I'm Sorry

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A/N: It's ehhh..


"C'mon tell me!" Lauren pleaded as she pinned me to the bed.

"Nope, I'm not telling you shit!" I squirmed underneath her.

"Y/N Y/MN!" she yelled at me feigning anger.

I didn't respond but instead tried to free myself from her hold. I was having no luck so I finally gave up but when I did I realized the position we were in. Lauren was straddling my waist as she pinned my arms over my head. Our faces were a lot closer than they probably should've been but I definitely wasn't complaining.

We just stayed there and stared at one another for the longest time. Lauren coughed awkwardly before releasing my arms and sitting up so she was only straddling my waist.

"C'mon I'm your best friend! Why won't you just tell me who this mystery person is that you're so madly in love with?" she whined as she ran a hand through her hair.

I propped myself up on my elbows and smirked at her, "Because it's much more fun to mess with you."

Lauren pushed my chest so I fell back onto the bed, "Uhhh! You're so annoying!" she rolled her eyes.

I just giggled at her frustrated state.

"So did you develop our pictures from our adventure last weekend?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah, I haven't had a chance yet."

"Y/N... You promised you would." She playfully whined.

"I know, I know... I've just been busy." I explained while looking up at her.

"Well when do you think you'll have time to do them?"

"Hmmm... Well we're not doing anything right now so you wanna help me develop them?"  I asked plainly.

"What?! You're finally going to let me into your secret lair?!" a shocked expression took over her face.

I chuckled at her reaction, "It's not a secret lair." I defended.

"Pretty much, I mean you never let anyone in there. So why me?"

"Because you're different, I trust you." I explained simply.

"Okay, well let's go!"

Lauren quickly hopped off of me and bolted for the backyard. I couldn't help but smile at how excited she was over this, I absolutely loved this side of her. Once we made it to the shed I unlocked the door and opened it allowing Lauren to walk in. Before I shut the door I made sure to put a sign on it telling people to stay out since we were going to be developing photos.

I noticed Lauren taking her time to examine the little photography studio set up. One wall was lined with shelves, each one containing different things ranging from photography equipment to several different types of cameras. I also had a worked station that lined two of the walls, scattered on it was all sorts of supplies needed for developing photos. I also had a desk with a computer on it in the corner that I used whenever I was editing my digital photos.

Lauren made her way over to my desk and picked up something. When I walked over to her and saw what is was I felt an ache in my heart.

"You miss him don't you?" she spoke ever so softly.

"All the time..." I said while trying not to let my emotions get the best of me.

In her hands Lauren held a picture of my dad and I. I remember that day so clearly, it was the day he bought me my first camera, I was 11. It was an old vintage camera and I fell in love with it. My dad and I would spend hours going different places and taking pictures of anything and everything.

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