On Our Own

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A/N: Hey everyone! I know it's been a while so sorry about that. But this imagine is different from my other ones because I worked on it with my good friend bethjc . I'm sure most of you have read her stuff before, but if you haven't you should definitely check her out because she's an incredibly talented writer! Hope y'all enjoy😁

Your POV

We collapsed onto the bed in a heap, chests heaving and sweat covering our bodies from our previous activities.

I lifted my arm up, knowing very well that the first thing my green eyed girlfriend did after sex was cuddle her body as close to mine as possible, and lay her head on my heaving chest.

"I like listening to how fast your heart beats after we have sex. Let's me know I did a good job." Lauren says with a slight smirk, causing me to chuckle at the girl.

"Lauren, you've been listening to my heart beat for 3 years now. You must know by now that you do a good job every time." I said with a slight laugh, smiling down at the raven head of hair covering my chest.

"I know, but I still like hearing it." She smiled, lifting her head up and sending me a content smile before placing a loving kiss on my lips.

For a while we lay contently on my small dormitory bed, listening to nothing but the sound of each other's quiet breaths, and the distant noise of college students making their way around the large campus.

"My parents called yesterday." Lauren began, her fingers tracing light patterns on the side of my rib cage as she spoke, her head still laying comfortably on my chest.

"They want me to bring you to Miami for Thanksgiving. I think they're getting tired of all the excuses I keep giving them." She said, causing me to tense up underneath her.

Lauren's parents had always been a touchy subject for us.

We had been dating since the start of freshman year. Now we were juniors, and I had still never met her parents.

Before it had never really been a problem. Lauren's parents understood that the small amount of time I had for the holidays I wanted to spend with my own family, so they dropped the topic.

Recently, however, they weren't exactly content dropping the subject any longer. Every other phone call Lauren had with her parents was about bringing me down to Miami to meet them, or them flying over to L.A to meet me.

Lauren had always shut this suggestion down saying we were too busy, or we couldn't afford it, or really any other excuse she could come up with at the time.

Now it seemed like the Jauregui's had thought of an answer to every excuse she gave them.

Too busy? Come during a holiday. Can't afford it? They'll pay for flights and we can stay with them.

They seemed to be stopping at nothing to meet the girl their daughter had been dating for 3 years, which I fully understood. The only problem was that I was absolutely terrified.

"Lauren you know I can't meet your parents. Not now at least." I said quietly, not wanting this sour topic to ruin our moment.

"I know, it's just they won't stop nagging me. At some point you're going to have to meet them Y/n." Lauren told me, lifting her head off my chest and to look me in the eye.

"I know. I was just hoping that day would be our wedding day." I muttered, earning a giggle from the green eyed girl above me, causing me to smile as well.

"I'll just tell them that you've really been missing your family and you're spending Thanksgiving with them instead. Hopefully that will be enough and they won't offer to fly your entire family over." Lauren said with a roll of her eyes.

"Hopefully it will. Now enough of this meet the parents stuff. Let's just go back to laying here and enjoying this little piece of relaxation while we can."


Lauren's POV

"I don't wanna go." I whined as y/n pulled the car into the visiting parking lot of Los Angeles International Airport.

"Lauren, it's only 3 days. You'll be fine. Before you know it I'll be right here in this exact same spot picking you up and taking you back to the dorm." Y/n reassured me, hopping out the car and opening the door for me, making me groan.

"I feel sick. I don't even think I can stand to be on a plane for 5 hours." I pouted as Y/n helped me out of the car and pulled me into her side, kissing my head as she took my luggage out of the back seat.

"Lauren. You will be fine. I promise." She reassured me, holding my head between her hands and locking her eyes with mine, making sure I was listening to her.

"Ugh." I groaned in defeat, taking my girlfriends outstretched hand and walking into the domestic terminal, my stomach churning and already regretting the decision to book the flight in the first place.


Five hours and a few visits to the planes bathroom later, I touched down in Miami to be greeted by the smiling faces of my family who had all come out to the airport to greet me.

"Mija!" My father called happily as soon as he spotted me entering the arrivals lounge.

I was quickly engulfed into a big bear hug from the happy Cuban man, who rocked me side to side as he squished me in his arms.

"How are you baby? You look a little pale? Are you ok?" My dad asked worriedly, causing me to chuckle at his fatherly ways.

"I'm fine dad. The plane ride just made me a little sick." I shrugged, happy to see the concern quickly wash off his face.

I was engulfed in more hugs as the rest of my family finally caught up with my dad and pulled me into hugs of their own.

My mother told me how much she missed me and how much older I looked, even though she had seen me just months before.

Taylor teased me over the fact that I was a junior in college and she was still taller than me, before telling me that she missed me too.

Chris caught me up on what had been happening with him at his college of choice while I was away, and how mum had already started preparing parts of the Thanksgiving dinner days in advance.

By the time we reached my childhood home, I was fully caught up on everything I had missed in the few months I had been away at college.

My room was exactly the way I left it, besides a few spare boxes and a couple of pieces of gym equipment my dad insisted he was going to start using after Thanksgiving. 

"They're in there ready for when I need to lose that turkey weight." He defended, my mum rolling her eyes as my dad simply grinned, patting the work out machines proudly.

"Well at least I have a place to hang some of my clothes now." I laughed, motioning to the wardrobe that now housed my sisters extra clothes and my mothers spare shoes.

"It's not like you needed it anymore. Mum said I could have it." Taylor shrugged, plopping herself down onto the couch next to me as my dad put on the Miami Dolphins game.

"Do we really have to watch football dad?" I groaned, not seeing his obsession with the sport like my brother did.

"Yes we do. Why don't you go help mum make the salad or something." Chris mumbled disinterestedly as his eyes were glued to the T.V screen along with my dads.

"Fine. I guess I will." I huffed as I walked into the kitchen and hopped up onto the kitchen counter, picking up a bit of lettuce from the chopping board my mum was using and munching on it happily.

"Are you all settled in mija?" My mother asked me in Spanglish, making me smile and reminding me of all the times she spoke to me in the language when I was a child.

"Yes mum." I nodded, swinging my legs back and forth happily as I watched her chop up vegetables for the salad.

"Now you can tell me why you didn't bring your girlfriend. Again." My mum said with a glare, pointing the knife at me accusingly and causing me to put my hands in the air in mock surrender.

"She wanted to spend Thanksgiving with her family mum. You can't blame her for that." I defended.

"Lauren, you have been dating this girl for 3 years and we still haven't met her! By the end of this year I am meeting her. No more excuses." My mum told me firmly, causing me to nod my head.

"Yes ma'am." I mumbled, suddenly feeling my nausea come back ten fold, causing me to jump down from the counter and sprint to the bathroom, just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet just like I had been doing for the past few days.

"Lauren are you ok?" I heard my mum call as she entered the bathroom, pulling my hair back gently and rubbing my back comfortingly.

I sat on my knees breathing heavily, my throat burning and my mouth filled with the horrible taste of my own vomit.

"I'm fine mum, thank you. I've been feeling off the past few days. I think I have a stomach virus or something." I told her as I swilled my mouth out under the sink, grabbing my toothbrush and giving my teeth a quick clean before going back to the kitchen with my mum.


The rest of my Thanksgiving break went much the same as the first day.

My mum slaved in the kitchen cooking my family the best Thanksgiving dinner we had ever had.

The rest of my family, including my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins joined my parents in harassing me over Y/n.

The majority of their words to me were "when are we going to meet your special friend?" or "how come you haven't brought that girl around?"

If I wasn't fending off question after question about why Y/n wasn't there, I was burying my head in the toilet bowl and praying that my stomach bug would finally go away.

It seemed that my prayers went unanswered as even when Y/n picked me up from the airport and took me back to the dorm, I was still vomiting nearly three times a day.

"Lauren, this isn't normal. If you had a stomach bug it should be gone by now, or at least getting better. I think you need to go to the doctor." Y/n told me worriedly as she crouched down beside me on the tiled floor of our bathroom, rubbing my back and holding me for the second time that day.

"I know, I was just hoping I could avoid a trip to the doctor but I guess not. I'll go see him tomorrow." I promised, earning a nod from my girlfriend. 


"You're pregnant Lauren." Dr. Harrison told me, causing my jaw to nearly touch the ground in shock.

"No. No." I stuttered, shaking my head furiously in disagreement.

"No I have a stomach bug. I'm not pregnant." I told the middle aged man, who simply shook his head at me sadly.

"I'm afraid that's not the case Lauren. Your blood tests came back showing the typical indicators of pregnancy. Just to be sure we undertook a urine test as you know, which also confirmed that you are pregnant. About 3 weeks pregnant to be exact." Dr. Harrison explained, causing my head to spin.

"No. That just can't be right. We used protection..." I mumbled, my brain being clouded by 10 different thoughts at once.

"Contraception isn't always effective Lauren. The only 100% effective form of contraception is abstinence, so if you have sex, you always have a remote chance of getting pregnant, condom or not." The grey haired man told me, although I was still in too much shock to really listen to him.

"I can't be pregnant." I whispered, tears brimming my eyes as realisation finally dawned on me.

I was actually pregnant.


For the next few days, I avoided Y/n at all costs.

I stayed in my dorm room, I didn't go to any of my classes, and I ignored every call or text I received from my girlfriend, only answering one every once in a while with a vague, one worded reply.

By the time day 4 rolled around, I knew I couldn't avoid the girl any longer, as she had already nearly broken down my door just to get me to talk to her.

If I wanted her to take the news in the best way possible, making her angry and worried before hand probably wasn't the best idea. 

So when the time came when she inevitably came knocking on my door once again, I opened it the first time she knocked.

Standing there with a confused expression, I couldn't help but giggle at how she adorable she looked, before remembering the gravity of the situation, and turning back to my serious demeanour.

"We need to talk." I said, pulling Y/n into my dorm room before she even got the chance to speak, knowing the longer I waited, the harder it would get for me to say it.

"Look Lauren, if you're going to break up with me just do it. I can't take this anymore." Y/n pleaded, her face showing how hurt she was, causing me to screw my eyes closed.

"Y/n I'm not breaking up with you. I'm pregnant." I said, opening my eyes after a few moments of silence, only to see my girlfriend standing completely still in shock.

"Y/n?" I called, trying to bring her out of her shocked state and move forward with the conversation we needed to have.

"Y-you're pregnant?" The girl stuttered, her eyes still hazy and unfocused, her eyes aimed somewhere on the ground.

"Yes." I confirmed, running my hand through my hair in exhaustion before taking a seat on my bed with a sigh.

"Is it mine?" Y/n asked after a while, her eyes becoming focused again and her gaze focusing on me.

"Of course it's yours. I haven't slept with anyone else." I defended almost angrily, beginning to get upset that she would even think the baby inside me was anyone else's.

"I'm sorry it's just... we've always been safe. We've always used condoms." She muttered, taking a seat next to me on the bed and leaning her head back on the wall tiredly.

"Dr. Harrison said they're not always effective." I said quietly, hating the intense atmosphere of the room.

"What are you going to do?" Y/n asked after a while of silent contemplation, her body turning to face mine, giving me her full attention.

"I don't want to give it up Y/n. I just can't do that." I whispered, knowing that I would regret it for the rest of my life if I did.

"I know other people would in my situation, but I just can't. I need to keep it." I told her, feeling my emotions begin to swing into sadness once again.

"Lauren." Y/n began after another bout of silence, her tone much more forceful and assertive this time.

She stood up off the bed, and got down onto one knee in front of me, causing me to gasp and begin to shake my head quickly.

"I'm not proposing ok. That's not what I'm doing." She reassured me, causing me to breath out in relief.

"I'm just promising to you right now that I will do whatever you want me to. If you don't want me to be apart of the babies life, that is ok. I will take on whatever role you want from me. Whether that's just sending you a support cheque in the mail once a month, or raising this baby right alongside you. I am here for you, and will be there for you in anyway you want me to." Y/n told me seriously, her eyes locked with mine as she held my hands in hers securely, causing my eyes to brim with tears once again.

"I want you apart of our baby's life Y/n, if that's what you want too." I said, a hot tear making its way down my cheek.

"I absolutely want that." Y/n said, sending me a happy smile before pulling me into the biggest hug she had ever given me, letting me know that she was there for me, and I wasn't in this alone.


"I'm gunna teach you how to ride a bike and tie your shoes a-and mommy can teach you how to draw!" Y/N said excitedly.

We were lying in bed and Y/N was caressing my stomach while talking to the baby.

"Babe... I'm almost positive it's too early for the baby to even hear you." I giggled as I ran my fingers through her hair, but she just shushed me and continued.

"Your mommy and I aren't perfect you know, but we're gunna do our best. We're always gunna be there for you and we'll always support you and love you no matter what... I promise." She said, kissing my stomach ever so lightly.

I sniffled slightly and wiped the tears from my eyes. I couldn't help but get emotional watching how affectionate Y/N was towards our unborn child.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Y/N was now sitting up looking down at me with concern.

"N-Nothing... I just love you." I said while still trying to compose myself.

She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "I love you too", she mumbled against them before laying back down with me.

We stayed like this for a while, just silently cuddling with one another.

"Babe?" Y/N broke the silence.

"Hmmm?" I hummed as I looked up at her while slowly running my fingertips over her jawline.

She placed her hand on my stomach and began to play with my shirt between her fingers. I watched her closely as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips formed a small frown. I could tell she was in deep thought about something, so I decided to wait patiently until she was ready.

"I think it's time for me to meet your parents..." she finally spoke, eyes focused on her uneasy fingers.

"Yeah, okay Y/N. Whatever you say!" I giggle at her knowing there's no way she was being serious due to her reservation towards my parents.

"Lauren..." she says in a serious tone.

The use of my name caught my attention. She never calls me Lauren unless it's important.

Y/N sat up and ran a hand through her hair. Her unusual behavior worried me so I sat up as well. I watched her intently as she began to play with her fingers, something she always does when she's nervous.  I placed my hand on top of hers reassuringly and I immediately felt her relax.

"I think given our current circumstance it would be best for me to meet them." She spoke softly.

"Y/N... You don't have to. I know how you feel about meeting them, I know it makes you uncomfortable so you don't have to." I explained while caressing my thumb over her knuckles.

"No Lauren, I need to do this. I need to take responsibility for what I've done and show them that I plan on supporting you and our child. That I am going to be there every step of the way to take care of you and our baby."

"Hey... I'm responsible for this too. This isn't all your fault." I look at her seriously.

"I-I know, but I feel like this is something I need to do..."

"Are you sure about this?" I furrow my eyebrows at her.

Instead of answering me Y/N got up from the bed and walked over to her desk. She picked up her laptop and walked back over sitting down next to me. She opened the laptop and began typing away. After a couple minutes she turned her laptop so it was facing me when I looked at the screen I couldn't believe what I saw.

She had bought two plane tickets to Miami for a couple days before Christmas. But there was something even more shocking that caught my eye. The receipt showed that she had bought the tickets a week ago. I looked up at her with tears slowly making their way down my face.

"Y-You didn't..." I sniffled.

"I did." She smiled at me lovingly.

I took her laptop and placed it off to the side before straddling her waist and cupping her cheeks.

"I love you so much." I whispered before crashing my lips into hers.

Once we pulled away she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her forehead on mine, "I love you too."


Well today was the day. The day Y/N and my family were finally going to meet. I could sense Y/N's nervousness ever since we woke up this morning and all the way to the airport.

Right now we were waiting to board our flight. Y/N seemed to be getting more and more anxious as we inched our way closer to the plane.

"Ugh... Why am I doing this? This was a bad idea..." she groaned while throwing her head back.

I scooted closer to her and snaked my arms around her waist, "Because you love me that's why." I lean up and peck her cheek.

She looked down at me with an adoring smile as she draped her arm around my shoulder. "Yes, yes I do." She said while kissing my forehead. "Maybe a little too much", she joked.

"Hey!" I playfully slapped her chest and pouted.

"I'm only kidding" she chuckled and pulled me closer.

After about ten minutes we were finally settled in our seats just waiting for takeoff. I leaned over resting my head on Y/N's shoulder.

"Get some rest babe." She said moving a strand of hair out of my face.

"Mmm, okay..."

That was the last thing I remember before falling into a much needed sleep.


"Well... Here we are." I spoke softly as we stood at the front door of my family's home.

I reached up to knock on the door but for some reason I froze. My hand hovered over the all too familiar door and I felt my heart rate begin to pick up. I think Y/N could sense my apprehension because she gently lowered my hand back to my side then sent me a reassuring smile just before knocking on the door herself.

I heard someone approaching the door then unlocking it before it finally swung open.

"Lauren!" I was immediately pulled into a tight hug by my little sister.

"I missed you!" she spoke animatedly.

"I missed you too Tay." I chuckle as I hug her back just as tight.

Before I knew what was happening I felt several arms join in and wrap around me. A chorus of "I miss you's" and "Merry Chirstmas'" filled the air. Once everyone pulled away I heard my mom speak up.

"So you must be the infamous Y/N" she smiled at my girlfriend kindly.

"Yes ma'am, it's so nice to finally meet all of you." Y/N smiled politely as she stuck her hand out for my mom to shake.

"Oh no sweetie" my mom gently slapped her hand away and pulled her in for a hug, "We're huggers in this family!" Y/N giggled slightly making me smile.

After they separated the rest of the family introduced themselves.

"Well Lauren, you definitely picked a hot one." Taylor smirked.

"Don't even think about it." I glared at her.

I heard Y/N chuckle as she rested her arm around my shoulder pulling me towards her. I wrapped my arms around her torso and kissed her cheek.

"Oh chill, I'm not gunna steal your girlfriend." She laughed.

"Okay you two cut it out! Dinner is almost ready so how about you all just go relax until it's ready." My mom suggested.

Everyone nodded and headed towards the living room. I sat down on the couch and was about to pull Y/N down with me when I heard my dad clear his throat.

"Y/N?" He said firmly making everyone look at him.

"Yes sir?" she gave him her full attention.

"Can I speak with you privately please?" his face showing nothing but seriousness.

"Oh dad c'mon, leave her alone." I whined.

"No, no... It's okay." She quickly defended.

My dad just nodded signaling for her to follow him. She quickly leaned down and kissed my forehead before going after him.


I felt my pulse quicken as I followed Lauren's dad into what seemed to be an office of some sort. He sat down behind a desk and motioned for me to take a seat across from him. He didn't say anything he just sat there causing me to become more and more nervous.

I felt my hands get sweaty and my leg was bouncing uncontrollably. I wiped my hands on my jeans before playing with my fingers in my lap. Just when I thought my anxiety was going to get the best of me he spoke up.

"Lauren thinks the world of you. Every time she comes home she's always talking about Y/N this and Y/N that. I know my daughter and I know that she's absolutely in love with you." He explained.

I couldn't help but smile at what he said.

"However, I don't care how happy you make her, if you ever hurt my daughter in any way I will end you." He glared at me forcing my eyes to widen in fear.

"S-Sir... I would never intentionally hurt your daughter. I'm in love with her. Nothing has ever made me happier than she does." He looked at me without any emotion so I continued.

"Am I perfect? No, not even close. I can't promise that I won't ever hurt her, but I can promise I'll do my best not to. I love your daughter more than anything sir and I just want to make her happy..." I explained.

I think he could tell I really meant what I said because a small smile finally made its way onto his face.

"Y/N, I can tell you mean well. I mean you've already been with my daughter this long and clearly haven't done anything to hurt her up to this point, so I have no reason to doubt you." He reassured me.

"Thank you sir." I smiled at him.

"Alright enough with the 'sir' crap, it makes me feel old! Just call me Mike." He chuckles.

"Yes s-... Mike, yes Mike."

A knock on the door caught our attention.

"Can I come in?" Lauren asked nervously.

"Of course sweetheart." Her dad said.

"Mom told me to come tell you two that dinner is ready." She spoke up as she walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Okay, I'll go see if she needs help setting the table." Mike spoke.

"We'll be there in a minute." Lauren informed him and he nodded before walking away.

Once he was gone Lauren focused her attention on me. I placed my hands on her waist and pulled her into my lap resting my head against her shoulder.

"So... How was it?" she asked while playing with my hair.

I pulled away slightly so I could look at her.

"It went pretty well I think."

"Wait really?" she asked somewhat shocked.

"Yeah, well I mean I don't think he hates me or anything." I chuckled.

"Well who could hate this face!" she squished my cheeks.

"Okay enough, enough!" I grabbed her hands and pulled them away while she just laughed at me.

"Babe?" I spoke softly.


"When do you think we should tell your family? Y'know... about the baby." I played with her shirt nervously.

"Well I was thinking after dinner. Because I don't think I can hide it much longer" she explained.

"Okay." I nod while looking down.

"Hey..." she lifted my chin so I was looking up at her, "What's wrong?" she looked at me with concern.

I sighed deeply," It's just your family seems so happy now and I don't want to ruin that. Plus they're going to hate me for what I've done."

"Y/N... I told you before you aren't the only one at fault, it was my choice as well. We're in this together." She reassured me.

I smiled at her lovingly before leaning up and kissing her gently.

"I love you." I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you too... Now c'mon lets go eat I'm hungry!" she jumped up from my lap.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted her playfully, she just hit my arm in return.


We were just finishing up and I could feel my anxiety start to act up again. I could sense Lauren was feeling nervous as well so I placed my hand on her thigh and caressed it reassuringly. She looked over at me and gave me a sad smile.

Once everyone was finally done it was time. I gave Lauren's thigh a gentle squeeze and she just nodded in understanding.

"Uhh... M-Mom? Dad?" she spoke shakily.

"Yes sweetie?" her mom answered.

"Y-Y/N and I have s-something to tell you guys."

At this confession everyone's attention focused on us. This was probably the most uncomfortable I've ever been in my entire life.

"Okay, what is it?" Clara asked.

"What? You're not getting married right?" Mike chuckled.

"Mike!" Clara scolded. "Go on sweetheart..." she encouraged.

"N-No, were not getting married. I umm... I'm p-pregnant." Lauren looked down in shame.

The table was silent and when I looked around everyone had confused looks on their faces. All of a sudden I heard Mike begin to laugh and soon everyone else joined in.

"G-Good one Lauren! You almost got me." Her dad spoke up.

Lauren's head quickly shot up and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You're both girls you can't be pregnant." Her dad laughed.

"A-Actually Mike... I'm intersex." I explained nervously.

His whole demeanor changed when I said this.

"You're what?" He said in a low voice.

"I-I'm intersex... I have the upper body of a female but the lower half of a male." I said while scratching the back of my neck.

"Y-You're really pregnant?" Lauren's mom asked her with teary eyes.

"Yes mom, two months actually..." she explained.

Clara shook her head in disbelief as tears slowly made their way down her face. Chris and Taylor were just sitting there with shocked looks on their faces. Then the next thing I knew I was being ripped out of my chair and thrown to the floor.

"DAD!" I heard Lauren scream.

"And just when I started to trust you!" Mike slightly pulled me off the floor before slamming me back down. "You did this to my little girl! This is all your fault!" he slammed me against the floor again.

"Dad stop it you're going to hurt her!" Lauren shouted, tears streaming down her face as she tried to pull him off of me.

"It's all your fault you piece of shit!" he growled at me as he gripped my shirt and glared at me.

"I-I'm sorry! I-It was an accident!" I tried to explain.

"Michael!" Clara shouted but he didn't budge.

"Dad stop! It was my fault too not just Y/N's!" Lauren begged him to stop.

Suddenly Mike was pulled off of me and I saw Chris doing his best to hold him back. Lauren rushed over to me and helped me up.

"Get out! Get out of my house both of you! You have disrespected me and disgraced this family, now leave!" he yelled.

Lauren began to sob so I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her. I saw everyone giving us sympathetic looks as we headed to the door.  Lauren pulled away from me as we were just about to walk out.

"P-Please dad... D-Don't do th-this." She hiccupped.

"No, you are no longer a part of this family." He said coldly.

Lauren let out a small whimper before she began sobbing again. Without hesitation I picked her up and carried her to the car. I gently placed her in the passenger seat and buckled her up before going to my side and driving off.


Ever since the incident at Lauren's parents' house a couple months ago Lauren hasn't been herself. I mean I don't blame her since her dad basically disowned her.

I've been doing everything I can to make sure she doesn't get stressed out because I know it's not good for her or the baby.

So when we got back from Miami I immediately started looking for a job so I could start saving money. My plan was to try to save up enough to get our own apartment then start saving for baby necessities. Luckily for me I was able to find a job on campus that worked well with my class schedule.

I had been working as much as I could and just recently I had saved up enough for Lauren and I to get our own place. I checked out a few places but I wasn't finding any that I really liked. I was on the sixth or maybe the seventh one before I found the perfect one. I met up with the manager and got everything set up as soon as I could.

I was so excited that I couldn't wait to tell Lauren. Once I finished everything up I rushed to her place. I didn't even bother knocking on the door I just walked straight in. Lauren was laying on her bed focused on a book, but when she heard me come in she placed it off to the side.

"Babe what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at work." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

I just ignored her and walked over to her closet. I found the first pair of shoes and walked over to her and started to put them on her.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" she sat up.

"You'll see." I smirked.

After I got her shoes on I grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bed, "C'mon!" I cheered excitedly.

"Y/N, where are we..."

"Don't ask questions just c'mon!" I interrupted her.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the apartment building.

"Y/N... Why are we here?"

"You'll see, don't worry..."

I lead her inside and we rode the elevator to our designated floor. I grabbed her hand and interlaced our fingers as I guided her down the hall. I stopped once we were in front of our new home. I pulled out the key and went to unlock the door.

"Y/N!" Lauren slapped my hand. "What are you doing?! We shouldn't even be here!" she whisper yelled as she frantically searched the hallway to make sure no one was watching us.

"Would you just chill for one second." I roll my eyes at her playfully, she just huffed in frustration.

Once I unlocked the door I slowly pushed it open and pulled her inside. Lauren slowly began to walk around taking in every inch of the cozy two bedroom, two bathroom apartment. After she finished she turned and looked at me with teary eyes.

"Babe..." she spoke softly.

I walked over to her and placed my hands on her waist. I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Welcome home Lauren.." I mumbled against her skin.

She broke down and started to full on cry so I held her close.

"I l-love you..." she sniffled.

"I love you too." I smiled down at her.


Lauren and I got everything moved in a few months ago but we're just now getting everything situated. I don't know if it was just Lauren being Lauren or if it was the pregnancy hormones, but every time I got everything set up she decided something was off so she made me rearrange it. I didn't mind though as long as she was happy.

I was currently in the baby's room putting the finishing touches on the crib when I felt familiar arms wrap around me and a pregnant belly push lightly against my back, making me smile instantly. I slowly turned around to face my beautiful girlfriend.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Hi." She giggled.

"So how's the crib going?" she moved to the side a bit to look around me.

"It's good, I was just double checking to make sure everything was tight and secure like it should be... How are you feeling today?" I rubbed her back softly.

"Mmm that feels good." She hummed in pleasure. "I'm good, I just..." she stopped midsentence.

"You just what?" I look at her in confusion but she didn't say anything. "Babe?" she didn't answer just stared at me blankly. "Lauren", I said more firmly which seemed to snap her out of her trance.

"M-My water broke..." she looked at me in fear.

"What? Really?!" I gave her a shocked look.

I looked down and saw the wet spot on the floor. I immediately picked her up and rushed her to the car. Once she was in I quickly and carefully made my way to the hospital. When we got there they wasted no time before getting us settled into a room.

Everything seemed to move so quickly. Before I even knew what was happening there was a doctor in the room and he was saying that it was time for Lauren to start pushing.

I stood next to Lauren with her hand tightly gripping mine. She looked over at me with fear in her eyes.

"Y/N, I can't do this. Pl-Please don't make me d-do this." Tears began to fill her eyes.

"Hey, hey... " I caress her cheek with my free hand. "I know you're scared, but you are the strongest person I've ever met and I know for a fact that you can do this." I gave her a reassuring look.

She seemed to understand what I was saying so she gave me a weak nod.

"Okay Lauren I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can, okay?"

That was the last thing I heard because I was so overwhelmed with everything going on that everything was sort of muffled. But that all stopped when the small room fill with the soft cries of our baby.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The doctor smiled at us.

I turned and looked at Lauren before kissing her softly.

"W-We have a daughter." I sniffled as I rested my forehead against hers.

"Y-yeah we do." She spoke tiredly.

"Are you ready to meet your little girl?" the nurse asked as she held out our daughter.

We both nodded eagerly so the nurse placed her in Lauren's arms.

"She's beautiful." Lauren looked at her with pure admiration.

"She's so perfect." I caressed her cheek gently.

We may be doing things alone, but just looking at our daughter I knew it was all going to be worth it.

A/N: if you're feeling bored go follow me on tumblr: wishful-thinkinggg

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