Ever Enough Pt. 2

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A/N: A big thanks to SLOTHTATO for the new cover! I absolutely love it!

Lauren's POV

There's a deafening silence that falls among us, but then the doctor takes a deep breath, "And I'm so sorry to inform you that this time it is much worse..." He looks at her sadly.

As those last few words fell out of his mouth I felt as though my heart had just been ripped from my chest and time was moving at an unbearably slow pace. I was broken out of my thoughts when her doctor spoke up again, "I'll give you guys some time to process" he walks to the door but before he leaves he squeezes Y/N's shoulder sympathetically while she just gives him a sad smile.

Then everything finally sunk in and I broke down sobbing, "Babe, c'mere..." Y/N whispered but it was like my feet were cemented to the floor, I just stood there, frozen in place. Then she gently tugged on my arm and pulled me between her legs and held me close, as soon as she did that I gripped onto her shirt desperately and sobbed into her chest. "Pl-Please don't cry baby" she whispered into my ear as she rubbed my back but I didn't respond, I only held onto her tighter.

I finally settled down after a few minutes and when I did I pulled away from Y/N a bit, I released my death grip on her shirt and gently cupped her cheeks. I leaned in and kissed her slowly, taking my time to savor the taste of her sweet lips, lips that belong to the person I had fallen in love with so many years ago.


It's been four months since Y/N's doctor told us that her cancer was back. They decided to start chemotherapy that next day since her cancer came back much more aggressive this time. They also thought it was best to give her the strongest treatment they could in order to try to keep it from spreading anymore.

The first few days were horrible. No matter what her mom and I did we couldn't take her pain away. The doctors gave her pain medication, but it didn't seem to help at all. She was constantly throwing up and shaking because the pain was so intense. I had seen her like this many times before, but seeing the love of your life suffering like that is not something you ever get used to.

We spent most of our days going back and forth to the hospital for her chemo treatments. When we weren't in the hospital we were laying around at home. We spent countless hours watching movies or playing video games when she was up for it. But Y/N slept most of the time, which I was okay with because it was better than seeing her in pain.

Two months... For two months I watched the girl I was in love with become weaker and less like herself. Her normally happy and energetic self could barely muster up enough energy to walk to the kitchen, not that she was ever hungry enough to actually eat. She lost weight like crazy, all of her clothes just swallowed her completely.

You know, despite everything Y/N was going through she never once cried or let that beautiful smile of hers faultier. She may not have had the energy that she used to, but she was still the same happy Y/N from before.

That was until the day that she jumped up from bed and ran to the bathroom towards the toilet then began throwing up. I quickly bolted after her and held her hair back and rubbed her side until she was finished. Once she was done she leaned up against the side of the tub and ran her fingers through her sweaty hair, but when she pulled her hand away she froze. She looked down at her hand for the longest time before finally looking up at me with tear filled eyes. "No" was all she whispered before she began to sob. Without hesitation I pulled her into my chest and stroked her hair gently, making sure not to pull out anymore.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt