Ever Enough

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A/N: So this was requested by wonderjauregui a long time ago but I just now got around to writing it... I'm so sorry it took so long but I hope you like it!😊

Lauren's POV

God she's so beautiful, I thought to myself as I admired my sleeping girlfriend. She's so peaceful when she sleeps, the way her facial features are all so relaxed with her mouth slightly parted as even breaths escape from her lips. Yet, I can tell when she's dreaming because she'll furrow her eyebrows or her nose will twitch, and it absolutely melts my heart. I never thought back then I could ever love her any more than I already did, but even after being together for four years I find myself falling for her more and more.

Y/N and I have known each other ever since the beginning. You see, our moms met in the third grade when Y/N's mom moved here to Miami with her family and they have been best friends since. They were so inseparable that when it was time to go off to college they made sure they applied to all the same places and luckily for them they both got in to the University of Miami. After spending four years together working to finish up school they both graduated, then soon after got married to a couple of guys they met in school, then came Y/N and I! Well me then Y/N since I'm a year older than her.

Because our moms were so close naturally Y/N and I were as well. We spent every waking moment of our childhood together, soccer practices, school musicals, vacations, all of it. If one of us wanted to do something then the other one would do it too, no matter what we were doing we never left each other's side.

Even though Y/N and I have basically known each other since we were born, we haven't always been in love with one another, but I remember the day I fell in love with her so vividly. I was fifteen and she was fourteen when I finally realized that I was in love with my best friend.


Y/N and I were lying in her bed watching movies and cuddling like we always do. Even though Y/N is a year younger than me she's actually a little taller than I am, so I was cuddled against her chest while she had her arm wrapped around me.

We were watching the Best of Me, well Y/N was anyways, I on the other hand was watching her. I could tell when something romantic happened because her soft, full lips would curve up into a small smile and her one dimple would slightly show. I loved to just watch her get lost into things whether it was a movie, a song, or her photography. Anytime she was really focused on something there would be a sparkle in her eyes and that was how I knew she was truly happy in that moment, the way her eyes would light up gave it away every time.

This wasn't the first time I've looked at Y/N like this though. I know what you're thinking, "Who just stares at their best friend like that?" well she may be my best friend, but recently I have realized that she is so much more than that. Over the past couple of months I've developed feelings for Y/N, actually no, my feelings for Y/N have become much stronger and I don't think I can hide them anymore. It's like whenever we're apart whether it's been five minutes or it's been five hours, I find myself missing her. The moment she's not around I crave her touch, her voice, her laugh, just her presence in general. I feel anxious and nervous and I can't calm down until she's back with me.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear Y/N speak up, "Lo, stop staring..." I feel my face heat up as I watch the corners of her mouth curve up into a sly smile. "I-I wasn't s-staring..." I defend weakly but I know she sees right through me. "Oh really?" she turns to face me with her eyebrows raised. God she's so adorable, but before I can even continue my thought Y/N straddles my waist and starts tickling me relentlessly.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt