Maybe Someday

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(Goodbye Part III)

Lauren's POV

It's been a year. A whole year without Y/N.

After what happened I tried calling her and texting her every day for an entire month, but she never responded. I would've gone to look for her, but I was on tour and Will said it was impossible for us to take off any time during the middle of tour unless it was a life or death situation.

Once we were on break I tried looking for her everywhere, but I never found her. I went to her friend's houses, but they said that they hadn't seen her. I went to her favorite coffee shop every day of our break and just sat there hoping she would walk through the door, but she never did.

It wasn't until I went to her parents' house that I found out she had left town. They said they didn't know where she went or when she would be back or if she was even coming back at all. They must've noticed my uneasiness because they reassured me that she was fine. They told me that even though she hasn't told them where she was, she always makes sure to call and let them know she's okay.

As soon as I heard the news my heart sank. Not only did she feel the need to move out of our house, but she felt as though she had to leave town as well. Also, the fact that she didn't even tell her parents where she was going only made me worry more.

I kept trying to text her and call her, but not once did she ever pick up. My heart even broken when I tried to send her a text one day and I got a message back saying the text failed to send because the number had been disconnected. I then searched her on social media to try to at least see what she was up to, but to my surprise she deleted all of her accounts. Vine, twitter, snapchat, tumblr, and Instagram were all gone, they all said "this user no longer exists". Now there was absolutely no way for me to get in touch with her.

It's been a year. A year without seeing her, without feeling her soft skin underneath my fingertips, without kissing her perfect lips, without looking into her mesmerizing eyes, without hearing her sweet voice, a year without the love of my life.

I'm calling bullshit on whoever said "time heals all wounds" because they were sadly mistaken. I am still just as heartbroken now, a year later, as I was the day Y/N told me goodbye. Nothing is the same anymore. My heart was filled with butterflies, but now it feels as though it's filled with glass. My outlook on life used to be so positive, but now everything seems so hopeless. My once vibrant, colorful world has now faded into dull hues of gray. My love used to be so passionate and abundant, but now it's as if I've forgotten what it's like to love at all. So no, time does not heal all wounds. Time simply allows the reality of heartbreak to settle in and consume you completely. Time is nothing but an enabler of heartbreak. Time is cruel and relentless. Time is unforgiving.

For the past six months the girls and I have been recording nonstop. It's been a lot of long days and sleepless nights. But I have to admit it has proved to be a pretty good distraction and a bit of an outlet for everything I'm feeling right now. We were actually headed to the studio right now to record the last song on our upcoming album.


After eight long, excruciating hours of recording we had final finished the album. We were all so relieved that it was finally finished because we couldn't wait to see how the fans would react to it. Also, we were really ready for a break.

We were all just sitting around relaxing in the lounge area when Will walked in. "Hey ladies, listen up I have a surprise for all of you!" he cheered. All of us perked up and focused our attention on Will waiting anxiously.

"So you girls have worked your butts off for the past six months and I couldn't be prouder of you. You showed up every day like you were supposed to and gave your best during every single session AND you even kept the complaining down to a minimum!" he chuckled.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt