Safe With Me

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Trigger Warning: If the mention of rape makes you uncomfortable then I advise you not to read this.

Lauren's POV

So it was about 6:00 and I was on my way to my night class. Normani and I's apartment is right on the edge of campus, so it wasn't that far of a walk, which is good because class starts in thirty minutes. I really enjoy philosophy and the deeper level of thinking that it requires, but I really hate that it was only offered as a three hour long night class. I mean honestly, who wants to be in class until 9:30 at night? Nobody. Plus campus seems a little sketchy after dark and it just makes me feel on edge.

I made it to class with fifteen minutes to spare, so I decided I would go ahead and get my notebook and pen out so I would be ready when class starts. While I was waiting for class to start I just started messing around on my phone when I got a message from Normani.

Mani💕:Hey Lo, I have to go home for a family emergency, but I left my half of the rent on the kitchen counter since I don't know when I'll be back and it's due next week.

Me: Awe I'm sorry Mani, I hope everything goes well. Be safe and let me know if you need anything. Love you girl!

Mani💕: Thank Lo, I will. Love you too!

Right after I finished reading Mani's last text my professor, Mr. Jones, announced that class was starting. I was actually really excited about this lecture because we are supposed to discuss the topic of free will. Just as Mr. Jones was about to begin the lecture in walked the Y/N Y/LN, which was odd because she's never late so this caused Mr. Jones looked at her in confusion. She walked over to him and handed him a note. After reading the note he nodded in understanding and motioned for her to sit down.

Normally Y/N sits in the back, but for some reason she seemed to be headed for a different desk. My eyes widened when she came and took the empty seat next to me. I looked towards the back of the room only to notice that some random guy stole her normal seat. I transferred my gaze over to her and just watched silently as she began to pull her belongings out of her bag.

You see Y/N is the most popular student on campus, but nobody really knows why. Actually come to think about it no one really knows anything about Y/N besides the fact that she likes girls. I mean no one ever sees her hanging out with anyone, hell, no one even sees her outside of class, but the most mysterious thing about her is that no one has ever heard her talk.

All kinds of rumors about her have been spread around campus. One is that she's some kind of international spy working for the Russians. Another one is that she's some kind of serial killer. And some even say that she's involved with some type of mafia. I of course don't believe anything any of those idiots are saying.

I can't help but thank that random guy for stealing her seat because now I got to get a better look at her. She was wearing black combat boots with black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, black leather jacket, and her naturally wavy hair fell down her back. I can't deny that she had this badass vibe that was incredibly sexy, I found it nearly impossible to look away from her.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Mr. Jones called my name.

"Ms. Jauregui, what do you think? Do you think we have free will or do you think every aspect of our lives are all predetermined by God or the universe or some greater power?" he asked me.

"Well I definitely think we have free will" I simply stated.

"Oh yeah? Well why is that?" he pushed.

"Well I mean if we didn't have free will then everything would kind of be pointless. If some higher power had everything planned out already, then we would have no purpose really. If our choices are never really our choices, then what's the point? There is none." I elaborated.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt