Is this Real?

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A/N: Well I thought I would try something new... So uhh, let me know how you like it! That is if you even like it at all...Also, sorry it's shorter than the others...


Our sweaty bodies pressed up against one another while our lips moved in sync. I could feel her hands slowly traveling down the front of my body as I pulled away and began trailing kisses down her neck. I felt her fingers begin to play with the button of my jeans, but she froze when I bit down on her sweet spot. Her low moans filled the room and I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. In that exact moment I knew I never wanted to stop hearing her sexy moans.

I tapped on her thighs signaling that I wanted her to jump up, she got the hint and I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my waist. She threw her head back in pleasure as I continued my assault on her neck. More raspy moans spilled from her lips and that only fueled my actions. I began to slide one of my hands up her shirt...


I groan as I sit up and grab my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer in a raspy voice since I just woke up.

"Girl, get your ass out of bed and let me in!" my best friend yelled from the other side before hanging up.

I groan even louder since I was just woken up from a pretty amazing dream. I get out of bed and change into a pair of sweats and a tank then go answer the door. "It's about damn time! I've been knocking for forever! Why the hell is your lazy ass still in bed!?" my best friend scolds me as she punches my arm. "Nice to see you too Dinah Jane..." I glare at her before shutting the door and going over to sit on the couch. She follows me into the living room and takes a seat next to me.

"So why were you still in bed? It's five in the afternoon, that's late even for me!" she shoves my shoulder.

"You know I don't sleep well..." I say simply.

"What time did you finally go to bed?" she looks at me worriedly.

"Uhhh... About eleven this morning..." I yawn.

"Y/NN, I really think you should go see someone about that."

"Nahhh... I'll be fine... but you won't be!" I glare at her and punch her arm.

"What!? What did I do!?" she holds her hands up in defense.

"You interrupted a fucking amazing dream!" I groan as I fall back on the couch and she just giggles at my frustration.

"Is it the same one?"

"Yes, but I don't know why I keep having it! I don't even know the girl in my dreams, so how can dream about her over and over again?" I run my hands through my hair in aggravation.

"Well, ya know they say that people who appear in your dreams are people you've seen in real life. You don't have to know them necessarily, but if you've at least seen them before then they can show up in your dreams. Even people you've just passed on the streets!" Dinah explains excitedly.

"Dinah Jane, people do not give you enough credit... You are one smart individual." I wink at her playfully.

"Bish I know!" she flips her hair, I just scoff.

"So what brings you here in the middle of a Saturday afternoon?" I ask curiously.

"Well I came here to tell you that you're coming with me to a little underground club tonight!"

"Ehhh, fair enough... I'm down for whatever" I shrug.

"Awesome! Well I'll text you the address, you just make sure you're there about ten tonight!"

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt