Chapter 4

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"Tris!" I hear a voice scream my name.
"What!" I scream back not even bothering to figure out who wants me.
"Do you know were my new guitar strap is?" James asks sticking his head in my room.
"Probably in the bag by the door were Brad left it." I tell him looking up from my phone. His hair is all over the place and a look of relief crosses his face at my words.
"Thanks Tris. Love you." He says rushing down the stairs. Yeah I know, I think to myself with a sigh.
It's been over a week since the interview and nobody has really mentioned it.
A few minutes later I'm bored and James hasn't come back so I guess he found his guitar strap. Seeing it was only nine thirty I put my phone in my pocket and head down stairs. I see Brad and Connor curled up on the couch watching a movie but James isn't here.
"Where's James?" I ask hesitantly not wanting to interrupt their moment.
"Down in the music room." Brad says as Connor points torwards the basement door.
"Thanks." I tell them walking to the door.
I walk down stairs and find James tied up and bleeding to death on the floor. There's a man standing over him with a large butcher knife about to chop of his head. I'm to scared to scream. Without thinking I run in front of the speeding blade and it cuts though both of us in seconds.
They both died and haunted Brad and Connor for the rest of their lives.

Just kidding.

I walk down stairs and find James with his head in his hands looking down at a notebook page.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting next to him.
"It's just not coming out right." He says with a sigh.
"Want some help?" I ask.
"Would you?" He asks hopeful looking up.
"What you got?" I ask with a small grin.
"You know I've always been a little bit grounded always thinking bout how to get by but ever since I met you..." He sings before trailing off.
"I've been dreaming and I don't know why." I sing adding to his. He writes what I sang before continuing.
"Cause when I think of you I get a little feeling and I start to bubble up inside..." He stops again. I thing for a minute before singing.
"Then I'm all messed up cause all I see is windmills in the sky." He smiles slightly as he writes. We continue this until that and another song is complete. By then it's past midnight and we're both exhausted.
We both head up stairs and as we go through the living room I notice Brad and Connor are still curled up together on the couch but now they're both sound asleep.
"Night Trissy." I hear James mumble as he turns to go in his room.
"Night Jamesy." I reply softly entering my own room. Striping as I go I make my way to my bed. I insistent my head hits the pillow I fall asleep with a small smile on my face.


Sorry I was bored and my nieces are here this weekend and they always fight so I want to kill someone. What do you think?
Kirkir James

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