Chapter 20

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"We're going to be late!" Connor calls up the stairs to his fiance.
"And he always says us blondes are slow." James says laughing.
We have an interview in less than a half hour and everyone else is ready except for Brad. We're going to introduce the kids and probably tell the world about Brad and Connor's engagement. But right now Brad's being a worrier and we're not getting any where.
"I'm here." Brad says putting the backpack we use as a diaper bag on one shoulder. With his other arm he reaches down to pick up Lily before leaning over to give Connor a kiss.
"You two already sound like a married couple. It's disgusting." James tells them you can tell he doesn't mean it though with the small smile he's trying to hide.
"You're just jealous." Brad replies with a chuckle. James just shrugs.
"So boys you've been seen with three kids multiple times care to tell us who they are?" The interviewer, Cathy, asks. Brad's about to answer when a toddler's scream echos from backstage. Then a child's yelling.
"Don't touch my brother!" One look between us and all four of us are up and running.
"Who gave you permission to touch my brother? No one that's who." Ivy is yelling at a teenage boy who seems to be a stage hand.
"What's going on?" Brad asks keeping his voice calm.
"She-" The boy starts but Brad interrupts him.
"I'm not talking to you. Iv?" He asks looking pointedly at his daughter as Connor takes Jack from his sisters.
"We were sitting here quietly like you told us to waiting for one of you to come get us when he," She point an accusing finger at the boy. "Came over and tried to take Jack away."
"I was only trying to help. You don't leave little kids by themselves." The boy says indignantly. Where's your parents then I find myself thinking.
"Nobody touches my siblings except our parents and our uncle's and aunts. You don't fit any of those categories." Ivy snaps.
"Ivy raised her brother and sister for over a year. I think she can babysit them for five minutes." Brad tells him. "Now get out of here and don't ever touch my son again."
Brad picks Lily in one arm and holds his other hand out for Ivy. We all turn to head back to the stage and nearly run into Cathy and one of her cameraman.
"These are the three children we were just talking about." Cathy says with glee. "Did you just call him your son?"
"Why don't we go back on stage where it's more comfortable." Con suggests shifting Jack in his arms. Cathy nods and leads us back to the stage.
"So tells us about your son?" Cathy asks after we're all seated.
"Well I didn't knock some chick up that's for sure." Is the first thing Brad says and Cathy seems surprised by his words. "I know that's what everyone's thinking but no. I adopted them. They were living on the streets. Their parents dead. I couldn't imagine these poor angels going into foster care. This is Ivy, Lily, and Jackson." He says pointing out each child. An aww is heard through the crowd.
"How come this is the first time we're meeting your angels? Where were they during your concerts and things?" Cathy asks.
"Tris's friends Kersta and Mae watch them for us." Brad tells her.
"Auntie Kersta and Auntie Mae. Day gots married." Lily says giggling. Another aww echos through the crowd.
"I heard did you go to their wedding too?" Cathy asks the little girl. Lily nods her head quickly. "Speaking of the wedding." Cathy says getting back to business. "I heard that you were seen leaving early and you were crying. Is this true Tristan?" She asks looking at me.
"It was raining that night." I tell her shaking my head no. "I did leave early though."
"Okay." She says excepting my answer. "Back to Brad then. I noticed Ivy said parents as in plural. Was this just an oops in speech or do they have a mother too?"
"I'm going to answer that at the end when you ask who's single." Brad tells her and this time ohh is echo through the crowd.
"We since I have no more questions for you all. Who's single?" She asks with a chuckle. James and I are the only ones to hold up are hands as expected.
"I'll come back back to you in a minute Connor. I've got to hear what Brad has to say first." We all chuckle at this knowing Connor's answer is nearly identical to Brad's. "So you taken now?" She asks attention fully on Brad now.
"Yes I'm taken now. Taken for the rest of my life." He tells her with a ghost of a smile.
"For the rest of your life? What does that mean?" Cathy asks confused.
"It means I'm engaged." He says simply.
"So soon? Who is this lovely lady?" Cathy asks curiously.
"I've actually been in love with them for a long time I just never had the guts to tell them. I mean do you know how nerve wrecking it is to propose?" He asks without waiting for a reply. "They're the most amazing person I've ever known. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be by my side raising these kids."
"Well are you going to introduce us?" Cathy asks a bit impatient.
"You already know them." He tells her with a chuckle. "Their quite close by actually."
"Who has stolen your heart?" Cathy asks a bit perplexed. He hesitates for a moment before intertwining his right hand with Connor's left and raising them so Cathy and the camera could see. A gasp goes through both Cathy and the crowd. Then a mixture of cheers and boos comes from the audience.
"Is that a ring on Connor's finger?" Cathy asks shocked.
"Bronnor is real." Connor says speaking for the first time since we got back on stage.
"I'll say. So is there a date yet?" She asks then. Brad looks at Connor who shakes his head.
"Not quite yet. We're still working on the court date for the adoption. Then we'll focus on wedding things." Con informs her.
"So last time you boys were here Tris you said you had your eye on someone. Has anything progressed with that?" She asks turning her attention onto me. I start to shake my head no when Con speaks up for me.
"He was covering for me when he said that."
"So you don't have your eye on someone?" She asks confused.
"I always have my eye on someone." I joke trying to throw her off.
"Alright everyone you heard it here first. Brad and Connor of The Vamps are engaged to each other and they're adopting three young orphans. This is Cathy Granger on FM 58.9 with The Vamps."
This is a long one.
Do you think I should write James's sober confession in Tris's POV or James's POV?
I'm almost done with this book sadly and I want to have another Vamps book to start posting right away. I got a couple ideas what do you think. I have another Trames with Tris as the top with slight mpreg. There's a Jonnor feat Connor's childhood best friend Riah. Then a werewolf Brad that I haven't decided on yet. What do you think?

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