Blue Pt. 2

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So I've been living in Chicago for the past year and a half and I have been attending the Art Institute learning about photography. I do my best to avoid Miami unless it's for holidays or special family occasions because although I've been doing better, I know that even seeing a certain green eyed girl would send me back to a very dark, painful place.

Although things are going good now they weren't always this way. When I first got here I spent most of my time drinking and getting high. I didn't care what day it was or whether or not I had class the next morning. I went to so many parties that I couldn't even keep count. My daily routine consisted of wake up, maybe go to some of my classes depending on how hungover I was, come home and get high, then go out to another party just to get shitfaced.

This routine went on for a couple of months, but it all stopped when one day I woke up naked in this girl's bed, a girl who I had only met earlier that day. But perhaps the worst part was that I had no recollection of how I got there.


It was Wednesday and I decided that I should actually drag my pathetic, hungover ass to class today since I hadn't gone to any in over a week. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, then splashed some water on my face, when I looked up I barely recognized myself in the mirror. My eyes were dark, skin pale, and my cheek bones were more prominent, "Fuck... I look like shit."

After spending a few minutes examining myself in the mirror I went to go get dressed. I tossed on a pair of skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, combat boots, tied a flannel around my waist and finished it off with a pair of sunglasses to help with the hangover. Then I grabbed my backpack and headed to class.

I walked into my last class of the day, intro to photography, and sat down towards the back of the room near the door. I was getting my notebook out when I felt someone sit down next to me," You're Y/N Y/LN right?" they spoke up. I slowly turned and faced the person to be met with a blue eyed, dark haired girl, "Uhh... yeah, why?" "Well my roommates and I are having a party tonight and uhh... I-I was wondering if maybe you'd want to come?"

This girl seemed nervous, but I'm really not sure why, I mean I like to think I'm a pretty down to earth kind of person. "Uhh yeah sure, I'll be there..." she hands me a paper with an address on it and I take it. She gets up and starts to walk away but before she gets too far she turns around and smirks at me, "I'm Lexi by the way" then bites her lip and winks at me before going to her seat. Well that was interesting, I thought to myself.

After class ended I headed home. Even though my photography was a night class I still had a couple hours before I was gunna head to the party. I decided why not get the party started a little early. I went to my room and grabbed a couple of joints and then walked out to my balcony. I stood there leaning against the railing just taking in the scenery as I inhaled the enticing drug. I couldn't tell you how much time had passed because I was honestly too focused on getting high to pay attention. I knew it was about time to head to the party because when I finally snapped back to reality I noticed the sun had fallen behind the skyline and the streetlights were shining.

I went back inside tossed on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys before heading out the door. I decided to just walk to this parting since it wasn't that far from my apartment. Once I made it to the floor Lexi's apartment was on I immediately heard music blaring and was hit by the smell of alcohol. I finally made it to the door and knocked on it pretty hard to make sure someone could hear me from the inside. It only took a few seconds before the door flew open and Lexi pulled me in.

"I'm so glad you made it!" she turned and faced me then gripped onto my jacket pulling me down to her, "I was starting to think you weren't going to come" she whispered seductively into my ear. I felt a little uncomfortable, I mean there's no denying that this girl is extremely attractive, but there's just something about her that didn't seem right.

"Uhh yeah... I'm not really the type to show up to parties on time" I explained nervously.

"You need to loosen up! I'm gunna go grab you a drink" she kissed my cheek before walking away.

After she walked away I decided to walk around and check out the place a bit. Room after room was filled with countless college students that were way passed their limit, girls and guys either passed out or stumbling all over the place. Even though I went to parties all the time, I've never seen so many people this trashed, it was insane.

I don't know what my problem was but I just wasn't feeling this party, so I decided to go off on my own for a bit. After a while I found an empty room, I could tell it was Lexi's room because she had pictures all over the place of her and her friends. I saw that she had a balcony attached to her room so I decided to step out for some fresh air. I stepped out and just looked out at the city. Countless cars rushing back and forth, different styles of music coming from every direction, and a faint sound of sirens in the distance. I don't know why but there was something about the buzz of the city that calmed me down. Maybe just maybe it's because it's a personification of the chaos that goes on in my head.

All of this thinking was really stressing me out so I pulled a joint out of my jacket pocket and placed it between my lips before lighting it. I inhaled deeply, eager to reach my state of euphoria. After I finished the joint I wasted no time lighting another, but was taken off guard by a familiar voice.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Lexi walked up to me and leaned her back up against the railing. "Here's your drink" she handed it to me and smirked. "Umm... Thanks..." I took the cup hesitantly and did that she took the joint from between my lips and took a hit. She immediately started coughing, "Damn... You've got the good stuff" she said between coughs. "Well I'm not gunna waste my money on the cheap shit" I explain before I take a big swig from the signature red solo cup.

With the number of parties I've been to and the amount of drinks I've consumed, I've pretty much had it all, but something about this drink tasted different. The drink was pretty smooth, it was some mixture of whiskey and coke, but it had a weird after taste. I figured I was probably just being paranoid so I shrugged it off and downed the rest of the drink.

"So you kinda came out nowhere" Lexi spoke up as she scooted closer to me.

"How do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Well I just mean that it's like before classes started no one had even heard of you, but after they started you're suddenly at every party and everyone on campus wants you." She grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers.

"Yeah I don't know why that is..."

"Well I do" she smirks as she moves even closer so that our faces are inches apart. "It's because you're not like everyone else, you don't give a fuck what people think. And you're mysterious..." she kisses the underside of my jaw.

All of a sudden I started to feel weird, it was like my body was numb and everything was moving in slow motion and I couldn't focus. No matter how hard I tried my body and brain wouldn't work together, it's like they were completely disconnected. So all I could do was nod my head and mumble a simple "Ohh".

Then out of nowhere I felt her lips on my neck. She trailed them upward until she was kissing along my jawline then her lips were hovering over mine, "Tell me if you want to stop" she smirked. Everything in me was screaming no, I didn't want this. I know I was high and I know that I had alcohol in my system, but I also know that I didn't want this. I tried my hardest to focus on my words, but everything just kept getting fuzzier, it's like I was paralyzed. Before I knew it her lips were on mine.

End of Flashback

And that was the last thing I remember before waking up naked in Lexi's bed. I knew I wasn't there because of some drunken mistake because I only had one drink. I knew what happened, Lexi drugged me and forced herself on me. That's when I knew I hit my rock bottom. All the partying, all the drinking, all the drugs had to stop.

Ever since that night I changed drastically. I've been surrounding myself with nothing but positive energy. I make sure to attend class and keep up with my studies, I've gotten a job at a cool little coffee shop down the street from my apartment, and I spend most of my free time roaming the city taking countless pictures trying to improve my photography skills.

Though I've really been enjoying school, I'm really glad that summer break is almost here so I can take a break from classes and just worry about work and my photography. But what I'm most excited for is to see my best friend. You see even though Camila and I have been separated we haven't let the distance affect our friendship, we literally talk constantly. If we're not texting or talking on the phone we're facetiming one another. And recently we just made plans for her to come and stay with me for the summer, and I can't wait!

Camila's POV

It was dead week and I was in the library studying for finals. As much as I hate finals I was excited to get them over with because as soon as they're over I'm heading to Chicago to spend the summer with my best friend! I have only seen Y/N a few times since she moved, and that really kills me, but now we're spending the whole summer together!

My studying was interrupted when my three other best friends sat down at my table, "Hey guys" I greeted them without taking my eyes off of my notes.

"Hey Mila, how's the studying going?" Ally asked.

"Ehh, it's okay, I'm almost done for today."

"Well are you excited to see Y/N soon!?" Dinah whisper yelled.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt