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A/N: So I may have written this under the influence of alcohol... and I may have written it a while ago, but forgot to post it because of the alcohol, so yeah... Sorry for any mistakes!😂


Lauren should be here any minute and I was trying to hurry and finish up dinner before she got here. Lauren thinks we're just going to hang out and watch movies, but my parents went out of town last minute so I decided to do something nice and surprise her by making her favorite dinner. You see, Lauren and I have been secretly dating for a little over two years now, everyone around us thinks that we're just really good friends. The only people who know about us are our closest friends.

The thing is Lauren is afraid of what people would think about her if they knew that she's gay, but I don't understand why because I'm out and nobody at school has a problem with it. And I grew up with Lauren, her family is basically my second family and they know I'm gay and they still support me, so I don't know what's really holding her back from coming out. It's whatever though, she'll come out when she's ready, I don't want to pressure her to do anything she's not ready to do.

Just as I finished setting everything on the table I heard the front door open. I rushed over to it excitedly to be met with the sight of my gorgeous girlfriend. I rushed over to her and hugged her tightly, but it didn't feel right, it felt like she wasn't really hugging back. After I pulled away I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips, but again something was off, she stiffened a bit when I did this and her lips were uninviting. I felt something in the pit of my stomach and not like butterflies when you get really happy, but more like anxiousness or panic.

"Hey babe? Are you okay? You seem a bit off today?" I asked as I cupped her cheek. "I'm fine." She answered shortly and brushed my hand away from her.

I decided to shrug it off thinking maybe she just had a bad day. "Babe, I have a surprise! Close your eyes!" "Y/NN I need to-..." "Come onnn! Just do it!" I practically begged. Lauren sighed deeply then did as I asked. I grabbed her hand, interlacing our fingers, and lead her to the kitchen table. Once we were there I carefully sat her down, "Surprise!" I held my arms out showing her that I made dinner. "My parents went away for a few days and I thought I'd do something nice for you!" I walked over to her and sat down next to her and pecked her cheek. "Umm.. thanks.." she said coldly avoiding my gaze. "I-I know it's your favorite..." I played with my fingers nervously. "Mhmm.." she just started eating without even looking up at me.

Dinner was really quiet, I tried to make small conversation but Lauren just kept giving me short answers. But I knew something was really wrong when she didn't even finish half of her plate. After we were done eating I cleared the table and began doing the dishes. Lauren didn't even offer to help just so she can start a fight with the bubbles from the dish soap like she normally does, she just sat at the table messing around on her phone. Once I finished I dried off my hands and stood against the counter with my arms crossed, "Alright Lo, what's go-..." without even looking up she cut me off with words I never thought I'd hear... "Y/N, we're over".

I just stood there in complete shock trying to process what she had just said. I felt my stomach drop to the floor and my heart rate speed up drastically, I felt like I was going to faint. I couldn't believe what she had just said. Lauren always told me that I was her forever and always, that we were made for one another, she told me that she would never love anyone else the way she loves me, that's why this came as a complete surprise.

"Wh-What do y-you mean?" I asked barely above a whisper as tears filled my eyes.

"Exactly what I said, we're over... I'm done" she said without even taking a single glance at me.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt