaking emerald eyes. She had a small smile that made its way on her face as she watched me sing intently. I broke eye contact and focused back on my guitar before I got too lost in her eyes and butchered my song.

I'm Mad at you
For being so cute
And Changing my mood
And altering my rude
What's wrong with you
You make me sick for being so perfect

As I continued to sing I felt my heart flutter as the realization hit me. This was my first time performing this song. A song I wrote about a specific girl. And that specific girl just happens to be watching me at this very moment. I wonder if she knows it's about her. Oh God I hope she doesn't hate me after this.

But I tore down my walls
And opened my doors
And made room for one
So baby I'm yours
Oh baby I'm yours

When I finished my song I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before letting out a long sigh. I looked up when I heard the audience cheering and applauding rather loudly, a proud smile appeared on my face watching the scene unfold in front of me. I thanked the audience and slung my guitar on my back before walking off of the stage and straight to a certain emerald eyed beauty.

"Hey Lauren... So wh-what did you thi-..." I was cut off by a pair of soft lips pressing against mine. I only hesitated for like half a second before I reciprocated. Our lips fit perfectly together as they moved in sync. I rested my forehead against hers after we pulled away gasping for air. I caressed one of her cheeks and looked straight into her eyes.

"Lauren, will you be my..." she quickly cut me off my pecking my lips gently. She pulled away slightly, but wrapped her arms around my neck while I rested my hands on her waist. She looked me in the eyes but it felt as though she was staring into my soul. Then she whispered, "Baby, I'm yours."

End of Flashback

Lauren and I have been together ever since that day at the coffee shop.

Unfortunately, recently we have both been busy and haven't had a chance to see each other in the past three months. She's been on tour and I've been traveling a little bit working on my music career as well.

It's hard having to go long periods of time without being able to hold her or even see her in person. I basically have to keep up with the girls' most recent interviews if I want to see her because most times she's too busy to even facetime me anymore. Speaking of, a lot of their interviews lately have been bringing up the whole "Camren" thing.

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