Chapter 19

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I wake up to raised voices. I look around confused at the room I'm in. Then I remember last night. The wedding and James words. Kersta and Mae letting me stay the night.
Making the bed I head to the kitchen. Kersta is already there with Lee.
"Morning." I say, tilting my head at Lee. He wasn't here when we went to bed last night.
"My mum dropped him off about five minutes ago. She wants me to babysit today. Like I had my wedding yesterday and I wanted to have some alone time with my wife today." Kersta tells me irritable.
"One he's what? Seventeen you said? Why does he need babysat? And two I was here anyway." I say.
"Long story short last time he was left at home alone he almost burnt the house down and you we could just kick out if we want to be alone. Can't kick him out if we're babysitting." She explains.
There's a knock on the front door.
"I'll get it." I tell them walking to the hall. I get to the door at the same time as Mae. She opens the door and I see Mark on the other side.
"Kersta's not going to be happy to see you. She won't leave you in the room alone with Lee either." Mae says shaking her head.
"Lee's here?" Mark asks confused.
"You didn't know? I thought that why you were here." She asks equally confused.
"No I came to talk to Kersta." He says almost sheepishly.
"Ah." Mae says understanding. "Tristan?" She asks looking at me. "Will you help? They were best friends and I hate seeing them fight." She tells upset. I sigh.
"Fine but if she gets mad I'm telling her you forced me to." I tell her.
"Fine with me." She say. "Okay so I'm going to get Lee out of the apartment and Tris you're going to let Mark in and then Mark you will either get Kersta to accept and forgive you or you'll get the crap beat out of you." Mae says with certainty. We both nod and she closes the door and the two of us head to the kitchen.
"Who was that?" Kersta asks still glaring at her brother.
"No one." Mae says shrugging. "I need to get something from the store and I'm going to take Lee with me so he can carry my bags and so so you don't kill him." She says giving Kersta a kiss and grabbing the keys off the counter.
"Okay. Be careful and get back soon. I love you." Kersta says with a soft smile at her wife.
Lee doesn't argue with Mae. Probably because he knows she's right. He follows her out the door with out a word. Kersta turns to the stove to work on food. After I few minutes I walk back to the front door and let Mark in.
Kersta turns towards us as we enter the kitchen. She sees him behind me and looks pissed.
"What's he doing here." She asks me.
"I came to talk to you. You've refused to talk to me since you found out about Lee and I." Mark says stepping into the room.
"I walked in on the two of you half naked on my mother's couch. You didn't even have the guts to tell me." She snaps at him.
"I was afraid you would forbid me from seeing him. I know how protective you are of him. He was afraid you would too." Mark says honestly.
"He was barely sixteen. We were almost eighteen. You've dated dozens of other people before. Why are you so insistent on my little brother?" She asks.
"Because I'm in love with your brother. I tried not to be but I can't help it. I love him. Kersta, I will do anything for you to forgive me and accept us." Mark says and I can tell he means every word.
"Anything?" Kersta asks a mischievous look in her eyes.
"Anything but kill someone." Mark tells her.
"Ahhh​, that's no fun." Kersta says a small smile appearing on her face. "Hurt my brother and I will kill you." She tells him seriously. "There's something else on your mind too."
"I don't want to add to your hatred of me." He says looking down.
"Tell me." Kersta insists. He sighs expecting the worst.
"I want to marry him." Mark tells her.
"What!" She exclaims shocked. "He isn't even eighteen yet."
"Not right now but in a few years." Mark explains. "I love him Kersta. I want to spend my life with him."
"In a few years" She agrees nodding. "Now come here." She tells him holding her arms out and pulling him into a hug.
"Now we need to catch up." She says pulling him to the table. She pours three cups of tea and gestures for me to sit with them.
I zone out for awhile while they talk. Then I realize Mark is staring at me.
"Did I miss something?" I ask.
"Nah I'm just trying to figure out what Lee sees in you." He tells me with a chuckle.
"If you can figure that out please tell me. I don't know what any of these fans see in me." I respond honestly.
"We're back." Mae's voice calls through the apartment. She walks in the kitchen moments later with Lee on her heels. He's carrying at least four bags that he nearly drops upon seeing Mark.
"What are you doing here?" The younger boy asks surprised.
"He just gave me his soul." Kersta with a straight face.
'What.' Lee mouths confused.
"Well he couldn't sell me his heart he already gave that to you so he sold me his soul." Kersta says with a chuckle.
"I can still make no sense of my sister's words can anyone else?" Lee asks.
"Mark asked for my forgiveness and acceptance." His sister tells him with a chuckle.
"And?" He asks impatiently drawing out the a.
"And I agreed." She says.
"So your not mad anymore?" He asks hopefully.
"Am I mad I wasn't told yes very much. Am I mad that the two of you are together no. That doesn't mean I'm pleased about it either. I already told Mark if he hurts you I will kill him." She replies. Lee drops all the bags and runs at his sister nearly pushing her over.
"Thank you." I hear him whisper. She hugs him tightly before turning to Mark.
"Now you will take my brother out on a sweet little date and treat him like a king. You will return at four no earlier. Mum will be back at five to get him. I planned to spend the day with my wife and I intend to do just that. And you." She says turning to look at me. "You will leave now too. You can come back after four if you need to but find somewhere else to spend the day."
"It fine I told Con I'd be back sometime today we have an interview tomorrow anyway." I tell her.
"Oh yeah, speaking of your wife I'm never going shopping alone with her again." Lee says shaking his head.
"Why where did she take you?" Kersta asks turning to look at Mae. "You didn't." She says seeing her wife's face.
"Hey you should of seen some of the things he was eyeing." Mae says in defense. Kersta face curls in disgust.
"I don't want to know." She says ushering us out.
"Where did you go?" Mark asks confused.
"Let's just say the ones that look innocent aren't always so." Lee tells him as Kersta closes the door on us.
I was planning on posting on the sixteenth on my mum's bday but I got a bit of writers block so here it is now.
I finished most of this waiting for my dad to get stitches in his legs that was fun.

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