Chapter 13

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Tristan's POV
So it's been over a week and so far I'm succeeding. We've had a few concerts, some meet and greets and I have avoided James with out seeming to avoid him just like the girls advised. I've actually gotten quite close with them. Kersta treats me like another brother and Mae isn't so shy anymore.
I think he's got it in his head to corner me now. I make my way over to Connor's room. I stick my head in and see he's sitting on his bed alone.
"Hey." I say entering.
"Hey." He replies turning off his phone.
"I'm going to go for a walk. You want to join me?" I ask.
"Sure." He says getting up and walking towards me.
As we walk out the door I see James and he looks a bit irritated. Part of me wants to laugh at him and part of me wants to run over hug him and apologize for avoiding him.
We walk for a ways until we're almost in the center of town. Connor tells me more about him and Brad and the dates Brad's taken him on. I tell him about Kersta and Mae and how helpful they've been.
"I swear they're more romantic than you and Brad and that's saying something." I tell him with a chuckle. He laughs too but then something catches his eye. I turn and see him looking at little girl maybe seven years old. She's covered in dirt, her hair is in knots, and her clothes are ripped to shreds.
We both seem to have the same idea and we walk towards her. She cringes away when we get close but she doesn't run.
"What's your name sweetie?" Connor asks her softly. She doesn't answer she just stares at us. So I try something else.
"Where's you parents?" The words are barely out of my mouth before she responds.
"Dead." She spits out harshly. Connor looks at me and I look at him.
"Do you have somewhere to stay?" Connor asks.
"Nobody wanted." She says simply.
"Are you sleeping on the street then?" I ask shocked. She nods. "Do you have any food?"
"I haven't eaten in three no five days." She says shrugging.
"We could get you some food." Connor offers.
"And a place to stay." I continue. She looks shocked then she hesitates.
"I can't." She says almost sadly.
"Why. What's the street got that food and shelter don't?" Connor asks confused. She hesitates a moment before turning and walking down an alleyway. After a few steps she turns to see if we're following. Connor looks at me and I just shrug. We follow her.
After about five minutes of walking through twisted alleys we hear a shrill cry like a baby's cry. The girl starts running towards a large box leaning against a dumpster.
"I? Is you?" A small voice from inside the box says over the crying.
"It's me Lil." The girl says pulling back the box.
"Jacky no better. Jacky worse." Says a little girl inside the box. She looks maybe five years old. She's holding a little boy maybe a year old.
"My brother and sister. I can't leave them. My brother's sick." The older girl says to us taking the crying baby from her sister.
"We could help all of you." Connor says. I nod.
"Really?" She asks. We both nod. "Okay." She smiles a little.
"Can you tell us your name now?" I ask.
"I'm Ivy. My sister is Lily and my brother is Jackson." She says.
"I'm Tristan and this is Connor." I tell her. Connor holds out his arms for the baby. She hesitates before handing her brother over. I reach out and pick up Lily. She's so light. I hold my other hand out to Ivy. She gently takes it and leads us out of the alley.

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